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2023 Outdoor Plants Only Show & Tell

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    Happy 4th everyone.The sunset is still going. No rot yet. She needs some damn sun. So do the two photos. They're getting lanky reaching for light. The sunset is on day 79 but has a while to go. She's almost all milky but looks like she needs a couple weeks. Still drinking normally too. Raining again today. Dew pts in the 70s. Guess pretty much everyone country wide has some weather challenges these days. Some things seem to like this weather.


    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
      Editing a comment
      Happy 4th back to ya. 100f here today it's scary dry. Listening to weather in the east says thunder storms and rain, bad for weed great for the other stuff. I just got done watering everything think i'm gonna drag the photos into a shady spot for afternoon. These black plastic pots take xtra care when it's this hot. These autos are giving me a fit outside slowww go for some reason. I'm really thinking about bringing them indoors in a tent/light just to quit my torture of seeing such slow progress. I will do it once this last OG kush is finished up in the tent.

    • Going2fast
      Going2fast commented
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      She is purdy. I see clematis and bleeding heart. What's the red flower?

    • Bowhunterwoody
      Bowhunterwoody commented
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      That's an Astilbe. And some strawberries that got away from me all around it. That part of the garden seems to be doing fine with this shitty weather.

    Weather cant make up its mind, hot and dry or cool and wet, heres pics from this morning. Pic 1 is the 8 Ball kush, she's coming along nicely pic 2 is the Colombian purple, pics 3 4 5 is my own cross tween Berryfreak and Santa Marta Colombian Gold (getting fragrant) last pic is another pair of my crosses (must have lost the auto attribute) the girl on the left is flowering fair now and needs some yellowing leaves removed. They should not be flowering yet as my days are still over 14 hours, I have found a few bud worms while doing the grasshopper inspections (any hopper caught is divided), a few other bugs as well, but so far only 1 bore worm found.


    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      The Scarlet Grapes filled 3 Quart jars.

    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      Well you got bushy trees this year. I was reading that the purple strains are more resistant to that HLVD scientists have found. Not that you got it just a bit of info. Man you all got some wild weather going we don't see any rain in sight. I kinda hope flower starts in a few weeks here and be done by late Sept. wishful thinking. I'm going to move my 4 outdoor autos indoors when that 80+ day old OG gets cut. I'm frustraited by the slowness of them taking too long. No bugs or worms yet around mine but i do see them little moths now and then so it's coming. No grasshoppers either.

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      Scarlet Sunset, 2 quarts

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    This seasons plants all have just hit the 36 inch mark. The Freaks are caught up
    with the GSC's, Vanilla Frosting, and Purple Punch now and looking happy. Had
    to yank my one and only OG Kush when it was determined that she was in fact a he.
    It's been nearly perfect growing weather here in S. California the past few weeks.
    Morning overcast followed by sunny skies in the afternoon. A bit cramped under the
    netting but I've been diligent at trimming to get the light in there.


    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      Lookin good!

    The girls grew another inch or two overnight. Almost afraid of the next few days as we are expecting full sun for a change. They'll have two feet of headroom once I get them off the shelves. After that or sooner I'll have to start bending them. Gave them grow plus 1/4 flower nutes today.

    Up potted my tomatoes. These are funny ones I've never grown. One red, one yellow and one bicolor. The nursery told me they were all slicing tomatoes so I'm hopeful of a new sandwich experience. They are a bit ratty now so I hope they have some veg left in them to get bigger.

    Glad I googled before I divided the lavender. I read they have a single woody main root that dies if split. I've starting to read and look for instructions much more that I did when younger, so far with good effect.

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    Drying: Strawberry Cough photo started indoors Apr 27. Moved outdoors June 25. Harvested October 8.
    Past grows: Speakeasy Bourbon Berry Auto F1 (Ogreberry x Whiskey Zulu),
    Whiskey Zulu, Trizzlers


    • 90Gizmo
      90Gizmo commented
      Editing a comment
      Rwise - Thank you! I'm having a lot of fun with this. I won't get enough veggies to make a big deal but we've grown a lot of spices and I look forward that next year. This is a 3+3 state so I never needed that much room but the 15' was on sale for $10 USD more than the 10' so it seemed like a good idea at the time.

    • Bluey
      Bluey commented
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      They look like they are well into their stretch so you might get lucky and not have them grow through the roof in there final resting place; but the cold nights and hot days might stuff that theory up.
      Is that white tank your nute tank?

