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A new grow, GG#4/WW/BW

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  • Eliot Pryor
    commented on 's reply
    Yep, gin was my drug of choice till it nearly killed me back in 2010. Actually it was quitting the gin that nearly killed me, had a mild stroke. All better now. I think that was a Smith-Barney advertisement. You are showing your age by remembering that, must have been 40 years ago.

  • GreenState
    commented on 's reply
    Eliot Pryor <What can I say Jesus really loves me> I think he was on the fence regarding me until I quit drinking in 1994...
    now I believe he's come around to my side

  • Eliot Pryor
    commented on 's reply
    Until about 5 years ago I always did the reinvest thing with the dividend. Now I just take the income. I've got T that I've had for many years. I am going to hold on to it. Also have VZ. I retired 14 years ago and since then golf, gardening and managing my accounts is all I do. Living the great American dream. What can I say Jesus really loves me.

  • GreenState
    commented on 's reply
    Eliot Pryor "they earned it" that was a great ad! Since I control the vertical and I control the horizontal on this thread(unless overwritten by those higher up ) I don't mind us going off topic or anyone else joining in. We are far to similar, as ABBV is also my largest individual stock holding!
    I did trim my position earlier in the year as it got uncomfortably sizable,as it has a few times(and as it borders on once again<g>) and I wanted to pay some of the long term cap gains tax on the shares in my taxable acc (hold it in 2 different accs). By buying and holding your path is certainly a smoother approach.
    All the best
    (I think IRM pays the dividend tomorrow. I look at some of these stock as employees that earn the owner money)

    02/16/2016 08:49:37 Bought * ABBV @ 53.25(trad ira)
    04/01/2016 11:36:25 Bought * ABBV @ 57.3901(trad ira)
    10/11/2017 17:51:29 Sold * ABBV @ 92.4(trad ira)
    10/11/2017 17:51:29 Sold * ABBV @ 92.275 (trad ira)
    10/22/2019 11:25:22 Sold * ABBV @ 78.44(Trad ira)
    08/22/2019 09:37:59 Bought * ABBV @ 67.74 (taxable acc)
    04/19/2021 07:02:12 Sold * ABBV @ 108.03 (taxable acc)
    04/20/2021 07:05:08 Sold * ABBV @ 108.30 (taxable acc)

    I saw Charlie Munger increased his position in BABA, @ 98 yo still has balls of steel (ha) My Dad is 89 still active in the markets! (saw he recently bought a few shares of T below $23)
    Last edited by GreenState; 01-05-2022, 07:17 AM.

  • Eliot Pryor
    commented on 's reply
    I bought ABBV at 60.53 on 1/19/2017 then in June of 2019 I added some more. Actually it is my largest holding. It got there the old fashioned way. *they earned it *

  • GreenState
    And I'm sure everyone is sitting on pins and needles wondering how I am progressing with next years wood
    I'd guess I've got 2 cord split..little at a time, somedays, very little! Time for my nap
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  • GreenState
    commented on 's reply
    Eliot Pryor ABBV's been very good to me to, you got me curious. My first purchase was 2/2016@ 53.25...but as important, my first dividend was $.57/q, now $1.41/q, for sure that is dividend growth -(I also auto reinvest the divy,extra compounding ) top S&P aristocrat.

  • Eliot Pryor
    commented on 's reply
    ABBV has doubled since I got it. PFE has been good.
    I changed phones recently and have not quite figured out how to post pictures with it yet. I have Purple Punch and Girl Scout Cookies growing. Just received some Tropicana Poison seeds. They are supposed to finish in 7 weeks. I like to have some variety. I got started on the Purple Punch by chance, when the seller ran out of Acapulco Gold he gave me a choice of any other strain. Of the strains I've grown the Purple Punch is by far the best.

  • GreenState
    commented on 's reply
    Eliot Pryor, I forgot,re:reits, I also own MAC bought in the 12's. Seems we're somewhat similar, I'm currently holding 20 stocks/etf's and 4 mutual funds(at vanguard). I tend to hold long term (I find selling to be the most difficult decision to make). I also enjoy some short term trading,keeps me stimulated and interested -NIO ha,ha). I hold some familiar names ABBV (5-6years), SO,PRU (bought in the low 50's during the covid crash), KMI, RTX,BCE SCHD,VTI,PFXF......and so on. By,the by, my plants came through just fine, so real pleased with that.
    Last edited by GreenState; 01-04-2022, 11:20 AM.

  • Eliot Pryor
    IRM has been good for me also. Got in around 30 bucks. I have about 20 different stocks. I don't trade much just buy and hold for the dividends.

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  • GreenState
    commented on 's reply
    Eliot Pryor re: KHC...Berkshire, I'm a huge fan of Charlie Munger, I've probably watched every youtube video he's been in.
    An incredibly smart man, even nearing 100yo. His move into BYD in China will go down as one of his best.
    I'll take a peak at AFCG. Only reit I own now is IRM, held it a couple of years now for their transformation into data centers.
    KBR (the old Kellogg, Brown and Root) has been another transformation stock I've owned for 3 or 4 years now. They don't build bridges anymore (lol)..Lots grass showing here, not good for the ski areas, but great for wood splitting!

  • Eliot Pryor
    commented on 's reply
    I have had KHC since before Kraft and Heinze merged. I use to have Ford but let it go. I picked up a REIT that finances cannabis businesses. Symbol AFCG. Name Alpha Flower Capital Gamma. They are pretty new and are still issuing new shares. I'm in at 20.67. It pays a nice dividend. Good luck !!

  • GreenState
    @Eliot Pryor Well, Ford's gone through a consolidation phase but may be looking to be breaking out of the channel.
    It's getting interesting. Had to jettison ANF for a small loss, have added UNM ($24.68/sh) and KHC ($35.98/sh yesterday) for the new year. Trying not to stretch for yield in a stretched market (g).
    Click image for larger version  Name:	F breakout chart.png Views:	0 Size:	47.3 KB ID:	552007

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  • GreenState
    A couple of better pictures showing the damage taken on as a result of my 7 day absence. A poorly unplanned grow, they've had 3 strikes against them from the beginning, but at least it is very good GG4. I just didn't have the heart to toss them out after cloning as originally planned
    Typically would start my winter grow on the first of the year after the holidays, going to hold off until the spring / summer 2 plant deck grow.
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    Last edited by GreenState; 12-28-2021, 06:18 PM.

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  • GreenState
    Ckbrew thanks CK. They definitely took a little hit, my guess is from the cold in the house (55 degrees or so). But they are alive with 3 or so more weeks to go
    until they're finished, so's all is good. Bowhunterwoody yes the billboards were on 91 in Northampton, a pretty liberal place if there ever was one (g).
    Years ago, Vermont passed a law making billboard signs illegal, so I'm always still kind of shocked when I see these.

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