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Meesta's Grow

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  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    Ouch! So you didn't flush them out?

  • Dude

    Water off a ducks back.

    Keep doing what you do brother ✌️

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  • MeestaFeesha
    Welp, I believe I burned my plants a least that's the only explanation I could come up with. Watering schedule is moving up, Tuesday I got home a little late and my ladies were drooping.

    It was a feeding day, and I swapped from 'Beastie Bloomz' to 'Cha-Ching' without starting at 1/2 strength. Yesterday I noticed brown tips/browning of leaves. Snipped em away from the buds, but this was the before photos. The only affected plants were WW#1 and #2, in small areas at that. Otherwise looking healthy, 🤘😎.
    Last edited by MeestaFeesha; 09-05-2019, 09:27 AM. Reason: Drooping and Dropping are different, no?

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  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    Ah damn, sorry to hear that. I'll hold the thought of the other surviving. That was my thought as well when I had to.

  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    I'll never tell!

  • Canuck147
    commented on 's reply
    Or he got as high as his melted face.

  • SoOrbudgal
    Isn't that pretty against the setting sun! Meesta I believe you are enjoying your grow FYI I had to cut the large arm off my biggest mama mia do to non healing after wind toppled it over, other arm is perking up but really crossing my fingers now one side is 6ft and the other is 7ft. Tis my fault aww well, there's more

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  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    Gorgeous colas!!! That guy got so high that his face melted!

  • MeestaFeesha
    Buddy came by yesterday, nice new phone and steady hands. We had some fun with the loupe, I also asked for a recent picture of his back patio.

    Interestingly, I believe it's two of the plants, I had revegged in my box before passing them on. They're now growing strong with 3 leafs.

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  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    Dude That's a thought, although I'm also not sure how it would work. The tape/splint would be for it to repair itself over time. Although, it is noticeable while it repairs whether or not there is still a transfer of water/nutes.

    SoOrbudgal Ah yes, my learning lesson has been burying my stems too deep in the 25's.

  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    HappyDaze 🤘😂, that's the truth to the matter though! Next year I gotta start up the collective of local retirees or young adults who are interested, don't think it's illegal if you give it away, 🤷‍♂️.

  • HappyDaze
    commented on 's reply I'm imagining around the end of April ,Meesta will have three of his "afro" style moms sitting in the back yard, all with fresh new haircuts...and there'll be about 1,000 perfect little clones lined up in starters that will be looking forward to a summer of Meesta pampering.

    Meesta, I hope you don't get bored growing, because I never get bored looking at your plant pics.

  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    @Meesta yes I did put a splint on it. Got off early today first thing I did was add a support stick an more tape. One arm is really iffy it may not make it but the other looks like it's a survivor. Another lesson for me to remember next year to add support stakes around the 30gal pot.

  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    Haha! Yes. Gonna get a fluorescent box to fit under the LED, just gotta take measurements and then build. Plan to start a mother (or three) that may or may not also go to flower next summer.

  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    alltatup Me oh my, have they gotten huge or what!? Nala is never far 🤘😎.

    SoOrbudgal that happened to me earlier on in flower, ended up having to triage the branch and side shoots off of it..'twas a sad time, the area has recovered, although there is still some funkiness to that area after the healing process. Would you consider a chopstick/popsicle stick splint? I'm sorta wishing I had.

    Hope the two of you have a wonderful Thursday.

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