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You know what i hate?

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  • Rootsruler
    commented on 's reply
    I'm so sorry for you. I've had to put down pets that were suffering from old age afflictions. Not an easy task. Be thankful he had a full life and a caring partner in you.

  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    Its not much of a man that thinks he needs to hit a woman.

  • Rwise
    I hate loosing my best friend, my dog is going to die and there is not a damn thing I can do other than make it shorter to the end. I try to get him to eat (feeding him by hand one bite at a time until he says no more), but he will only eat a bit 1 time per day (thats with meds that cost nearly $25 a day), he has lost at least 10 lbs. I am waiting for lab tests to come back (is it also cancer?), but I already know he has a tumor on his liver, gall bladder and into his spleen. He spent 2 nights with the Dr/vet for observations, in this time the tumor doubled in size and is not operable. So now its up to me to decide just how long he lives (suffers) before I have to make the choice to have him put to sleep. For now he does not act like he is in major pain, uncomfortable yes, getting weaker yes loosing weight yes. IMHO my dog is more faithful and loyal than a spouse or kids, he is almost 14 YO (I have had him since he was a puppy) I new this day would come, but I thought I would have another couple of years with him at the least. Having him put to sleep seems like I am choosing to kill him, and if I thought he was in severe pain I would make the decision sooner. I am already missing him, and again my face is wet with tears, he is also deaf so he cant hear me telling him how much I love him, but I think he knows.
    Anyway Happy thanksgiving to you all, I wish it was for us too but I'll be here crying.

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  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
    Good point. I'm not much into amputation. Taking a hammer to pulverize bone is something I am down with. Seems it would be quite the humbling experience.

  • Bluey
    commented on 's reply
    Nepotism or inbreeding?

    I have seen domestic violence many times and do not tolerate it....I put it into the public domain just as you have. Seems to do the trick often.

    It's quite despicable

  • GreenState
    commented on 's reply
    Gingerbeard broken hands and feet will heal, there are better more permanent options.

  • Gingerbeard
    I am especially upset by this for his daughter. Met her when she was 4 or 5. She's 8-9, now. Parents split. Neighbor got to spend time with her. Mom lives in TJ so I don't know on which side is her school.
    Special embarrassment to neighbor is he is blood or in-law related to at least 6 other apartment units. Or manager is related to them all, as well. Can you say, 'nepotism?'

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  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
    Pond scum has value in its ecosystem.

  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
    That is a big reason why I never became a cop. Domestic abusers would not necessarily make it back to the station. Broken hands and feet make it real hard to be an abuser.

  • StickyNugsAZ
    commented on 's reply
    Even if you dont like country, check out the video 'wait in the truck' by hardy

  • Going2fast
    He's not a man anymore he's pond scum.

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  • Gingerbeard
    I hate finding out a neighbor/friend who I smoked with, headed back across the border to escape domestic abuse/assault charges after sending a woman to the hospital.
    How does a man look another man in the eye after he beats a woman? I really hope I don't see him, again.

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  • Ckbrew
    I hear that Rwise. In the last 2 years I have lost 12 friends...

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  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    I have been cooking since I was big enuf to drag a chair to the range. Remember those old ovens with pilots? You know the ones the did not have the safety cut off for when the pilot went out. By the time I was 5YO that oven had tried to blow me up many times, I eventually figured out you open the oven door and let it set before crawling inside to relight that damn pilot!

  • Rwise
    I hate finding that yet another friend has passed away, and when they are younger than myself well, it kinda makes me fell old.

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