    • 90Gizmo
      90Gizmo commented
      Editing a comment
      Bluey ... white tank. Probably not even plain water (which was what I was thinking.) That's my fermentation vessel and I'm going to put that back were it belongs. For now I'm mixing one-offs with hose water in the orange bucket and not worrying about letting the water set 24 hours or whatever. I'll get something opaque when I'm ready for unattended watering.

    ​​​​​​I got my plants off of the shelf and now they have a bit of headroom. And room for me to train them if needed. There's also room to get between them to reach the new shelf for my smaller plants.

    Just barely, pistals are starting to appear at a few nodes. New growth are appearing at the same nodes so maybe that means some big colas will form?

    Looks like I have a day off from plant emergencies to work on electrical. The new 4000 CFM fan is in and doing be a great job keeping inside temps close to outside temps. About 2 to 4 degrees so far vs 10 to 15 degrees with the little box fan.

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ID:	599321
    Drying: Strawberry Cough photo started indoors Apr 27. Moved outdoors June 25. Harvested October 8.
    Past grows: Speakeasy Bourbon Berry Auto F1 (Ogreberry x Whiskey Zulu),
    Whiskey Zulu, Trizzlers


    • Bluey
      Bluey commented
      Editing a comment
      Love ya work Giz.

      You're going to fill that greenhouse in no time

    • 90Gizmo
      90Gizmo commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks Bluey. I'm never afraid to try something new. Especially if I've thought about it for awhile. I've got on-off control of the exhaust fan and experimenting to see if there's any reason to turn it off. Am thinking that it might be good to retain the heat if the humidity doesn't go up. Mostly at dusk where the concrete slab has retained great. It might get a better VPD. I do believe I have some water pumps from my old reef tank days. Found my soil sensors last night but auto watering is a relatively big project for right now. But I do think it's a better idea to experiment with that outside rather than in. Less risk to the carpets.
      Last edited by 90Gizmo; 07-07-2023, 05:32 PM.

    • Bluey
      Bluey commented
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      If your growing in properly prepared soil it won't need much watering but if in coco it will need it regular. I set it up to 3 times a day in mid to late flower with good temps. You can buy a PowerPoint or an inline switch that is wifi compatible and fully programmable for under 50 bucks. You can even get wifi Climate sensors and set point alarms to go off on your phone or trigger the power on off to your exhaust fan.
      That's how I did it. Works 99.5% of the time perfectly.
      If your not ventilating of a night only water of a day when you are ventilating to keep RH down

    Rehabilitated and relocated pond freak. Now she's beach freak along with her little sister. Pond bastard got dug up by the damn muscrats too. She's in bad shape but I will give her a chance. All the bastards have begun to flower. Going to reverse the pond freak if she pulls thru. Click image for larger version

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    keeping it green with the soil thing
    love me some frosty autos
    Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
    the fruit basket
    blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


      Garden pics Click image for larger version

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      keeping it green with the soil thing
      love me some frosty autos
      Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
      the fruit basket
      blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


        Your plants are looking hilarious guys! Want to start smth like this at my own place!


          Two weeks down. Eight to ten weeks to go. It's a lot of work keeping up with the watering but the big one grew more than an inch overnight so I guess they're using it. I trimmed all the small stuff underneath yesterday including some branches that were too late to the party. The big girl was 34" tall ​​​​when I brought them outside. Now it's 49" after 13 days so that inch/day has been the rule lately. It's got almost another foot of room before I have to insist that it stop. Branches don't need support yet. Hope the do when they are fat with bud. I've got my sticks ready.

          The wiring is a mess to power the fans and sensor but I do have drip loops in case things leak and the whole mess is plugged into a GFI outlet. I'd like to get the temp/RH sensor more into the canopy but it's still a work in progress.
          Click image for larger version  Name:	PXL_20230709_145033364~2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	4.02 MB ID:	599554
          Drying: Strawberry Cough photo started indoors Apr 27. Moved outdoors June 25. Harvested October 8.
          Past grows: Speakeasy Bourbon Berry Auto F1 (Ogreberry x Whiskey Zulu),
          Whiskey Zulu, Trizzlers


          • Ckbrew
            Ckbrew commented
            Editing a comment
            At this rate they will outgrow your setup. Does that keep out the bugs?

