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Anyone in for growing trees? Summer Grow 2020

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    I got the chance to test my lead spray, not on a thief, well kinda, it was a coyote! I dusted his ass and so far no more chickens have gone missing!


    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
      Editing a comment
      Rwise i've not heard any for a few days but they've been across the river at a ranch. It sure gets our little dogs in a fit when they hear them LOL. Question for ya....the 2 plants you mentioned in a pic was it intentional pollination?

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      SoOrbudgal Yes I did it to my self LOL! I have so many seed, you remember the bag weed from Mexico, a sack of seeds and sticks? Yeo I got some of that, I had 4 BB3 males, I killed the forth and let the earlier ones do their thing on about dozen different plants. The males are now spent or otherwise killed, dont want to hurt the crops near me.

    Couple of days of light rain, hope its not here to stay. I want a sunny september and a hot october!

    Indoor grow. LED, Soil. Autos.

    Outdoor grow. Autos, fem's, bagseeds


    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      Luvley! I think my girls are telling me frost for Halloween. As the high out west of me moves off, looks like I'll have a few hot days followed by rain!

    • swegrow
      swegrow commented
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      Rwise Had some thunderstorms overhere but always followed by sun and no winds at all. Really good, hope it lasts through september!

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      I got a squirt for the dirt, not much, and little wind, even the front that came through last night, I got squat.

    Oh ok my bad . Good luck to you.


      No cold weather for us, it's been 90-108 for this whole month. Have to water my gals 2-3 times a day! This year I tried some defoliating on a few for the first time. Usually I just wait until leaves turn yellow and drop, only trimming off the large leaves just before harvesting branches as they're ready. Here's some pics. Enjoy!

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      Tie Your Mother Down! (Queen)


      • Mazzariman
        Mazzariman commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks again y'all. Haha, I get so little sun, my plants always think it's fall and time to get busy! Already harvested, dried and cured 6 gals. Plus I've bred out most of the sativa genetics so I rarely have anything still growing come October. Off topic sort of, but check out this great old song by XTC, "Life is good in the greenhouse"

      • Bowhunterwoody
        Bowhunterwoody commented
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        Pic #6 is beautiful!

      • Mazzariman
        Mazzariman commented
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        Thanks Bowhunterwoody! Sure wish I had a large flat backyard with full sun! We play the hand we're dealt though.

      BUGS! Ok caterpillars, white about 3/8 inch fuzzy now smashed and sprayed with spinosad, Grrrrrrrr!


      • JohnEmad
        JohnEmad commented
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        Be careful, soon some group will gather saying bugs lives matter too.

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        LMAO! If they dont pay their rent, I evict them! I did find a praying mantis and a walking stick while cleaning the yards, I moved them to the girls. Not the one plant that was sprayed.

      In perp for the rain thats headed this way, I will feed heavy and water today. Some of you will get way to much rain (up to 24" down south), it's not my fault this year, I am not doing the Voodoo, their spell is broken, as tropical storms may again enter the gulf!


        I didn't get much for rain, so 40 more gallons of water went out yesterday, along with some wood ash spread around them. Its freckin hot this morning, but the heat is supposed to move out today.
        I hope all out friends in the path of that storm made out ok.


          I’m guessing some but not all might be interested in an update from Booger’s Cannabis Garden! Flowering is progressing and beginning to speed up for the Sativa’s that are behind the plants that are indica and have a higher ratio of indica genetic’s. It may just be my garden but the Sour Dream started flowering first followed by the gdp and now the Sativas are really switching to bud production now. I think couple weeks the big Sour Dream maybe ready. I included a couple close-ups of the biggest Sour Dreams buds!

          All plants are losing more leaves daily to yellowing. Then they brown and fall off. I think most of this is just due to natural progression in flower. The plants all seem very healthy. And are progressing do I am just gonna keep on keeping on feeding and watering.
          Hope you all enjoyed a walk in my Garden with me. Have a most wonderful week everyone!

          And as Lynard Skynard would say OOOOOOOOOHHH! That smell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Booger789; 08-30-2020, 12:56 PM.
          4x4 flower tent
          sour dream
          Blue Diesel
          platinum Girl Scout cookies

          2x4 veg tent
          Green Dream
          Sour Dream
          blue dream


          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            All these buds and its not time to start flowering yet, these must be some damn fat pre flowers LOL

          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
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            Looking fantastic Booger789 i'm trying to upload mine lost in da clouds again. Anyhoo...i got buds stacking on colas and some just in early flower. My Thai skunk is the furthest followed by OG kush and GSC, Mango further behind.

          Tell me this is not bud rot, please! Well it has been cut off about 2" below, to my eye it looked all black, crap, and it set in fast like over night!


          • Booger789
            Booger789 commented
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            I have had a couple spots like that show up on the two plants that I revegged. When they began to flower. I just cut them off below like you described. And all is still well on my plants flowers are progressing still.
            No clue if it’s bud rot, but the ones I cut off did have an order to them. But of what it smelled like I could not tell. it did not smell rotten though. Just giving you my two cents worth of my experience.

