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Meesta's Grow

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  • MeestaFeesha
    Finished understanding what to do with the young ladies. Spaced them away from each other and continued LST and supercropping as necessary. Larry OG was moved off by herself, giving both Sugar Black Rose and Strawberry Diesel their needed room.

    Strawberry Diesel has really taken off outside, as well as in her new pot. Will try and save her for the future.

    I think that's it for me until later this week/this time next week, even then, it will most likely be a watering and growth update. Here's a familiar line to those who have followed or read this far....thank you for stopping by! 🤘😎

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  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    Ah yes, as I have learned from this grow all too well.

  • HappyDaze
    commented on 's reply
    Zone 3 ....99 days frost free here. I think the almanac says May twentysomething to second week of September, so I'm just a tad jealous of your temps and extended season. It's probably a good thing though....I get a little obsessive about the plants and spend way too much time puttering with them.

  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    If my memory serves me right, we had commented on a topic together where you mentioned your were (zone 3-5?) with roughly 80 days no frost? I can see that being tough, I'm spoiled here 😋(not to rub it in your face 🤦‍♂️)

  • MeestaFeesha
    Here we have WW the first of her name. This magnificent lady has been outside since May 25. We've had an up and down relationship, as she was forced outside due to space limitations, and did not appreciate the ubrupt change in lighting/weather conditions. I like to think that there's an understanding now that I treat them better than I treat myself at times!

    Being the first plant to receive training as well as pruning, I took care to not remove much, and spent more time than the others on determining the best way to LST. Final picture is the garden corner, it's now the moment for quality time with my three young ladies.

    Catch you all on the other side!
    Last edited by MeestaFeesha; 07-14-2019, 03:48 PM. Reason: I added an apostrophe, which one though?

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  • HappyDaze
    commented on 's reply
    The training you've done opened the plants up nicely. It'll be fun to see how the next batch come along. You've got a lot going on there and it makes me want to do more outside, but our season is just too short.

  • MeestaFeesha
    If the previous plant was WW the third of their name, this is WW the second. 🤦‍♂️😂🤘😎

    Also, the lady who is a windshield for her sister. The weather has become much more mild, as well as the addition of LST, where they have movement it's more static.

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  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    😂, eh, spiders are pretty cool. The one that surprises you when you don't expect it, like when I pick up a brick or stone and there's a big ole Black Widow...yea, no thank you. The rest don't bother me none though, I pick em up and move em when necessary

  • MeestaFeesha
    Okilly dokilly, hi ho diddly neighbors! 😋

    Been in the 80's for a few days, the women have been through a stressful period, but are chugging along wonderfully. The canopy is evening out again, I couldn't be happier. Not sure if I will continue with much LST after this point, the plants are just around two feet tall, I am debating with myself over just letting them go.

    The large ladies received 4gal of water today, delivered by 2gal watering cans. The second of which containing full strength nutes of Big Bloom and Grow Big. I normally feed every other watering, being that I removed a fair amount (I believe what I have done is dubbed "Lollipopping") I made the decision to feed them again.

    I've added photos of the White Widow that I had worked on last, and will add the other two soon here. Also potted some Sunflowers and a Salvia plant today...and more marigolds! Gonna start LST on the three younger beauties today, their training may be interesting.

    Will be adding a bit more throughout the day, thanks for coming and seeing the happenings of this grow journey!


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  • PaganRich
    commented on 's reply
    SoOrbudgal alltatup I can honestly say that protecting would not be a term I`d use...bowel loosening, cardiac inducing, that would be more reflective. I mean Atu you go between gurt big gigantic 8 legged fast killers that nick your bananas (Thieving toe rags) to monkeys that have an advanced aptitude in dogging you right out. I mean they even have the Thousand Yard Stare off to pat...where`s the peace, where`s the harmony. Imagine, you`re sitting down having a Rich Tea and a cuppa, casually look over and see a gurt 8 legged thing coming at you...they`d be tea and biccy`s flying everywhere. No, can`t be having that...I`d be a bundle of nerves by a week Tues

  • MeestaFeesha
    Well, god bless the older woman who is always at Ace Hardware..yelling at the kids from time to time, I love it. She mentioned they're having trouble getting ladybugs, and cited this migration in Southern California as a reason 😂. Not sure the merit to it, but thought it was interesting enough to share.

    Picked up more Mantis Ooths anyways.
    A swarm of ladybugs is so massive it's registering on radar maps as it moves through Southern California.

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  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    PaganRich You're a fine one to talk; there's really no difference between your skull avatar and mine!!!!!

    SoOrbudgal It's nephila clavipes, commonly known as a banana spider. I get them all around my house in the summer; very protecting.

  • PaganRich
    commented on 's reply
    alltatup It`s that bloody spider again.

  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    That is a different looking spider indeed! The yellows, black and white make it special in its own right.

  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    Awesome. 😎. Just getting up for the day, about to stroll for a morning brew. Thank you both for the info. I've got some better peace of mind, interesting the rollercoaster ride of my worrying degree. I'll take some better pictures today.

    Did end up flushing a garden spider off a plant yesterday, I had been curious where the baby mantids had gone.

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