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You know what i hate?

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  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    I tend to agree, but what will the courts say, and I blame google for a lot of things, but the addressing shit here is because of 911 and how they chose to divide things up which gave me a tulsa zip code setting here in crook county.

  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
    Destruction co. If the address on the paperwork was right, the on-site supervisor is to blame for not verifying an address by an actual address.
    Blaming Google is giving Google God status. Infallibility. Never question Google or God. WWGD?

  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    And just how long until they completely make her whole again? And who is going to be paying for it, the destruction co or google or both?

  • Gingerbeard
    This is a silver lining morning. I have to find silver linings in stuff. Maybe I could pass this 'could be worse' silver lining to you. Small comfort as this does not get you your package.
    Woman's home demolished after Google Maps error (

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  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    BTW last "GPS" unit I had ended up as a speedometer for my CJ5 after trying to use it on the highway to Florida. It said "take a right, take a right, left, left left, left left" around in circles I went, then headed toward Florida it said "recalculating" and away we went!
    My daughter is lost without her GPS, I can get there faster without it, but I also know how to read street signs and can tell E, W, N, and S, my dad would have never let me drive if I could not read a map and know how to find addresses. Right up there with checking the oil, filling the gas tank and changing a flat tire.
    BTW there are 2 GPS units that do find me, they are they 2 most expensive units on the market (last time I checked)
    The package that was sent to the farm last year was mostly epsom salts, hope they enjoyed it.

  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    BTW last "GPS" unit I had ended up as a speedometer for my CJ5 after trying to use it on the highway to Florida. It said "take a right, take a right, left, left left, left left" around in circles I went, then headed toward Florida it said "recalculating" and away we went!
    My daughter is lost without her GPS, I can get there faster without it, but I also know how to read street signs and can tell E, W, N, and S, my dad would have never let me drive if I could not read a map and know how to find addresses. Right up there with checking the oil, filling the gas tank and changing a flat tire.
    BTW there are 2 GPS units that do find me, they are they 2 most expensive unit on the market (last time I checked)
    The package that was sent to the farm last year was mostly epsom salts, hope they enjoyed it.

  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    Fedex is telling me its googles fault for a bad address in their system that is fucking up everyone else's system. But I just used google with my addy and it is correct (they still have issues) as to where I am. They must stop adding an "N" to the end of my address, the address with the North is a field and not my home. Turley is about 30 miles north of me, on the other side of Tulsa.

  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
    Frrwwhhhaaa??? Give up GPS? Are you mad? I dare you to walk up to a random stranger and tell him/her/them to turn off their GPS. You would wind up in the river. Not a nice river, either: the Tijuana River.
    I don't even have a GPS device and I can't believe you would say that. Golly! You really got some cajones.
    And someone in Turley probably needs that thing more than you do. Wherever Turley is. But he/she/it is quite desperate.

  • Rwise
    I have said this before but I HATE FEDEX! After all the shit I went through last year they have already forgotten how to deliver here, again changed my address to who knows where (likely Turley OK). IF they would use drivers that can read it would help, and then toss that cheap ass GPS in trash where it belongs and simply read the street signs. Its just not that hard. And In ordered through amazon, I just sent them a notice that I will be canceling the order in 48 hours if they dont help me.

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  • Gingerbeard
    What credit card? If some mafia fuck tries to use my information, all the other organized crime types will laugh their organized asses off. It would be the financial ruin of the mafia. Thier seller rating would drop to zero. I get your point. But, really, I am not someone who worries about getting ripped off for my information. I am no one who owns nothing.
    If someone in another country steals from me, that is the end of it. Ain't jack for jack to be done about it. I'd just have one more reason to hate some entire damn dirty foreign country from somewhere else I never wanted to go, anyway!
    If someone in this country steals from me, there is a chance to get remunerated through fraud laws and watch the thief get ass raped by an angry pre-op transvestite guard in a federal pen.
    My neighbor just laid into me about getting ripped off a few times, domino, online. She is the poster child of beautiful human beings who are targets for scams. My god how naive! Recent, first gen immigrant. Middle age. Neo-techno. Nurse at the VA. Supports family back home. <5'-0" <100lbs. Timid. Lives alone. Blesses and prays for people. I felt like a turd for weeks because I was unable to drive the 110 miles to get her to LAX at 5:30am. The people who ripped her off need to be set on fire. Extinguished. Then set on fire again.
    Shit ain't the way shit used to be, man. You could tell when the guy at your door wasn't the real Avon lady when he told you your shampoo brand by the smell when you opened your door.
    Anyway. A good thing is that people are beginning to be sentenced to longer terms and are being caught more frequently.
    I was already pissed off when you posted Rwise and am super baked. I'll bash on bad actors all day. But it is night and I need to go to bed. Probably wind up deleting this in the morning, anyway. Thanks for letting me rant on your rant.

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  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    So you dont mind having your credit card info sold on the black market?

  • Gingerbeard
    Maaaannnn... you caught me at a time Rwise .
    I no longer have a problem doing business with criminals, for, I am an American capitalist with world purchasing power! Giving my money to scumbag American criminals is low on my list of poor personal morality.
    My house is stuffed with goods from countries with zero human rights. From countries my country hates. Made from a myriad of forever products. Made from minerals gathered through serious earth fucking. Probably full of asbestos, radon, and Camp Lejeune water.
    As long as the customer service is adequate, I will do business with these people.

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  • Rwise
    This kind of crap, and I was shopping there, no more!

    GrowGeneration’s management team is one of the most questionable we have ever seen at a public company. Top executives have extensive ties to alleged pump & dump schemes, organized crime and various acts of fraud. President & Co-Founder Michael Salaman was alleged by the FTC to have engaged in a scheme to sell consumer credit card information without authorization. He has an extensive career in penny stock failures alongside his father, Abraham Salaman, a twice-convicted fraudster with ties to the mob.

    Read full article here:

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  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    And they had already realized they lost their coin, wrote it off and found another phone to stick another quarter in so they can get that bag of weed.

  • Rwise
    commented on 's reply
    Those that got stuck were the many peps that shoved a quarter in there and lost it not getting to make there call for a bag of weed. Each one of them donated to my need for fuel. There wasn't enuf for beer too.

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