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  • oldjarhead100
    I had to move the veg room over to the bloom room for two days then they will be in there for good , the veg room is ready for clones and I moved the tallest seedlings to the auto room they will get cloned today as well , I moved 4 plants to dark yesterday and have 5 left in bloom they will leave today lol, 4 of the 5 IDK the strain My buddy gave them to me I think they are either pineapple chunk or kush bomb but I'm not sure it really doesn't matter I need to make some oil and these will do lol what a day i'm going to have I'm excited I have over 50 clones to plant into 1 gallon pots and then,Im going to take clones from the seedlings and the tutankhamons harvest 4 plants then move the rest of bloom to dark and start cleaning and setting up scrog for the tuts moving in, It doesn't show it good but the tuts I moved into the bloom room are a dark rich color and the ones in there were almost lime green lol

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    Paracelsus I dont think there is a to long veg period ,to me it depends on the plants when I get them where I want them ill flip them. I will say it is my suspicion that if you leave a plant in veg for a long time then your bloom stretch is greatly reduced ,this grow I'm doing tutankhamons and I dont think I'm going to have a stretch problem

  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    have a great time where are you going?

  • Paracelsus
    commented on 's reply
    How long is to long to stay in veg OJH? Kinky Mutant and her sibs are 57 days along 🍃🌱

  • D.A.A.S.69
    commented on 's reply
    @Ojh100,@stoneotter, small world ain't it?
    Nice having old buddies on here. lol

  • ZigZag
    commented on 's reply
    oldjarhead_ so how long do you put them in the dark for? I'm going to take two plants down next week and hang them in the dark for probably 5-7 days...but two of the others look like they might need another 5-7 days....I've never tried the "3 days in the dark before harvest technique" before. How much do they grow or mature during those three days? what would happen if you left them in the dark for 5 days? I could water the heck to of them before i leave or set up a drip system to feed them while I'm gone...

  • stoneotter
    commented on 's reply
    That sounds like like a good recipe. My hydro store sells Michigan m3 soil mix. I'
    ve been using it for the last three grows with good results. I think big will be good since I'm off the beaten path. I'll have the tent going too. It's an experiment. If I get enough sun to grow great girls then next year I could go with a couple or 4 outdoor big girls and shut the lights out for the summer. I'm shut down right now. The Ms and I are going away for a week. I'll call you for a clone and a visit when we get back. Thanks! Gotta love a new adventure!
    Last edited by stoneotter; 05-03-2018, 12:30 PM.

  • oldjarhead100
    oh the grow lol got two of those plants chopped up every thing else is on cruise control until last plants are done in bloom room . this will be as soon as I get done harvesting the two today I figure this grow has been stressed way to much and if I leave those tuts in veg to long I will regret it . so I will move four more to dark today and then the last three after that I may have to move a couple of girls into the bloom room just to give me some room for clones the first set of 20 and 24 clones have roots and the second batch the tuts have roots but not the pine apple chunk I think they were to woody and just didn't take

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    If you are on the main forum page scroll up at the top right its says messages and your sign on name click on your name a menu pops up click on recent posts that will bring all your posts up then (you may not have to do this but I do so I'm putting it in here is .at the top of the page on left side there is a box that says date last update click on that then click on date started then back to date last updated this will be all your posts in order then when you get to a post you want to comment on go to the right you will see like a fast forward button click on that and it will bring you to the most recent post on that thread , took me awhile before I figured that all out

  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    good Morning Stone Otter thats it I like to put a supersoil in first then put a good grow soil on top I have been using roots Organics original for regular soil and green fields as the super soil ,I have tried kind soil and did not notice a big difference in yield ,if you just use a super soil it may burn the plants

    I dig a hole for a 5 gallon bucket of dirt but Your in your back yard , a hole that big is going to grow a big plant bigger roots mean bigger plant

    I have some extra clones and seeds from grows I was surprised with lol give me a call numbers the same

    Really good to see you here brother

  • stoneotter
    Thanks D. A big bucket isn't out of the question either. That'll keep smallish critters away too. Plenty of time in our season huh?

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  • D.A.A.S.69
    commented on 's reply
    Hey StoneOtter, Yeah, Ojh, can help you with your outdoors grow.
    There is a bunch of ways to do it, the way your talking about is sure the easiest way, using supersoil. Yeah just dig you a hole.
    You can also use buckets, they work fine too, plus you can move them easy.
    Good Luck

  • stoneotter
    All right OJH100. I can figure this out! Just not right away. So If you answered. I can't find it. I think you did. Here in you journal now where I belong . So.... I presume if I start a 9 week white rhino in the tent and put it in my sunniest part of the yard when it's safe, she should finish well. Yes? If so that leads me to the hole. mmmmm the hole. First time outdoors so please correct me. What I'v read says one way to go is dig a hole 3 feet diameter and about 16 inches deep. Fill it with super soil. Let mother nature do her thing and watch for issues. Any advice for me?

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  • Paracelsus
    commented on 's reply
    You’re right about that winter to summer old jar head. I’m going to have to move my plants away from the windows real soon with three fans running at 81 degrees all day long. And it’s only going to get hotter. Soon I guess I’ll be ready run the air conditioner that is sitting an inch away rom Kinky
    Last edited by Paracelsus; 05-02-2018, 08:55 AM.

  • Paracelsus
    commented on 's reply
    I’d like to read that book

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