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Anyone in for growing trees? Summer Grow 2020

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    I have had an explosion of white flies over last few days. Literally millions of them it seems like.
    4x4 flower tent
    sour dream
    Blue Diesel
    platinum Girl Scout cookies

    2x4 veg tent
    Green Dream
    Sour Dream
    blue dream


    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      It is that time of year, though I think the outdoor big boy grows (one of them is 40 acres) next to me are turning loose predator bugs!

    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      I got those too Booger789 came out of the ground in the mulch areas, yep thousands. They are not around where my plants are or i'd move them.

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      I cleaned an area for a new fence, damn they are on everything by the millions, I mean just shake any damn thing and watch the fog of them! Whatever eats them should be fat!

    I cut all those nasty looking buds off yesterday, there was certainly a start of bud rot in them, the GF went through and cut out all the bad.


    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      Rwise i looked at the beginning post of your tiny plants in those big pots and fella you got trees.

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      That was the goal! LOL Honestly, I'll do better next year, I just did not have time to get as prepared as I would have liked mixing the soil and planting strait into it, it should have aged just a bit, and need way more of it! All those trees behind the girls, well I see a raised garden from them!

    Buds are really fattening and sugaring up now. The smell is just to die for.
    Attached Files
    4x4 flower tent
    sour dream
    Blue Diesel
    platinum Girl Scout cookies

    2x4 veg tent
    Green Dream
    Sour Dream
    blue dream


    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      Excellent looking you guys got the trees going on. You all have electric trimmers?

    I did a major trim on the V twin Mazar, she lost all her big buds! Trics were milky with a few amber, take it before I loose it!
    The other Mazar is next, but not ready yet! The GSC is ambering nicely, and 2 others, looks like the BB3s are going to be last to harvest this year.


      A bit of a trim on the SSK today, I found 2 praying mantis on it and moved them as I trimmed. The first one I moved to the GSC, the second I tried to put on a GG4 it siad it would rather stay on my hand/arm, so I put it with the other one and it stepped right off into the bud. I got a shot of the second one.
      The pile is from the SSK, the buds in boxes are from the Mazar, the Qt jar is the auto, the lone bud is a pinch from the Shock Trauma.
      My fingers are sticky!


      • Mazzariman
        Mazzariman commented
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        Them there's the original Barenaked Ladies!

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        LOL, trick is, do we have time for them to grow and ripen new flowers? Only time will tell.

      • FunkyButtLovin
        FunkyButtLovin commented
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        I saw the Barenaked Ladies in Concert in '98 or '99. They were good on stage, really cool dudes off stage.

      Sour Dream is curing well and this is going to be a wonderful smoke.
      Attached Files
      4x4 flower tent
      sour dream
      Blue Diesel
      platinum Girl Scout cookies

      2x4 veg tent
      Green Dream
      Sour Dream
      blue dream


      • FunkyButtLovin
        FunkyButtLovin commented
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        I bet, that looks and sounds so tasty.

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        Very nice!

      Wow good for you Booger789 boy those are sure pretty
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


        These are the bane of my existence. Little brown spot on bud. and if you open it up there is a worm inside. Don’t know what they are yet. But finding them mainly on the green crack strain and none of the other strains I have show no sign at all.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Booger789; 09-21-2020, 05:50 PM. Reason: Added to the bud
        4x4 flower tent
        sour dream
        Blue Diesel
        platinum Girl Scout cookies

        2x4 veg tent
        Green Dream
        Sour Dream
        blue dream


        • Rwise
          Rwise commented
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          I fought worms last year, this year not to bad, but I think thats because of the praying mantis eating them.

        I had three of those in what I thought was bud rot. They were bigger though. Green with stripes down the sides. Don't know what they grow into. Could they be katydids? I found a few of those hiding in my grow


          Ahh, the joys of outdoor growing... Like Clint said in The Outlaw Josey Wales, "Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms". Nature gets her share whenever the opportunity presents itself. We do what we can.
          Tie Your Mother Down! (Queen)


            What’s everyone cure in? Big outdoor batches I cure in food grade 5 gallon buckets with gamma lids.
            4x4 flower tent
            sour dream
            Blue Diesel
            platinum Girl Scout cookies

            2x4 veg tent
            Green Dream
            Sour Dream
            blue dream


            • Bowhunterwoody
              Bowhunterwoody commented
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              Hey mazzariman..Gonna try the paper bag this time. Makes sense.