          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            Ya it is certainly bud rot, it went down into the center about 3/4", glad I clipped it well bellow that. Inside was a bit nasty, this time of year we have rag weed in flower, and my nose is plugged so I cant smell it.

          • JohnEmad
            JohnEmad commented
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            had bud rot on two plants this grow. 1st time for me and luckily I found it in the early stage. Damn rot! My fault as I let high humidity hang around in both my greenhouse and my tent.

          Long as we are in the patch with the camera, lets go walk about.
          Attached Files


          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
            Editing a comment
            Rwise was that bud rot? Did not look real good from here?

          • Mazzariman
            Mazzariman commented
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            Nice, if that pick-up in the last pic ain't running, fill the bed with a good mix and have at it next year! Heck, even if it is running! Yee haw!

          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            SoOrbudgal Yes it is, and no it dont look good at all. We always see the good pics, but for the newbs we need to post the bad shit too.
            Mazzariman Look closer its a 2 ton flat bed a bit modified to get to the scales fast with a full load, Dad ran an auto dismantling yard, the wrecker/toe truck is still here too.

          Just giving a heads up on how big the buds are getting on the Sour Dream. That’s a 2 5/8 inch fence post cap on top of the bud.
          Attached Files
          4x4 flower tent
          sour dream
          Blue Diesel
          platinum Girl Scout cookies

          2x4 veg tent
          Green Dream
          Sour Dream
          blue dream


          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
            Editing a comment
            Very nice!

          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
            Editing a comment
            Damn Booger

          • Booger789
            Booger789 commented
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            I think I am going to harvest it this weekend. Seeing color change in the buds and hairs. Don’t wanna let rot set in do to the extra moisture we have got last few days. They were loving the 90 degree temps not to hot or cold and they were packing the bud size on. The harvest season for me begins this weekend! Yeah Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Here's a few close ups of a few on my tree watering tour this evening. Pics #1 & 4 are the bottom branches of 2 gals I harvested in early August.

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          Tie Your Mother Down! (Queen)


          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            Lookin good, are you feeding 1 & 4 anything to help fill out those flowers?

          • Mazzariman
            Mazzariman commented
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            Thanks, they get the same as everybody else, FF Big Bloom. #1 is a strain that only forms buds close to the stem, never stacks like other strains. Super frosty on all leaves and stems though. Very potent and tasty. #4 fills out more traditionally. Both are just the left over bottom branches that I used for seeding. Just letting em finish out. Each day they get even more purple.

          Rwise, here's follow up pics relating to my earlier post, Photo #1. It had been suggested that it was rejuvenating, but that's just they way it starts to flower. Consistently like this each year. Funkiest buds I've ever seen, but I'm not complaining. Like smoking hash.

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          Tie Your Mother Down! (Queen)


          • Mazzariman
            Mazzariman commented
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            Right, if times ever get so tough I have to smoke stems and leaves, this is the stuff. Every part of this plant was covered in trichomes! Since running out of buds isn't likely to ever happen, I saved every scrap for making butter.

          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            Some just have weird genetics, and some of the best I ever smoked was very small plants.

          • Mazzariman
            Mazzariman commented
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            Exactly. I'm all for the weird genetics. Within weird lies unique, within unique lies new possibilities, so when I get a plant like this, I say right on with yo bad self! Or like the old bumper sticker, Why Be Normal? Normal is ho hum, I want my socks knocked off!

          Cut down all my outdoors but one (thats 2/3 into flower) today. It was sad but the right thing to do. IF you get caught with plants here they prosecute you by total weight. Stem and fanleaves included. I did not really know that before. Making my hobby a bit more dangerous than I thought.. The other plants had not started to flower yet and would most likely not make it due to the weather so they had to go. The one left is a beauty though! =)
          Last edited by swegrow; 09-02-2020, 02:02 PM.
          Indoor grow. LED, Soil. Autos.

          Outdoor grow. Autos, fem's, bagseeds


          • Mazzariman
            Mazzariman commented
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            In Humboldt they used to count the freaking root ball with dirt attached too! Gotta get those numbers/statistics up! Sorry for your loss. Live to fight again.

          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            I have some seed you might have interest in, I have a mutated Supper Skunk Kush with a few seed from a BB3 male. The SSK was not topped but split 10 ways, has 2 different buds on it (one is darker), if interested PM me an email addy. Pics above.

          • swegrow
            swegrow commented
            Editing a comment
            Mazzariman - Thank you!

            Rwise Ill write you!

          Rwise, I grew this baby this year. The seeds. And from ‘Trinidad-Blue Dream’ (one tiny bud had 8 seeds in it. It was all seeds wrapped in leafs). I don’t know much about growing but the T-BD was good weed.


          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
            Editing a comment
            Not bad at all, she be lookin nice!

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