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  • oldjarhead100
    Oh ya I put 7 afgan kush ryders and 5 northern light into root riots with 1/2 inch tails I can see them trying to raise above the riots , I put heating pads under them right from the start going to try and do a non stress grow with the Autos to see how that helps

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  • oldjarhead100
    this is the pile of snow in front of my boat stall on my barn, just thought I would share to show all you southerners what it really looks like lol

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    I got them on seedsman but IDK the breeder

  • Jr83
    commented on 's reply
    I limp too so call it LBJ limpin louie jarhead and its the initails for prez lindin b Johnson if that's how i spell it

  • Jr83
    commented on 's reply
    I am also very jelly of ur legal status but it's looking good for this year in our state of misery

  • D.A.A.S.69
    commented on 's reply
    Morning OJH, you got your hands full from now on, where did your NLights come from ? They can grow huge.

  • oldjarhead100
    I got my heating pads in Monday so I put them in yesterday ,I put down 2 pieces of 3/4 inch plywood and 1/2 inch rigid insulation on the floors , the back two on left and the two criticals that have been in the room for over 70 days, the second in from the right is my black domina it should be done in a couple of weeks ,the front left are 2 sour hounds and they also should be done soon they wont have a big yield but they yielded good experience lol the ones on the right are 3 Jack Herer the one in back in in bloom so the other two are not far behind the cold really slowed growth down to a crawl,

    Given that yield will be small I decided to start some more seeds 7 afgan kush ryder and 5 northern lights AUTOS all their tails popped so its root cubes today

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    my cellar has two separate sections in it and my room is in the back section , I bought 2 of those cheep thermometers in each section the front by the furnace is at 46 degrees the back section is 64 degrees outside of closed rooms in the rooms my temps fluctuate fro 64 to 75 now , I put my exsaust fan on for 15 off for 15 that added 2 or 3 degrees then I put fins on my heating pipe that added a couple more then I hung 100 watt lights in with the girl that added a couple then I also added heat pads after all that the cold snap is over and temps will be normal lol

  • RosettaStoned
    commented on 's reply
    Unfortunately only our spirits stay young....glad he's healing up

  • Dutchman1
    commented on 's reply
    I grow mine in my heating room OJH so I get wide temperature swings from day to night (61-79). I never really planned to grow at this time of year cause I knew it would be a problem but its so much fun I didnt want to take a few months off. Its been a challenge with my present grow even though there only a few weeks old.

  • oldjarhead100
    I finish defoliating my bloom plants no more ball thank god lol

    So I checked the Auto room temps yesterday and low was 64 and high was 75 ,taa daa .the cold snap is going to break today but Ill be ready for the next one lol

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks Dingus My dad is healing well, but it looks like things will never go back to the way they were before

  • DingusKhan
    Hey OJH, I just read your thread! Thanks for all the work you put into sharing your grow, OUTSTANDING! But I'm so sorry about your dad's fall.

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  • oldjarhead100
    Son Of A Bitch hope I got this little fella soon enough, the fourth picture is of a break that I didn't notice and its still growing lol

    My radiators stopped hissing so I went and checked boiler and it was out of water my wife filled it about midnight,

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    thank you St. buds thats exactly what it does

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