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Holiday Treats -(here we grow again)-
Nah Ckbrew it was the damn VN "Police Action" that made me miss Woodstock! I had to see the new then movie when I returned in early '70.
Update 39: Week 3 Day 6. 10.23.21
i moved the girls and put BK to the back and CMOG up front. She’s a wee bit shorter than her sister but completely different growth and with her up close I can remove leaves as needed a bit easier. Chocolate Mint OG is now front left and the Banana Kush is in back right corner.
Last edited by BU2B; 10-23-2021, 09:39 PM.
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How bizairre it's been 52 years I listened to this song and have completely missed the line about '10 billion year old carbon' till just now!
We are stardust, we are golden, we are 10 billion year old carbon, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden
Attached animated gif. Week 3 Day 4
As always - BK left, CMOG right
Next photo and grow update week 4 Day 1 (Monday 10.25.21 after 6pm MST)
Last edited by BU2B; 10-22-2021, 03:13 AM.
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Update 38b: Week 3 Day 2/3
Okay now it’s official I guess. 5 - 6 more weeks to go. The girls got their Huge 3 week haircut. No more big defoliations until harvest day. From this point until the girls are down to their last 7-10 days, leaves will be folded under of tucked away if possible. After the end of this week the girls will have only about two weeks in which they will make leaves. Leaf production is pretty much over with by the end of week 5. Since the start of flowering both plants have only stretched 5 inches so far. They were 15 inches tall at the start of flowering and both plants are currently 20 inches tall with over 40 flowering branches per plant.
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the only thing I order from Dairy Queen is a lg chocolate/banana milk shake. Can't wait to sample your flavoring if it tastes like it smells
Right on BU2B everyone dials into their own enviornment or tries to, lots of adjustments are needed and made in the first few grows. Believe or not i plan and prepare way ahead and try an time it best for the season. Hydro would scare the heck out of me in OK, TN how it gets done is amazing.
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Just a note: I think most of us are good at what we do, being creatures of habit we learn to adjust things as needed to get the job done. I am not quite so confident that given new circumstances we would be up to our own standard until we learned the adjustment factors. I can grow great in low humidity with hydro, even with heat, but toss me into a Smoklahoma type environment with 80% humidity and it's quite likely to be a different story. At least at first. The good thing about BU2B's PPP method is that it's independent of environment and is a simple matter of taking a bit more attention with your plants to establish the needed structure to support and produce a lb of flowers.
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Ckbrew I never cut the leaves close to the plant. I've always left a longer stem on the leaves that eventually dries and falls off. Where I live the humidity is about 20-25% so dead plant parts dry up and fall off quickly. I have found those leaf stems to be of more use than harm. IF any leaf stems are left when the bud is done I find that even though they are brown they are not rotten or mouldy, just dried out - and help the bud dry a little slower. You can also use those leaf steams as a judge for how big around your bud is and give you an idea of how much it has filled in or has yet to go.
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BU2B , in post #78 banana kush, there are multiple small leaf stem bases from leaves that were pruned off and are sitting on top of the lid to the bucket. I have encountered this as most people probably have, during trimming and have found some of these little leaf bases still attached to the main stem, but are tan to brownish. Now most of these are just plain dried out and fall off readily. Occasionally I will find one that is brown and still soft and containing water particularly at the base where it is attached.
I am pondering if such a dead leaf stem sitting inside a juicy bud might be a source of mole contamination due to it being damp dead plant material, and acting as a growth medium for mold spores and thereby contributing to mold and bud rot. If this would be the case, it would be a good argument to say that such leaf stems should be removed during pruning as opposed to leaving them in the bud. Any thoughts on this? Anyone else want to chime in on this theory? Just spit balling here.
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TOKABIGONE to better show what I'm saying... you want your bud packets to be all together if possible (e.g., green) and not so much like the red where the same amount of flower is spread out. Buds tend to be smaller if allowed to grow out on stalks of their own. When I was referring to seeing fat buds in your future I meant buds like the green one in the example below. What I’m counting as flowering growth tips will develop into flowering branches shown in the picture. Some branches have bud packets more spread out like the branch circled in red. This generally happens when the plant does not get enough light to newly forming flowers. The plant will push them out on their own branch trying to get light to the flowers. It’s my grow I’m showing - so I’m free to critique. I hope this is clearer than mud - but if not let me know (i have word combinations I haven’t used yet) 😃
Last edited by BU2B; 10-18-2021, 02:07 AM.
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Update 38: 10.17-18.21
With the light coming on this evening the girls have started Week 3 Day 1 of Flowering. From this point on I will refer to the age of the plant in flowering mode - no more "of Flowering".
So far so good, things are coming along right on schedule and the girls are looking happy and healthy. Here's a few photo's with and without flash.
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So your saying each of the flower sites at nodes will grow a branch of colas? Thanks Swami!
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