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  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    Well well isn't that a lovely spider. She or he? No matter it's a spider that I've never seen such interesting body. Thanks for showing it to us.

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    I agree w/ HappyDaze as long as you don't go overboard outdoors. As you already know, cannabis has a lot more need for leaves outdoors. You don't live in a high humidity region, I assume, so you should have worries about mold and bud rot...

  • alltatup
    Here's my favorite spider where I live:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	clavipes.JPG
Views:	563
Size:	233.6 KB
ID:	321975

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  • HappyDaze
    commented on 's reply
    Nice looking plants...there`s lots of good reasons to clean off excessive foliage during your grow. Too much leaf matter gives bad bugs a place to hide too, and depending on where you live, fungus and mold can be an issue. Opening up airflow through the plants makes them happy, indoors and outdoors. Ask someone who grows tomatoes...LOL, weed growers didn`t invent defoliation techniques, we just copied them..

    You mentioned using one plant as a wind barrier for long as they aren`t being damaged by the wind, the one`s that are in the wind the most, will do the best. They`re wind pollinated plants, and they respond to being blown around, by making bigger flowers so you don`t want to overprotect them.

  • MeestaFeesha

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  • MeestaFeesha
    Finished up a while ago, worked at a slow pace and admired the babes as I went. While, as I had mentioned before, I took my sweet time in planning how they would end up..Interesting process I had gone through, where at first I did not prune much, thinking of wind, and the plants having a fan leaf barrier...I did get a bit excessive on the last lady, who is protected by her sister.

    My goal in pruning (I've learned elsewhere the proper term is defoliation) was to remove the excess (inner, new growth) on these larger plants, so that they can instead focus on the very large canopy that already exists (and repairing the damage I did removing growth). From what I've read and learned, I believe that most people do this when entering flower. As the plant will stop focusing on vegetative growth(rebuilding) and instead have a priority of bud building. I've had second thoughts on the direction in which I've gone, as this is an outdoor grow. Although, I believe the plants are sturdy (and hope the strain resilient enough!) to be able to have no issue.

    I did leave some small growth at the heart of the third WW, as a mantis had made it its home. I love to share, and you're the people who enjoy this as much as I do! Thank you for stopping by, if you've got any tips on what to do/what could have been different, (that I've done wrong 🤦‍♂️) or questions, let me know! 😅🤘😎


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  • MeestaFeesha
    Getting to the final touches on the last WW. On this one through LST (and pruning) before training the main I was able to create a space for it to be comfortable. Also testing the end goal with my hands before putting any ties on. (Photos 1+2 are swapped)

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  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    She's gonna be a monster.

  • MeestaFeesha
    One down, one big lady to go. It's hot in the sun...😅🤘

    Happened to pinch a flying insect between my fingers, found and fed a Mantis!
    Last edited by MeestaFeesha; 07-13-2019, 03:12 PM. Reason: Praying Mantis Added

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  • MeestaFeesha
    Top of the morning to y'all. I've taken my walk to get coffee, lounged a bit, now getting started on LST for the rest of the ladies.

    I took this picture of the stem of the happy woman I had worked with yesterday. Before applying any LST I had gone through and cleaned up the inner skeleton, pinching and cutting off the smaller new growth hidden inside.

    Alriiighty, lathering on some sunblock and getting to it. I'll catch you all this afternoon 😎

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  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    Good to know! 😎🤘. Definitely a lot cooler, just a few random heat waves earlier in spring, kinda scared of what the heat in August/September will be like. 5'?! Oh my, after LST yesterday on the one, I checked this morning, I'm just touching 4' round again.

    Haha, yes, don't plan on moving the 25gal pots. If I did, I've got a pallet and lifting straps, just need to enlist help. Wish I knew the tomatoes I have, they're starting to get happier than when they were dropped off.

  • SoOrbudgal
    I'm loving the way the WW photo is looking. My photo WW has only been topped once and then her large lateral branches spread with bamboo. She's abit over 5ft. right now. Flowering won't be long down your way, we will be about 2-3 wks behind you I believe. I'm usually 2-3wks behind nor. cal. Great weather for outdoor here. It's cooler than last summer so far. Damn that's a big container hurts my back thinking about possible move to GH. That WW should hopefully finish by mid sept. I have sun gold tomats real little sweet orange minis.

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  • PaganRich
    commented on 's reply
    MeestaFeesha Do like your garden mate, looks very peaceful and secluded...saying that, you could be living in the shadow of a tower block with gang shootings occurring all `round as you go out to water but it does look like a nice place to sit with a cuppa and a good book

  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    Even better! Biased as I am as well. PaganRich alright, is four ciders short of psycho an actual saying? Either way I think I'll be using it. It's a riot bud.

    And alltatup you were right on the money about Sugar Black Rose being thirsty! Can't lie there. I need to keep reminding myself that I have 4 varieties and they have different needs.

  • MeestaFeesha
    Checking in here, hello all! I'm at a halfway point in LST here...on one WW! 😋. Taking my time and laying out how things will be with my hands before putting any ties on. Bringing the elevation down and the circumference up.

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