            • Mazzariman
              Mazzariman commented
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              Cool Bowhunterwoody. I've been using bags since the early 80's and it gives a nice cure. If they're too moist going into the bags though they'll flatten and mash together. If too dry, they'll just get drier. I've heard folks say to hang until the small stems will snap. I think that's just going a bit too long and dry. Good luck!

            • Rwise
              Rwise commented
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              I am using boxes, then off to jars.

            This is the first year I've done bud washing. I've had the usual caterpillar issues with droppings and debris that collect on plants due to being grown outdoors. I'm not sure how much p[otency is lost through washing but I'm convinced it was the right thing to do this year. Here are some pics of the process I used on my "Trees" this year. I created some drying boxes for hanging the branches as well. Easy and cheap to make ($2. per box, $11.00 for spool of fishing line, ruler and pen for marking where to punch hole for running the line, 1 nail for punching holes in boxes), and stackable to save space. Hope this is useful to someone. Enjoy!

            Pic #1 - I used lemon juice and baking soda in the 1st bucket, plain water in the other two buckets
            Pic #2 - Hanging for a few hours outside after wash to dry off
            Pic #3 - Boxes with fishing line strung for hanging to dry before curing
            Pic #4 - Boxes stacked for easy storage while drying
            Pic #5 - Brown bag for curing

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Buckets.png
Views:	340
Size:	2.92 MB
ID:	451521Click image for larger version

Name:	Hanging.png
Views:	314
Size:	2.65 MB
ID:	451522Click image for larger version

Name:	Drying Boxes.png
Views:	305
Size:	1.45 MB
ID:	451523Click image for larger version

Name:	Stacked Boxes.png
Views:	315
Size:	1.49 MB
ID:	451524Click image for larger version

Name:	Curing bag.png
Views:	302
Size:	1.56 MB
ID:	451525

            Tie Your Mother Down! (Queen)


            • FunkyButtLovin
              FunkyButtLovin commented
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              From the looks of that water, I'd say it was a good idea. I'll be washing a couple of small outdoor plants myself pretty soon.

            • Rwise
              Rwise commented
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              Lookin good! I have several boxes in use now as well.

            • Mazzariman
              Mazzariman commented
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              Yeah, I had to come up with an alternative to using my basement like area under the house where I used to hang everything on line. It was always around 60-65 degrees even in summer. Since the ground was dirt the rats could get in. I came in to the basement one time, turned on the light, and saw all my buds swinging around. I thought WTF, it's not windy in here! I Looked up and LMAO! I saw them running on the fishing line my colas were hanging from like they were on a tightrope! Trying to shake them off so they could drag them off somewhere. For what purpose I can only imagine. I had been wondering why I kept finding my buds on the dirt floor. Can't poison them cause they'd just run off and die, stinking up the house, and then the flies would be all throughout the house! Tried traps for a bit, but I felt like just switching to boxes would be easier. Now I just keep the boxes inside the house where it is around 70-73 degrees. They dry a bit quicker but not too much. I crack up when I see that Geico commercial on tv about the couple that have a "Ratt" problem! I actually worked with Warren DeMartini for a week at a cafe in Hollywood back in 84 and they filmed the video Back for More there. He was quitting to go on tour so I was replacing him. I was in town visiting for the Olympics so I quit soon after to head back to Humboldt! Priorities ya know!
              Last edited by Mazzariman; 09-23-2020, 11:42 AM.

            A little friend visited me today with the rain.
            Attached Files
            4x4 flower tent
            sour dream
            Blue Diesel
            platinum Girl Scout cookies

            2x4 veg tent
            Green Dream
            Sour Dream
            blue dream


            • Rwise
              Rwise commented
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              Luv the bug, but I did not want the wet on my buds! I have only spotted green mantis here

            • FunkyButtLovin
              FunkyButtLovin commented
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              We get green, white and the other day saw one on green weeds (not pot) that was gray/brown like he belonged on tree bark. He stuck out and was easy to spot just walking by, not even really looking at the plants.

            With the rain came 2 broken limbs on the other GG4, so now instead of tied down they are tied up. I hope we get some sunshine today, I want to be out there with my 30x!


            • FunkyButtLovin
              FunkyButtLovin commented
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              I'm really starting to worry about rot on my little outdoor girls, I might take them soon. I don't know how long they've been flowering, Now that I look back, it's been at least 12 weeks now I think lmao. No wonder a couple have been looking pretty spent for a few weeks now hahaha. Man, I think I have a 5+ month old autoflower still alive.

            Three days of rain coming after the weekend. No way they'll make it with the wpm and rot. Going to harvest Sunday one way or another. Mostly milky and a few clear.


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