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In THe NEWS... Corona

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  • RagWeedDWC
    commented on 's reply
    I discovered that I had bought 2 24 roll cases of what my bride calls "Truck Stop Toilet Paper" for my hurricane locker. You should of heard all the cat calls and laughter when I broke them out to check on them...… Not so much now :-) Everyone seems to want at least one roll.... I have been using them in the shop for fine sandpaper… Sure its great for a hurricane locker but tough on the behind.

  • Rwise
    If I watered it it would be very Fn negative, not to the people, but powers that be. In fact you might think I was pissing on it,

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  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    What's on your mind???

  • herbgrower
    Why this thread is dry? Somebody water it.

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  • Gingerbeard
    This is what I get for not paying taxes and making a little more than 10G's a year. A whole extra freaking month! Geez. Might as well forget it. I'm pouting.

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  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    JohnEmad I knew years ago about the shitty Chinese dogfood, and I always try to buy Canada/US made. My nutrients are Canadian and my grow boxes, and my favorite vape are Canadian. I LOVE Canada. It's not that I trust China, cuz I don't, but I mistrust my own govt with all its ties to corporate and to fossil fuel far more. Would I rather be in China, OH HELL NO, but I'm more worried about my own psychopathic govt.

    So I think we agree more than not. I get upset when I see folks making fun of ethnicity, creating ugly stereotypes and all that shit, cuz it always reminds of of Jim Crow and anti-Judaism.

  • JohnEmad
    commented on 's reply
    hey alltatup, I agree that no countries gov't is perfect. In fact far from it. In Canada our economic relief program for covid 19 also included a section granting our minority gov't full unquestioned power to make decisions for 2 years. It was like holding people hostage to gain power. Despicable.
    Anyway i will always support our US brothers and sisters over a foreign power like China. Buy US or Canada made first if possible. Just ask our neighbor about the china made dog food that is the main culprit in killing their dog. Laced with poisonous residue in their manufacturing process.
    Anyway enough said. I am going to stick to commenting on cannabis and stop my ranting about politics and unproven theories. ...for now. lol.

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    JohnEmad He's not my president, and he is a compulsive liar. He's a seriously sick individual. I also like to do my own research and take everything online with a grain of salt until I'm convinced that enough sources are verifying facts. Nonetheless, I don't think any govt. tells the truth, and I'm not "afraid" of China. I'm too busy casting the beam out of USA's eye to worry about the mote in China's.

  • herbgrower
    commented on 's reply
    alltatup Haha. "Take HCQ, what you have to lose? TRY IT"

  • JohnEmad
    commented on 's reply
    I have always liked to do my own investigating. Your President is very troubling to listen to on many subjects. Either way there is a long term trend of deadly things coming out of China.

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    I say don't trust anything that trump says.

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    herbgrower Seems we share a similar view on the current situation and the way things work in the US.

  • herbgrower
    commented on 's reply
    alltatup "wait it out" was just figure of speech. And in this thread earlier I mentioned how climate change is related to diseases. That was the post when I first said this isnt the last pandemic. I used example of amazon rainforest. People are creating grasslands and lodging sites in denial of the infiltration they're doing into the species they know very little about. The rising temperatures and unusual climate is creating various kind of mutation both in wildlife and in the viruses of which that wildlife is host.
    In third world countries there is exodus of daily wage workers who have no money to buy food because they used earn and eat day to day. It is more of reverse exodus because first they left their villages for cities, now they're leaving cities to villages. It is both humanitarian and health crisis.

    I watched Trevor Noah on how this is affecting African-american and latino community much more than others. These all should be seen as beacon of our much ignored(unexposed) realities.

    I agree we both are saying same thing just with different spectacles. If we'd be in Europe, we both would be voting for Green party and in Canada may be Trudeau. With the time I have accumulated a crosscountry multicultural group of people who share the same opinion.

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    herbgrower I think we agree more than we disagree: I just read an article in the NYTimes about how dealing with the reality of this situation is much healthier than being in denial. Which is why I would never assure anyone they weren't going to get the virus--not if they were practicing risk-taking behavior like going around lots of people without a mask.

    I never said I'm just waiting for covid19; I said I'm practicing safety. Yes, there's been information about these viruses for quite some time, and their connection to destruction of natural habitats. South Korea's experience with SARS and another virus prepared people for this situation, and the masks came right out. Practice does make perfect.

    As for third world countries, right here in the US, the death rate from the virus is far higher for blacks and latinos, in other words, for those with least economic access to everything that protects the middle class--the luxury of social distancing, for one. That's being written about.

    What I'm pessimistic about is not knowledge and experience gained from this pandemic: it's the reality of the destruction of the environment getting right back into full swing after this has passed. The sky will be filled with planes again, the roads over-flowing with trucks and cars, the factories churning out toxic smoke again. I've seen a couple of reports about rate of death being higher for those exposed to polluted air where they live. All of this is the inevitable result of human destruction of the environment, i.e., climate change.

    I would have hope if we went back to regional economies, but it's going to take a far wider devastation in order for that to happen.

  • herbgrower
    commented on 's reply
    JohnEmad While I think China do want world domination, I don't think this is the (Chinese)way to do it. The problem with China is not having access to information and utter negligence of human life. For example China hasn't fully disclosed the details of investigation of Coronavirus from its origin; Wuhan Seafood Market. China has deliberately delayed scientists and investigators from the world to trace the actual patient zero. Most here would know what is patient zero yet I will break it down for some who might not. Patient zero is the first person who got infected from the transmission host. Corona is said to have lived and continue to live in bats and it is said to have jumped from them to another animal. That animal is transmission host who by coming in contact with other species(human) transmits the virus to it. Now we don't have specific and definitive information about this in relation to corona because China hasn't allowed independent access to Wuhan Seafood market and other medical information. That investigation is the only way to get to know the virus better which can help to fight it better. On the top of all these, this spread was related to wet markets where hygiene standards do not exist. Despite global resistance, China has reopened the Wuhan Seafood Market. It appears that they will never learn. All they care about is optics and China shouldn't look defeated. I do not like/advocate calling this virus "chinese" virus but I also say don't trust everything that china says.

    As the cases of coronavirus increase in China and around the world, the hunt is on to identify "patient zero". But can singling out one person in an outbreak do more harm than good?

    Terrified dogs and cats crammed into rusty cages. Bats and scorpions offered for sale as traditional medicine. Markets in China are operating as usual.

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