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A new grow, GG#4/WW/BW

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  • Bluey
    commented on 's reply
    Hi there @greenstate

    Nice setup you have there

    Fires are a regular occurrence here and not something anyone enjoys. We had had some pretty big ones here a few years ago with putrid thick smoke and it ruined crops across two states..smoke taint they call it but I'm not sure if it adds or detracts from the flavour of your grass, since it is smoked.

  • GreenState
    SoOrbudgal Ckbrew Nice seeing some familiar names! Hope you all are well!
    Those clips do work well for adjusting the tension on the tie downs, especially if you have to slowly coax a branch in place.

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  • Ckbrew
    commented on 's reply
    Looking good. I borrowed the binder clip move for this year's grow, working out well.

  • SoOrbudgal
    Gonna do a shout out to oldjarhead100 hope you are well brother? I know your busy but how's your garden this year so far?

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  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    Boy fella it's good to see your still around these parts. your place looks so beautiful. I've thought about those fires up your way i've not heard much from the Canadian growers how their fairing. Your plants are looking great BTW everything is still so green, round here it's getting dry as heck very dangerous in the woods.

  • GreenState
    Long time, no post. After skipping a year, decided to grow a couple GG4's and white windows. Having grown both before(using my own seeds this go)
    I know the white widow wants to grow tall and straight. So the two in bondage are the WWs. All have received their final topping.
    These will be grown in small containers on my deck. Hope all is well with ya'll.
    A peaceful morning here in the mountains, although a bit smokey from the Canadian wild fires.
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  • Eliot Pryor
    commented on 's reply
    GreenState O was a stock I held for a while, made a bit on it moved on for some reason I can't remember. I also did alright the 1st quarter. Bet you never considered diesel a growth investment. Good to hear from you !!

  • GreenState
    commented on 's reply
    Eliot Pryor Certainly been nice to see IRM and other value/income investments outperform during the 1st quarter.
    I was pleasantly surprised to end the Q in the green!
    Hope all is well on your end. Getting ready to begin my final work season, even got the big dog truck out of the garage. Full
    tank of diesel purchased in November when I put her up for the winter. That Nov. fill up was probably @ $2 less per gallon than current diesel prices!
    All the best
    (finally bought a position in O(03/14/22) at $65.02/sh, had been patiently waiting for months! ha,ha)
    Last edited by GreenState; 04-02-2022, 04:04 AM.

  • Ckbrew
    commented on 's reply
    Yes i see that. I will have to remember this next fall. A small project to keep me entertained over the winter.

  • GreenState
    commented on 's reply
    Ckbrew nothing better than "house plants" in the winter, they see m to offer hope (hope the winter will end soon!)

  • Ckbrew
    commented on 's reply
    My kind of house plant

  • GreenState
    Hard to believe, these natural light window sill grown clones are a week shy of 5 months old, now 7 inches tall (lol). Still no signs of revegging yet. They must have concrete like root balls by now. They might just make it to planting season.
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  • Bowhunterwoody
    commented on 's reply
    Both the doe and skipper look healthy! Seem to have made it through the winter in great shape. Must be early brown ground for you this year. Hurts my back just looking at that pile of wood. Blocking and splitting are actually fun work, stacking just plain sucks.

  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    I will no longer have a wood stove to deal with. I will miss it believe it or not, i curse cleaning it out 1x wk in winter but i will miss the warmth and cooking ability when the power goes out LOL. I will create a firepit for sure

  • GreenState

    A couple of deer looking out my dirty kitchen window yesterday. Now that most the snow has melted I can see that I
    made pretty good headway(5 cord done for sure) on next winters wood. Only 6 more logs from the truck load left to cut up and split, yea. Be awhile before I
    can stack it up, ground has to firm up.
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