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  • starramus
    commented on 's reply
    Some of my best indoor grows were in a basement. Of course i am in Colorado where humidity is not any problem. Upstate NY is like living under water.

  • oldjarhead100
    So I think that when the girls come down I will start a new thread for the next grow this thread has a couple of them in it and its time for new

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    that was my original idea to put six in a row but I think the 4 side by side will work to ,if not then I go to 6 in a row lol

  • Retodd
    commented on 's reply
    I don't envy your cleaning and prep time at all

  • Camk
    Sound ideas
    I need to revamp too
    install the cool tubes remove the vent hood (takes up too much head room)
    i want to put the plants in a single line so I can get too all sides in the room
    challenges lol!!

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  • oldjarhead100
    The things not to do in my next grow
    1 No more than 8 plants at a time no mater what
    2 make sure drain works before putting plants in
    3 make sure there are no timers anywhere they could be accidentally hit

    Things that have to be done before next grow
    1 degrease size of scrog to 3x7
    2 find a way to ballance air flow over plants
    3 move and level light rail going to move light over 1 foot
    4 make sure drain system is leveled accordingly
    5 check timers eveyday

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    yup hate when that happens
    I get white powdery mildo if I dont stay on top of it but its usually fine in the cellar ,I just put to many plants in it and left no room to work

  • Retodd
    Sorry to hear about your depression bud. I have a valid question for you. If your growing in a cellar are you going to have to worry about mold more? Your probably using a dehumidifier aren't you?
    Off the subject, but I have a bit of depression for you....I went out to give the outsiders their nutes, remember these were random seeds I started, and my 5'er was covered in seed pods! I wanted to scream! I mean it had the same hairs at the bases of the stems like it was gonna be a female. It coulda been a hermie, but I didn't want to chance it....he was decapitated low down and thrown in the yard.

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  • stoneotter
    commented on 's reply
    I haven't used it for weed. they have a whole other line for the garden that I did use and I really did like it. They seem tuned in to the right things. It is costly though. All good things are. Good luck with it!

  • oldjarhead100
    Thats it on the day I finally got the rh under 40% the exhaust comes off the ac and its 102 in room but RH is good

    It is with great sorrow that I say this but oh well I threw in the towel yesterday I'm going to keep feeding them until I need room for challenge but the tuts are done there is no way they can finish by the time I need room because they all foxtailed so they go in the hash pile dam dam dam

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    I just planted some autos in it but it looks fantastic even with our discount its pricey so it needs to be ,what are your thoughts

  • hycheese
    commented on 's reply
    Occam's razor has always been the KISS of death, no matter how old or smart you are they will always find a way to put you in your place.

    For those who don't have google;
    Occam's razor is the problem-solving principle that the simplest solution tends to be the right one.

    KISS: is an acronym for "Keep it simple, stupid"

    you won this round... let's see whats next.

  • hycheese
    commented on 's reply
    I hope your doctors' name isn't Molloch - from the Charles Bronson movie the Evil that Men Do.

  • stoneotter
    Have you used Coast of Maine soil before? What are your thoughts so far?

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  • oldjarhead100
    going for a EMG this morning in Jamaca plains. so I have two hours of fighting traffic to get electric probes attached and shocks sent down my legs for an hour , what fun

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