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Anyone in for growing trees? Summer Grow 2020

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    Sour Dream cane down.
    4x4 flower tent
    sour dream
    Blue Diesel
    platinum Girl Scout cookies

    2x4 veg tent
    Green Dream
    Sour Dream
    blue dream


    • swegrow
      swegrow commented
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      Look at the size of that! Well done!

    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      Yeah for a harvest great size enjoy it while ya got it !

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      Nice, we have some cool days just ahead, the little auto may get hung right after the lows go down in the 40s.!

    Starting to fatten up. Been dealing with some nute burn. Over did it in flower. Man they are sensitive in flower.


    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      Shoot Bowhunterwoody i gotta get me some of that nute burn LOL those are looking great, no kidding if anything you won't need to use any Nitro any longer heee hee just kidding you.

    • Bowhunterwoody
      Bowhunterwoody commented
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      Thanks budgal. No nitrogen for a while now. Just too much bloom. Getting nervous now. Starting to deal with WPM and stink bugs. Just want them to finish.

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      Very nice!

    The fall winter roller-coaster ride is starting, SNOW predicted for the panhandle area of Oklahoma for the 9th. That wont make it here, but it will get down into the 40sF, with highs in the 70s, 'cept one day may not get that warm, may only make 65* here. What I will get is some heavy rain. Folks NNW of me need to be ready!


    • FunkyButtLovin
      FunkyButtLovin commented
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      Hopefully it's a good thing that I'm SW of you!

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      I bet you still see 50s!

    Somewhere a donkey is crying!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Donkey.png
Views:	415
Size:	1.93 MB
ID:	445180
    Tie Your Mother Down! (Queen)


    • Mazzariman
      Mazzariman commented
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      The amazing thing is I harvested that plant in late May, I left the bottom set of node growth and I persuaded it to rejuvenate. This will be the 2nd harvest! All outdoors. Crazy strain I came up with. I call it Frosty Girl.

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      I have pulled a double harvest from 2 girls this year, made seed on them both, then picked off the ripe seed pods, and let 'er keep growing. Both have put on new buds to replace what was taken. One crazy year!

    • Mazzariman
      Mazzariman commented
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      That's awesome! I also pollinated her both times, so I have the first batch of seeds, and will get the second batch at her final harvest. Actually did some final dusting on several of my gals this morning. Then put the male down for good.

    That is a thing of beauty right there!


    • Mazzariman
      Mazzariman commented
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      Thanks lalaland, That she is. There will be more!

    With the rain expected, should I say down pours, I watered heavy today (35 gallons on 11 plants) with a few additives, Voodoo Juice, molasses, sulfur, potash, and added on top before the water was Roots Organics Uprising Bloom, pelleted sulfur and Dolomite lime.
    I scattered some pelleted sulfur on the ground around them, the chickens ate it. So I'll redo it with the powdered sulfur, it wont last as long on the soil, but the damn birds wont eat it!


    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      Upper 90's f all this week no rain very dry conditions. We've lucked out so far no lightning fires but we are fast approaching fall mildew early morning condensations i do see a few white small patches of WPM i know it's during the early mornings the leaf sweat. so far it's just leaf. I'm looking at at least 45days to harvest these outdoor.

    I gave them another ~80 gallons of water tween the 11 plants (the next day). We have cooled off, not what was predicted, though Denver area got hit hard and fast, not much rain here.
    The auto is on the front porch out of the rain but getting her flowers chilled for a few days before pluck.
    I spotted WPM on 1 of the Mazars yesterday, sprayed the area with H2O2 + H2O and will inspect today. So far it has seemingly helped.
    The sprout that popped up under the DGD(X BB3) showed his balls, and for it he got pulled! I was so hoping he was a she and I could get a small sample of whats to come!
    Looking forward to all the jars being full! Also starting to think about the inside run for fall/winter, some Black Willie.


      Well I guess time for an update on Boogers outdoor crops. Things are smelling just delightful.
      i spent most of the morning today removing water leaves do to rains and heavy dews. Don’t want mildew or rot to develop.
      I had one plant that developed a small patch of powdery mildew. Little garlic oil and water took care of it.Flowers are really beginning to put on some size. I’m like a kid on Christmas morning when I walk into my backyard.
      I included plant pictures and bud pictures.
      Attached Files
      4x4 flower tent
      sour dream
      Blue Diesel
      platinum Girl Scout cookies

      2x4 veg tent
      Green Dream
      Sour Dream
      blue dream


      • lalaland
        lalaland commented
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        Just gorgeous! I would just stare at those all day😂
        Wouldn’t be able to get anything done

      • Mazzariman
        Mazzariman commented
        Editing a comment
        Very nice! Who says (container) size doesn't matter!

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        It was certainly wet this morning, one would think it rained!

      Freaking bird broke off the top of one of my colas this morning. Why couldn't it have picked one that was closer to harvest! Oh well, one of the many joys of growing outdoors I suppose.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Bird.png
Views:	355
Size:	1.84 MB
ID:	447677Click image for larger version

Name:	Bird 2.png
Views:	360
Size:	2.03 MB
ID:	447678
      Tie Your Mother Down! (Queen)


      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        That's about how ripe a few of mine are.

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        Shame it broke off, had it just broke it could have finished Oh well, sample time!

