Dutchman1 commented
Today, 03:08 PM
I alternate and do once a week on worm castings, with other nutes at same time. Then just water for other watering or water and molasses and white sugar if there well into flower.
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This is from MOFO NTG Guru and owner of Mountain Organics. I follow the first protocol but alternate between MBP malted barley powder, sprout, compost, Neem , fulvic acid, worm compost,citrus, mint family for IPM as required on a weekly basis. Lots of experience and science in this info.
“Here’s an example of a tried and true watering schedule (because I personally used it for years) to use from day 1 to ensure your plants are being pushed to ‘peak health’ and expressing their full ‘genetic potential.’:
Day 1 Plain water
Day 2 No watering
Day 3 MBP top-dress watered in with Aloe/Fulvic/Silica (agsil or your silica source of choice)
Day 4 No watering
Day 5 Plain water
Day 6 Neem/Kelp tea
Day 7 No watering
Day 8 Plain water
Day 9 No watering
Day 10 Coconut Water
Day 11 No watering
REPEAT - Beginning to end, no changes needed for various stages of growth, simple enough right?
Now for al the reasons previously stated your soil is becoming richer and richer as the water and nutrient retaining ability of your soil improves over time. By the 3rd cycle the plants may already be showing signs that you could back off on the above watering schedule and that can be done any number of ways to best suit your situation. For example, use half the amount of neem/kelp tea and coconut water. Add a couple extra days of plain water in between 'feedings', and so on.
As an observant gardener you should be able to notice plants performing equally as well even though you are using less inputs and in the same way you can tell if perhaps you backed off too much from time to time - in this way you can find the "sweet spot" for your garden and when that clicks with you it is very easy from then on to know what your soil needs.
Here's an example of a watering schedule a couple or few years into established no-till gardens (it happens to be my current routine as well):
- Plain water every other day, beginning to end
- MBP top-dress every 10-12 days watered with aloe/fulvic/silica
- Kelp & neem top-dress at the beginning of the cycle, maybe once more in early flowering.
Yea, that's it! No teas are ever made. The days of needing a soluble 'quick fix' are long gone. The soil is extremely rich and the mulch and top-dress' we do apply are not for that moment but for the weeks and months to come - make sense?
So far, I have actually gotten things I can use!
A car Chamois and "holiday socks". They seem more age appropriate than the things I see most others getting!
My dad had a full day yesterday so as his ride so did I lol I manged to water the bloom room with just water and hydrogaurd before I left ,then when I got home at 545 I watered the seedling man are they getting big, I left the veg and auto rooms until today , then I sprayed some sad looking clones when I got upstairs
Heres a question how often do people use a tea to add to watering regime I try and give them worm cast tea on Tuesdays and terp tea on Thursdays they are only telling me they love it right now
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thats the only way I can remember it all lol then if I have to have anybody water for me they can just look at the day above
A tiara now im really jealous , i think all the discrete shipping product are great its kinda like a cracker jack box never know what your going to get but its always a cheep thing lol
Hah. I’ll send it to you so you can paint it for me first.
I think that the person charged with purchasing the discreet products has an interesting sense of humor!
I am still waiting for pictures of Locrian99 in his tiara!
Who exactly do they think are buying these seeds? 6 year old girls?
so yesterday was worm cast tea tuesday ,except for bloom they just got water quick easy day in grow room so I did a different project I built my scrog net , also my order from seedsman came in finally something I can use daily lol my youngest grand daughter is going to love it2 Photos
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Yeah, nice buds going there! I'm getting to the impatient stage too, just took one of the CDB OG down yesterday and am looking at less than 2 weeks to go with the others. Being constrained to indoors, I can hardly imagine a plant 10' tall_the colas must get huge!
Not much to say today everything is good I checked the bloom room this morning and was surprised to find all the buds filled out some so were getting close
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Well, when you select multiple pics to upload, it rearranges the order - which certainly doesn't help!
Is a particular challenge when the pics all look similar (before and after) because the thumbnails are so small. I try to keep my time-lapses in order when I load different speeds (they all look identical), so I am somewhat traumatized and can certainly sympathize.
Yes, OJH grows boatloads of cannabis! and the plants always look happy about it!
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