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Gwe: Solo cup grow off : 2020

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    Coffee filters removed from straws. They were blocking root growth as with my autos.
    My new 'how early to supercrop' answer is as soon as you have a taproot. I found one bent at a 90° angle with a little tiny knuckle.



    • Gingerbeard
      Gingerbeard commented
      Editing a comment
      How do plants grow in zero-G?

    • Greenlivin
      Greenlivin commented
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      I’m struggling to understand this setup...what’s going on here?

    • FunkyButtLovin
      FunkyButtLovin commented
      Editing a comment
      CrossCup This is like the apex of the vortex of cannabis cultivation. This is it man, this is what your grandchildren are going to be growing. The future, the future.

    D.A.A.S.69 Spidermite

    I will miss your growing's-on here but we will do this again.
    Space for Rent.


      Eighth day of the relaunch. Pulled the plug and saw the roots. I decided to rethink the cup. Emptied out the soil and filled 2/3 with perlite. Put the plug back in and add some soil/perlite mix. I am thinking about a more frequent feed and lots of drainage.

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        So........( dramatic pause)
        It begins!
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        Space for Rent.


        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
          Editing a comment
          Very nice Mr.furley she's just a wee lass but strong starter looks like.

        • DingusKhan
          DingusKhan commented
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          Bold move, sir.

        • starramus
          starramus commented
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          botanical S&M!

        I hear its good for the plants, but think its more for me. I always play music when I'm in the grow room. Todays selection was a mix of Alice Cooper.


          Nice start Mr.furley !! I'm just watching the contest and upon seeing your seedling could not help but reflect on how differently seeds start. The seedling on the left is 12 days younger. She would have been a poor solo cup contestant. Thank you for sharing.
          Focus and relativity.


            Today is day 19 for the Gorilla Glue. Shes looking pretty good for the most part. I'm wondering if she will get root bound being in such a small container. Time shall tell!

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            Past Grows


            • Canuck147
              Canuck147 commented
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              So - what are your plans with her? Do tell - we'll see soon enough.

            • Doubledealing72
              Doubledealing72 commented
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              I'd definitely like to train her, a quadline if possible. But I'll have to see what she does in the next week or so

            This Walter White plant has chosen itself as the best for the contest at 16 days above ground. Will do LST starting soon. Now hoping the drip system keeps it growing well and no roots leave the cup. So far so good.
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              Jan 19th Update..

              Things going well so far.
              2 soldiers remaining from the 4 we started with
              Attached Files
              3' x 6' Grow Closet for Veg w/HLG 300 V2 Bspec
              New 5' x 9' x 7'11" Gorilla Tent for flowering with new Optic Slim 600H
              Flora Trio w/Cali and Hydro guard
              5 gallon Bucket DWC and bucket scrog set up


                Day 16 for my G14 and after a nervous start she seems to be picking up steam in the last 4 days. I ordered a dimmer for the
                HLG-65 and that seems to have helped, I think the light was just a little too intense for her in the beginning. I should have known better, with everything I have going on underneath, her leaves are 15” from the light. I hope that mistake doesn’t come back to bite me.
                Failure is an opportunity for improvement!!

                Current Grows:


                Completed Grows:



                • Gingerbeard
                  Gingerbeard commented
                  Editing a comment
                  You have given me hope with your plant growth timeline Obi-Wan. Mine are still just wee things after 8 days above. My experience with bagseed is making me nervous. Bagseed grows faster at the beginning.

                I'm still in.
                TENT: Cool Grow 3x3x6 LIGHT: M-H TSW2000
                EXHAUST: AC Infinity T-4 and controller 67
                AIR CIRC: AC Infinity Cloudray S6 x2
                IRRIGATION: BluMat Tropf NUTRIENTS: Earth Dust


                • FunkyButtLovin
                  FunkyButtLovin commented
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                  She's looking real healthy, great start!

                GG# 4 is the official entry. I have two others that look much better but i'm gonna use them in my new grow. So shes lounging in her swing, the cabana I'm still trying to figure out this coco used to a more soil/dense material so i cant get into a groove with water schedule..i think im just gonna go by weight for a while and see how that works.
                Shappel S3000 3.5x6x6' ice hut
                Fusion Board LED Panel 480w
                6" Fusion Breath, Fan/Filter
                Canna Coco/perlite
                General Hydroponics Flora Series

                Photo plants Blue Cheese(butterbean seeds) Green Crack(Canuk seeds)
                Purple Gelatto(Canuk seeds)


                • DingusKhan
                  DingusKhan commented
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                  I'm playing with Coco, too. And yes it's weird how the water just falls right out. It's lighter when soaked then a moderately dry cup of soil.