      • Mazzariman
        Mazzariman commented
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        Yeah, it was just barely hanging on so I snipped it. At least it was pretty close, should be tasty and heady. If my stuff goes until half the hairs are red, it is pretty much sleepy time!

      There's this young fella on youtube Bong Hit Billy i think he's in Nor Cal not sure? Anyway he's got a 13ft maybe more from this summer grow so far. It's outstanding but not something i want to tackle anymore.
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


      • Mazzariman
        Mazzariman commented
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        I just checked him out. Says he's in Bakersfield. That is ridiculous backyard grow. Bold and beautiful. Nothing like full sun exposure and huge holes in the ground. I couldn't even watch the whole 5 minute video/tour!!! Too depressing.

      Everyone's girls look so good, and I spend a lot of time staring at mine with this chant running through my head, Lisa and Bart Simpson "is it ready yet" into infinity!
      As soon as the SSK is milky I will take those buds off, already lost 2 big buds to rot.
      1 of the Mazars has a touch of WPM, clip clip clip, the peroxide and water only washed it off for it to return fast. The other one is doing a Harley Davidson imitation.
      The leaning tower of glue is breaking limbs at the trunk, a few ties is holding them in place. The other GG4, I need to restrain her a bit so she gets a breeze up her skirt.
      I wish I new how to use a camera! These pics will have to do.
      Looking back at last year I fighting bud rot and WPM, not so much this year, a touch nothing to bad yet, fans coming. Also last year this time I was putting larf to jars to cure, I just plucked the SSK freak to remove the darker coloured buds as they were not growing. Hard to see where I took anything out. The 12 way split I cut all the small branches from, and I am finding this mutation on limbs as well, not 12 way but. I wonder just how much of that will carry forward? (I made a few seed from a BB3 male)
      Last edited by Rwise; 09-13-2020, 12:18 PM.


      • Mazzariman
        Mazzariman commented
        Editing a comment
        Last edited by Mazzariman; 09-13-2020, 04:42 PM. Reason: Thought I was responding to Booger789

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        Thanx, I may be closer than I thought, I see amber on 3 plants!
        Sounds like my kinda party!

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        Or could that amber be from all the red in the sky from the left coast fires? It sure is hazy.

      Mazzariman oh well then if it's Bakersfield then it's hot hot may as well been desert. Man they get the heat long growing season there. But that fella is crazy grower huge huge plants in a residential neighborhood and i do believe that is the " hood" as i recall.
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        My"informant" was talking with me some years ago, he said Richard I know you are growing in my county and if I knew where it was I would go pull it! My reply was XXXX you know Highway XX and the coulty line. He said yes, and I said go south to the end of the road, there are 2 gates its behind one of them. Skip ahead 3 weeks and I am at that gate, theres tire tracks and foot prints, the "marker patch" was only 20 feet tall and they pushed the plants to the side so they could walk through them, on down the trail was a field with a huge hollow stump, we carried soil for days to fill it. One plant 20 feet tall, then off down in the woods for the rest. All plants were still there, next time I seen him, I ask were you looking down? Yes, I told him how large the plants were and ask about the stump. He said they thought the tree (dead like 50 years) was growing back. I told him he did not need to go back there is nothing there now (and will never be again)
        I do think they are better educated today.

      • Mazzariman
        Mazzariman commented
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        That's awesome. They "couldn't see the forest for the trees" so to speak! I once had a guerrilla patch in 83 that basically only had my 8-10 ft. sativas still growing in it as all the large indicas were finished. some thieves got those but walked right by my second planting of 20 purple kush indica plants that were only 1 1/2 ft. tall (started them very late). Guess they hadn't seen purple plants before! It was late September and the sativas weren't gonna be ready for another month at least and probably wouldn't have liked the heavy rains coming. They actually did me a favor, and got a shitload of immature plants off my hands! Thanks again dummies!

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        Many years ago, Dad planted this bush that looks like MJ, he would set and laugh his ass off when idiots would jump out of their car, grab as much as they could and run away. Later they would come back for the part they wanted, Dad never said a word. Let em smoke all that they want!

      @Mazzriman we too got ripped off only once he left a trail of leaf right to his door, i kid you not. But he was a kid, a teenager at the time he got his unfortunate karma a few years later.
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


        Went out this morning and found a surprise, some of the PH spots were there from a feeding already. But the other leaf damage was not, yesterday was overcast with smoke, the morning was very wet with dew and now this. These 2 plants are both Mazars, and none of this on any other plant, I am beginning to think these girls do not like Oklahoma! I sprayed them with vinegar/water, the damage is now crispy.
        Not pretty, but there it is!


        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          Damn shame by golly just when we think we got it beat this summer then BAM all at once it comes, fires & smoke, hurricanes and early snows hey you know what we really need now? LOCUSTS We must love our plants to keep putting up with this " mother nature " at her finest stuff.

        • Mazzariman
          Mazzariman commented
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          It's like Tommy Lasorda used to say, "This bleeping job aint that bleeping easy!"

        • Eliot Pryor
          Eliot Pryor commented
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          You are going to let it finish aren't you ? Still got white hairs sticking out. Keep the faith brother !!

        I sprayed these 2 again last night with the vinegar/water, we'll see how it goes! I hope this works for gray mold (bud rot) as I will be treating a peach tree with it if it does. I may have to do what they say and cut it down, burn it, cover the soil with tin and let it sterilize.


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