What is your preferred method of seed germination for autos? Is there one way that you prefer? Why?
You've been awesome with the seed giveaways. I've received Scarlet Grapes, Razzbergers, Scarlet Runtz and Hot Cakes I'm setting up for a production run in the 5 x 5 to run some femmed photo periods but prior to that I want to start off with the auto seeds you sent me and try and time it so that I can harvest the autos prior to flipping the photo's.
Since you are the breeder, I was hoping for some specific tips that you could give me for the particular cultivars you sent me. Is there any difference in their care that I should know between each cultivar?
I've decided to run 2 of each so 8 plants total. Media will be Kellogs Patio Plus Premium Organic Potting Mix with 30% Perlite mixed in. Media is wood chip based and amended with bat guano, poultry manure and kelp meal. 3 gallon cloth pots. Pots will be filled with 30% compost at the bottom and potting mix for the rest. I've never used the compost but I'm told it's fairly hot so I decided to setup a soil horizon hoping that when the tap hits the compost she'll be starting to flower. For fertilizer I'm going to run a cocktail that I setup for a newb auto grower that worked out well. He had bought some ferts from his local hardware store. Alaska Morbloom and Fish fertilizers. I setup a blend that came out to 5-6-6. I'm thinking it would be best to run water only and use the soil nutrition for the first couple weeks then start laddering up the fert concentration from 1/4 to 1/2 to 3/4 to full. I may not have to use the ferts depending on how effective the compost is so I'm going to take a wait and see attitude but at the first sign of deficiency I'll come in with the ferts.
Opinions appreciated!
You've been awesome with the seed giveaways. I've received Scarlet Grapes, Razzbergers, Scarlet Runtz and Hot Cakes I'm setting up for a production run in the 5 x 5 to run some femmed photo periods but prior to that I want to start off with the auto seeds you sent me and try and time it so that I can harvest the autos prior to flipping the photo's.
Since you are the breeder, I was hoping for some specific tips that you could give me for the particular cultivars you sent me. Is there any difference in their care that I should know between each cultivar?
I've decided to run 2 of each so 8 plants total. Media will be Kellogs Patio Plus Premium Organic Potting Mix with 30% Perlite mixed in. Media is wood chip based and amended with bat guano, poultry manure and kelp meal. 3 gallon cloth pots. Pots will be filled with 30% compost at the bottom and potting mix for the rest. I've never used the compost but I'm told it's fairly hot so I decided to setup a soil horizon hoping that when the tap hits the compost she'll be starting to flower. For fertilizer I'm going to run a cocktail that I setup for a newb auto grower that worked out well. He had bought some ferts from his local hardware store. Alaska Morbloom and Fish fertilizers. I setup a blend that came out to 5-6-6. I'm thinking it would be best to run water only and use the soil nutrition for the first couple weeks then start laddering up the fert concentration from 1/4 to 1/2 to 3/4 to full. I may not have to use the ferts depending on how effective the compost is so I'm going to take a wait and see attitude but at the first sign of deficiency I'll come in with the ferts.
Opinions appreciated!