          • 90Gizmo
            90Gizmo commented
            Editing a comment
            OkThanks Ckbrew I hope that the plants growing too big is my worst problem. I'm thinking I can hang a scrog-like screen across the top if I need to and train them through it. For now I turn the plants every day and do a casual look for bugs. I've seen one ant, I guess they aren't interested. And I've found one leaf bottom that had a white-sparkling area. I haven't been able to identify it. I cut that leaf off and tossed it. The screen mesh door will keep out larger flyers but I have to open it during the day because air flow is not good enough through the screen mesh. I close the door at dusk to keep the larger critters out over night.

            But it's only been two weeks. To soon for a review but my gut feeling is that the greenhouse helps a lot.
            Last edited by 90Gizmo; 07-10-2023, 12:18 AM.

          Took down the scarlet sunset yesterday. Tired of fighting off the wpm. Also worried about bud rot. Had an inside bud look a little suspect. All cloudy with just a few amber. Started pushing out a few new pistils. Wish I could have gone longer. Day 86. Probably get 3 oz from her. Really colorful. 3 inches of rain last night, more today. Guess this is payback for the perfect fall weather last year. Also harvested the garlic.
          Last edited by Bowhunterwoody; 07-10-2023, 12:52 PM.


          • Bluey
            Bluey commented
            Editing a comment
            Fingers crossed.

          • 90Gizmo
            90Gizmo commented
            Editing a comment
            Very pretty

          Day 51, day 18 outside.

          It is still raining. Had 3 days of sun, heat, humidity, now just rain and humidity. They have greened up a little. I think they have finally accepted their future of being outside.

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          Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


            WTF? They cant do this can they? This new growth its below where the baby leaves were!


              While I have a connection, some fresh pics! Setting here without internet I got bored, checked the trics on some of those bigger buds, in the window all white a few amber heavy rain coming. They are drying now, early taste is berry. The Scarlet's gave 11 quarts tween them.


                I'll post some of my outdoor tomorrow i did'nt realize it's been nearly 2wks since last update. Anyhoo my autos are flowering great and the photos are healthy no sign of flowering yet. It's 90f here crazy hot to me, dry like straw. Windy i was away for couple days camping and had to come back early do to heat.
                Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

                Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
                indoor/outdoor grower
                1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
                I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
                Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



                • SoOrbudgal
                  SoOrbudgal commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Now that's uncomfortable with the humidity.

                • Rwise
                  Rwise commented
                  Editing a comment
                  I am watching all those record highs this week, like 118*F! Thats hot with or without humidity! 10AM and its already AC time! Just wait for next month

                • Rwise
                  Rwise commented
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                  Feels like 115*-117*F with temp of 96*F, at this moment.

                I think it's only gonna be in the high 80s then jump up later in the week. So I took advantage of cool morning to shoot some pics. I tell ya you folks with good camara phones show the frost on those budding plants. May have to click an blow up mine. First pic is Grape auto really frosty 2nd are the wagonettes of autos all plumping up enjoying the sun. It's taken these as long to finish outdoor as it would of been to complete a photoperiod indoor LOL but i started them too soon directly seeded outdoors that slowed them down greatly.

                3-4pic is that dern Freakshow she's growing tall as my other photos close to 4ft + she's loving it 5 & 6 pic just a general shot of the gals with the tallest being my dutch dope & mystery bag seed fems. They are nearing 6ft pleased if they quit and started flowering but they are'nt slowing down and there only in 15gal cause that's all i can physically move if needed. pic 7 is just another hidden gem still unsure of it's sex but i could'nt kill it but i will if it's a boy. I broke off the center cola but it's still flourishing LOL

                Take care all and stay healthy to enjoy the great outdoors. Ohhh i'm picking beans an a few tomatoes.
                Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

                Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
                indoor/outdoor grower
                1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
                I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
                Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



                • SoOrbudgal
                  SoOrbudgal commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Looks like our area is moving toward extreme heat so watering 2x day early morning an after sun gets off the garden.

                • Bluey
                  Bluey commented
                  Editing a comment
                  You're doing an awesome job SoOrbudgal

                  Keep those roots in the heat sink pots plastic pots just soak up heat in the sun.

                • SoOrbudgal
                  SoOrbudgal commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Bluey Yes they are 2x's work with these size grow containers, watering 2x day since it's now over 90f. The people who i bought my house from grew in 50gal bags and left 2 here. I did'nt use them just took the soil from them for my veggie garden and gave sacks away. Much easier in the ground by far but i'm getting by with these for years now just gotta water more often.

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