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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    oh I forgot I will be planting the clones of the tuts think I got 8 to 10 out of 12 so not bad

  • oldjarhead100
    good idea greenhouse effect I usually just pull and drop but sticking them under would be way better,

    I had to redo the feed loops with the clear soft hose

    today I have to redo all the drain set ups the gorilla glue wont come off my fingers but it came off the plastic trays I have so I'm going to get some soft copper tubing and flare it out so it wont go thru hole and then attach hose with a clamp this way if I have to move them they wont fall apart lol

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  • GreenhouseEffect
    commented on 's reply
    Way cool on the Fertigation loops that is, not the weed problem.

    Sounds like you have a Hermie in the hen house!

  • GreenhouseEffect
    commented on 's reply
    Way cool Ojh!
    That has been my experience to with the straw, mine is wheat straw, and just a lot of seeds left in it, the hay has been fine. I'll bet with that cardboard under it, you can just flip the straw over with a pitch fork every so often, and make those weeds work for you, feed em to the earth worms.
    I have a bunch of thistles and stubborn grass variety's with runners, that got pulled, I have them layed out on a section of new garden that I am making, doin a FINE job of mulching for me! Fight weeds, with weeds

  • oldjarhead100
    I managed to get the dh out of bloom room with out killing to many plants .iwas working on the drain system and feeding system got all the drain lines glued to the treys and all the bottom trays done ,then I did my feeding loops that I need to redo so I can use a softer tube ,I used pex and it just would bend right at a short length, in the 2nd and 3rd pictures are the loops the 3rd one is soft hose and has the rainbird emitters I wanted to use the 2nd is of the pex ,I drilled holes in it so I could put the emitters in it no go there to hard so I made the soft hoe one now I need to test them to see what has better flow

    I did my veggie garden different this year I put down cardboard then put mulch hay over that my wife and alot of others said I was going to get seeds in the hay and I should of used straw, well on the lower garden I did use straw had one bail left of each the 4th picture is of the straw and the 5th of the hay now tell me which one is going to give me weeds . the last picture is of some herkamere diamonds that I mined they were what the Europeans thought were american diamonds. I mined them in Herkamere NY and that is where I met my wife so they have a very special place in my heart besides the fact that its worth 100 to 150 depending where you are . we have a ton of the stone around the house I figure in about 300 years they will be digging around my house and think they found diamonds lol
    one of my chickens is trying to crow like a rooster what a sick sound that is lol

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  • Potted
    Don’t worry about the outside grow,if it’s anything like mine it’s going crazy with all this rain lol

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  • oldjarhead100
    heres a couple of pictures. I did what Tika did and took a picture when the lights turned off ,the second is of week old autos , I drowned the other 7 dam dam dam definitely back to root riots for the challenge the third is the feed/drain system following Campesinos instructions ,I finished gluing the filters to the bottom of the pans so today I can set up the hoses and such, I miss my outside grow why go out when its raining everyday .I am thinking of just walking out to check them then move a bow stand in one area ,last time I checked the girls I got soaked walking to them lol

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    good point I used green board (its the new blue ) and i pored a concrete floor , the next thing I try is to move the dh out of room and dehumidify the side of cellar room is on,then leave ac in room whats frustrating is often my cellar is lower rh than the room WTF I'm pretty sure that once I get the drain system to work the rh will go down but that will not be this grow so for this grow I have to get them though as is

  • GreenhouseEffect
    commented on 's reply
    The Blue Board they make now a day's isn't bad for damp areas either, though Wonder Board or any type of cement board is better, since cement does not swell apart when it absorbs water.
    It's also good to use a paint with a higher Sheen in damp areas. For instance, a bathroom should be at least semi gloss, since the higher sheen paints hold up better to moisture, for some reason.

  • Californiakid
    commented on 's reply
    Excellent point about the wonderboard. Thats what I will be using if I build another room.

  • Potted
    Been raining here for a week now with huge amounts of water soaking everything,my outside grow ( thank god im I veg ) has grown a foot and a half since the rain began,
    Trees uprooting,flooding,high winds the whole enchilada up and down the eastern seaboard and it’s not over yet!!! Inland it’s even worse.
    Hopeing things are going your way OJH, I have a question for u about your new grow room? And humidity. Was a vapor barrier put on the floor and walls to prevent moisture from getting in? And was waterproof sheet rock used in construction? All the best for u and yours lol

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  • Chefbjy
    commented on 's reply
    90s here in the day at night it gets down to 59f. Been bipolar weather here for a few years.

  • Tika
    commented on 's reply
    It is107-112 every where around us so we are socked inccwith fog and drip and humidity...luckily not in the heat wave that surrounds us. No predictable weather this All...ever.

  • oldjarhead100
    its been raining off and on for 4 days now suns out one minute then next its raining ,I think its about 100% humidity

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  • oldjarhead100
    I bet if I untied/unwrapped the branches of my girls they would be 8 to 10 feet tall I have one branch that started in the scrog in the way back crossed the 4 feet of scrog and now is half way back to where it started lol . I think I will do another run of the tuts after the challenge these girls are amazing and good smoke to

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