Shortages, I hate shortages and its all Uncle Dons fault that I cant get cocoa at my grocery store! Next thing is the price will double, again.
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You know what i hate?
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I can get that bit of salt build up on top also but the root balls are an issue for me. They pretty much fill the pot and you could say even root bound so I don't get much coco out of the old pot. I wash it, new and old till it runs clean, turn it a few times to help dry it out and give it a low dose calmag.
I try and get all the old roots out.
Yeah, its the same for me. The root balls take up most of pot. Cleaning out the roots takes a little bit of effort, some of the smaller roots look like coco fibres. I wash mine in a strong cal/mag solution after everything gets a thorough wash with cleaned PH'd water. Probably don't have to PH the rinse water but my mild OCD won't let me not do it. Yes, I PH the cal/mag solution as well. I've noticed that some of the smaller coco gets washed out in the rinse.
Yeah. The coco fibres and small roots look identical. Not much you can do about that. I wash the new stuff and the old till I get clean water runoff as that's an EC of 0. I should probably soak it in Calmag but I just couldn't be bothered.
coconuts tree rat ate it seriously coco first time four pots biggest hard pass on it stoner humor wash before PITA buy more No buildup wash reuse more Reuse wash mine push binding salts messy clean everywhere mold salt build up on top root balls issue pot bound old pot wash it help I try root balls pot Cleaning OCD let me not do it. Yes
When to much time WTF?
Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.
I dislike whiners who cant handle the areas they live in! Wanna know why our elders moved up here? To get away from the lunacy of bigger areas! THIS IS the north country and we LOVE IT! Ive hiked mt marcy twice this year and telemarked down! Its a wonderful winter wonderland!
Guess its just a matter of perspective!3 Photos
I've done Marcy and Algonquin this year, plus a bunch of the danglers. Not a fan of the crowds on the famous peaks. My camp is up just north of Paul Smith's. Was up last week. Do a bunch of x-country. Not a fan winter climbing though. My complaint was about the ice storm and wind taking down powerlines and losing power for a day with single digits. Guess that's just my whiner's perspective.Last edited by Bowhunterwoody; 02-19-2025, 04:28 PM.
Getting a call from your boss telling you your drivers license is suspended due to a DUI from August that I DID NOT GET!!!! This is 5 days before major surgery and half of my job is driving. Turns out someone got a DUI in the another county that had a SSN 1 digit off from mine and the arresting officer wrote it down wrong AAAND the stupid DMV didn't cross reference the SSN and my name. When it rains it pours.keeping it green with the soil thing
love me some frosty autos
Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
the fruit basket
blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy
I HATE being overcharged! Just looked at my aep/pso electric bill and they have re-billed for several months I have already paid and added late charges. Now I have to call and argue with them about their lack of ability to keep things straight. Crap like this is why AT&T is not welcome here, they sent me a bill once for $5 for NOT being their customer, and no I did not pay it!
Gingerbeard Google Monkey pipe, I've got the fisherman's friend. Works great, take a few hits, close and drop in your pocket, extinguishes itself.
Those are pretty neat. My kind of materials. I used to make little pipes like those with oak and stone pine firewood from my grandma's pile. Do all sorts of meaningless decorations and inlays and junk and stuff.
But then I grew the beard, and I started going farsighted. Getting a flame that close to my face gives me combustive anxiety.
I love the people who hate the 'Chubby Filter' and got it removed from Tik-tok. In these days of body positivity, I love people who feel uncomfortable seeing their skinny selves as 'chubby' people in a world of chubby people and demand the world be kinder to chubby people. You can draw horns, moustaches, black eyes, both vaginas and penises, alter skin color, switch body parts, and add terabytes of other shit on someone's image with a filter in good fun, but make someone feel uncomfortable about their weight and there will be hell to pay! A fat load of hell!! Go tell one of your fat friends you can relate to how ashamed they are for being fat because you saw yourself in a chubby image of yourself, right before you deleted it and raised hell there was such a filter. Then tell them there is a filter that can show them... OMG... how much better they would look and feel as a skinny person. That filter is okay. Whereas the CF made skinny people feel like shit, the skinny filter will make fat people feel so much better and we will finally be kumbaya (idiomatic usage.)
I so hate social media. I so hate hypocrites. I so hate influencers.
Where's me rig?
C'mon, mule!
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I hate the constant barrage of someone trying to sell me something, especially something that i would never consider buying. On the computer, TV, radio, car, streaming, the check out, gas pump, in the middle of movies, it is everywhere. Keep your garbage to yourself, I'm not buying. If I decide that I do want to buy something I evaluate it make a decision then go after it and get it. And stay out of my way getting there and don't try to up sell it.Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.
Last one. Must have woke up in a mood.
Sorry, I couldn't find one with men. Go figure.
Is this good or bad because it shows how two fat women would look if they stopped eating butter like candy bars?
Is this good or bad because it shows how two skinny women would look if they stopped throwing up after they ate?
C'mon, mule!