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You know what i hate?

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    They need to bring back the Elvis stamps
    keeping it green with the soil thing
    love me some frosty autos
    Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
    the fruit basket
    blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


    • Gingerbeard
      Gingerbeard commented
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      Elvis never left.

    • Gingerbeard
      Gingerbeard commented
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      You can actually buy Elvis stamps all over the estores.

    Originally posted by Gingerbeard View Post
    Realizing the blackheads on my nose are new, old man hairs. Although, it does detract from the hairs growing on my ears.
    Just wait until your nose hairs decide they want to join your mustache! Getting old ain't fun!


    • Gingerbeard
      Gingerbeard commented
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      It is more that my moustache is trying to grow into my nose.

    I hate the Tulsa state fair, or to be fair I hate the prices! $20 to park, $15 to get in ($10 for kids), $85 to ride the rides, $21 for a turkey drum stick. Now I like the turkey leg, but $56 to get one, I dont think so! And now all the totally stupid foods like pickle pizza, or pickle lemonade, etc..
    When they first came to Tulsa it was free to park and free to get in, sure the rides turned you upside down to get the change out of your pockets, but at least you got inside before the fleecing started.


      Oklahoma. I was just watching Tulsa King last night. I haven't been to a state fair in years. I actually do remember change falling out!


      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        I haven't seen it, nor do I plan to. I have not been in years either, to much walking for me these days. A teacher in high school told us about the change scam, not being one that believes everydamnthing their told I looked under a ride and sure enuf tons of change to be swept up at closing time.

      I hate that my reaction to seeing swimsuit and lingerie models has become, 'Hmm. I wonder if she was a man.'
      I am getting too old to be this confused.
      C'mon, mule!



      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        At one time in my life I was so damn fat (397lbs) I couldn't see what was there, I could still feel what my way.

      • Gingerbeard
        Gingerbeard commented
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        That's why the gods created the reversible camera on cell phones. Soon as Apple came out with the RC, the number of insurance claims against phones being dropped in toilets went up 42%.

      • changeofpace2014
        changeofpace2014 commented
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        Had to comment....One thing is for sure - There are going to be some really bad divorces, well thats if they make it that far..Think about it some one had to lie for years why they could not have children or how would that effect a partner when they find out the truth, they will need a Lot of Counseling to get over it.

      I hate getting caught out for a drive while breaking intergalactic speed limits. Click image for larger version

Name:	UFO.jpg
Views:	182
Size:	135.5 KB
ID:	635859


      • Gingerbeard
        Gingerbeard commented
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        I have a cloaking device for sale that might be just the thing you need to keep those pesky earthlings looking elsewhere.

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        Man they use to much battery power!

      I hate even more not being able to find a charging station before I run out of power.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	UAF.jpg
Views:	177
Size:	109.0 KB
ID:	635861


        Damn Chinese lithium batteries !


        • Rwise
          Rwise commented
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          I have seen capacitors go up in smoke, and a few just go bang.
          I dont think Hydrogen will never make the grade and become popular, I mean they make bombs with that shit.
          There are many new batteries that will never get the chance because they make to much money with lithium.
          Last edited by Rwise; 11-16-2024, 08:43 AM.

        • Bluey
          Bluey commented
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          Hydrogen has huge potential, but still in its infancy re storage etc..

        • Rwise
          Rwise commented
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          I personally think hydrogen is better than lithium, only time will tell which way we go.

        I hate finding out I have lost yet another old friend to cancer. He was not in good health and also had MS, he had just found out he had stage 4 cancer just a few weeks ago. Cancer sucks ass!


        Sorry for your loss. Cancer truly does suck ass. Done battle with it twice now. I am fortunate to be here to complain about it.
        keeping it green with the soil thing
        love me some frosty autos
        Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
        the fruit basket
        blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


          I think this dude was the last of the bikers I have known, never rode with them, but since I drove a pick up and carried tools (and weed) I was always welcome at their flop houses.


          • dirtymike
            dirtymike commented
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            hang out or hang around they say. 1% is a wild culture.

          Fuck cell phones. Fuck every company that requires a cell phone to do business with. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.
          Die in front of me, companies who have not gotten with the whole 'US based customer support' craze. Does that make me a racist? No, that makes me a person who wants to understand the person I am trying to get help from! So, fuck you too!
          So much anger... So much hate... So much ginger...
          C'mon, mule!



          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            India may have the right idea banning smart phones, whats next you have to have one to unlock and start your car? Or open your front door, make toast, set the oven~
            I have had many calls this season by someone I can barely understand wanting me to send them money. I dont want to talk about money "why did you hesitate to talk", one whispered to someone near her "I dont know what to do" I whispered back "hang up" she did.

          • Gingerbeard
            Gingerbeard commented
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            That would be Tesla. It's pretty much a cell phone operating car with emergency backups should your cell phone run out of power.
            Nerts to that! Keys don't need charging or shatter when dropped and I can have pictures of nekkid ladies put on them if times get desperate. Nerts!

          Medical appointment made with a 7 week wait.
          6 weeks from making appointment, confirmation phone call.
          6 weeks +1 day from making appointment, confirmation email.
          6 weeks +2 days from making appointment, phone call offering to reschedule another 17 days after original 7 week appointment wait time because the medical person won't be there.
          This is to get a referral to a specialist that will take no less than 2 weeks to get an appointment to see.
          That specialist talks specialist talk to another specialist who is waiting to see what they have to say before working on a treatment plan, which will take another couple weeks.
          In the meantime I have a thing that is going untreated, and my body is literally attacking itself.
          Said all that without a single swear word or threat. It's like watching the tide roll out and waiting for the tsunami.
          C'mon, mule!



          • OldManGrower
            OldManGrower commented
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            You're trapped in the medical merry go round. Been there, but not quite that bad. I had to do a lot of end runs whenever they presented themselves and it still took to 14 months to get all the approvals on a back surgery that had me in constant excruciating pain.

          • Mollisol
            Mollisol commented
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            Sorry to hear that man. God bless our for profit Healthcare

          After multiple calls... let's be cheerful... After multiple calls expressing why I was unhappy with the situation, I get a call saying they made a mistake, and the appointment was still on.
          3 new documents appear in my new online records patient portal/toilet. All three are cancellations for the appointment.
          Another telephone call on my part confirms the appointment is still on.
          Littlte more than 12 hours...
          Just about makes a ginger need a meeting! Gimme the Gospel, sweet Jesรบs! Lay your hands on my raging quiver and cast it back at Stan! Don't make me do anything newsworthy.โ€‹
          C'mon, mule!



            " lay your hands on my raging quiver" ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
            Don't know what you meant but totally stealing it cuz I'm a bowhunter. And yes I do have a raging quiver. Wanna see it?
            keeping it green with the soil thing
            love me some frosty autos
            Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
            the fruit basket
            blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


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