                  I've been feeding half strength nutrients and water in little sips either several times a day when I think about it while playing in my closet and tent.

                  But it's still small enough to not get wilty if I forget.

                  Yesterday, I set it in a jar lid and let it sit in the runoff which got soaked up by this morning.

                • homegrown
                  homegrown commented
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                  thanks oldjarhead100 i'm gonna go back and do some reading. So, with your auto water system, is the coco always wet? OR just damp? And do you have run-off as its watering or is it just enough water to keep it damp?

                • homegrown
                  homegrown commented
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                  Hey DingusKhan, so your not drenching them when you water them? Just water when they look or feel dry?

                Its freaking cold here outside grow room was 41 yesterday morning room stayed over 60 but I did adjust the timer on the exhaust fan so it only runs for 30 mins twice a day ,

                Does anyone know a good way to heat a reservoir water temp up , My water temp is between 40 and 50 degrees to cold in my mind, I have quite a few air pumps if I hook up 3 or 4 and push warm air through them maybe any thoughts please
                new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
                current grow




                • starramus
                  starramus commented
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                  Rwise Sounds electrifying. I think I'd stick with the fish tank heaters.

                • DingusKhan
                  DingusKhan commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Can set the reservoir on a seedling mat. Make sure to insulate underneath. Like a sheet of reflectix under plywood.

                • oldjarhead100
                  oldjarhead100 commented
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                  thanks guys I just ordered two 300 w heaters for the same price as one reservoir heaters

                Here's my current lineup; 2 seedlings and 4 clones. Although a bunch of the clones are just passing thru as part of the clone along.

                homegrown I'm not really a coco guy, I prefer both DWC and soil. I really find coco to be too much day to day work. The solo cup grow was just an excuse to try a bunch of stuff to see how it went.. And this is my first time doing coco since my first grow, when I did a coco and a DWC plant. Since then, I've come to prefer how you can really not water for several days at a time.

                Which is to say I don't really know if this is a good way to do this. I do kinda drench the plant, I top feed half strength noots, and I'm working my way up to full strength because that's what Mr.furley said he's doing. But since I can't water her multiple times per day, I have her sitting in a plastic mason jar cap , with her run off until she soaks it up, most of the time. So it's sort of a combination of top feeding and bottom soaking. I also let her have some dry off time. I try to water again before she gets wilty, though. I'm just feeding DWC grow nutrients (which is why I don't mix it full strength) as I mix up my buckets.
                Nothing is foolproof for the sufficiently talented fool.


                • oldjarhead100
                  oldjarhead100 commented
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                  DingusKhan alot of unused nutrients wash out of your plant with the runoff if you let it suck up the run off your putting all that waste right back into your plant and your roots will suffer for it

                • DingusKhan
                  DingusKhan commented
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                  Tanks, oldjarhead100. I am trying to avoid letting to much old noots build up, but with a couple of my solo cups, I'm less interested in growing for optimal conditions, but rather trying to get away with the things that go wrong with the particular grow styles.

                  One of my seedlings is straight Ocean Forest, packed in real densely, because I've always read that it's too dense, holds too much water and burns seedlings. So I wanna see how bad it gets. So far, not so bad.

                  Also with the coco, I'm being lazy about feeding, feeding full strength, and letting it soak up it's excess (only coupla tablespoons, once a coupla days, or something like that). I alternate with straight, ph'd water, and let it dry out, but not wilt.

                  Again, I want to see what I can get away with and still have a healthy looking plant.

                  I'll post more details later, but it's been a bear of a week. Crazy busy at work, in addition to my hot water heater at my shop took a dump, and I'm in the middle of redoing the bathroom.

                well in order to keep my room in the 60s I have reduced my exhaust fans run time to 15 minutes every 4 hours, the bright side of this is it boosts my RH into the 60% range,
                new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
                current grow




                • oldjarhead100
                  oldjarhead100 commented
                  Editing a comment
                  I forgot to say most of the plants have 4 nodes so next week could be the first week of bondage for them

                • JohnEmad
                  JohnEmad commented
                  Editing a comment
                  perfect RH. Easy fix for a grower like you.

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