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Anyone in for growing trees? Summer Grow 2020

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    Happy independents day to all our fellow neighbors hope your enjoying this wonderful scorching's hotter then the devil's crotch and apparently it's going to stick around for a while.the super lemon and g13 are getting watered twice a day and I added a second tier to the g13 scrog..still got another month of growth then the stretch..just hoping I could pull this off.


    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      WOW it's bad that heat were hearing about. Wonder when we'll start getting hot here? We've had below avg. temps cool in my part of Oregon.

    Ya, they are telling us to expect very hot and dry for the next month, with fells like temps to 110*F. Hope everyone does well with the heat or cool in your area. IDK but I think the heat may be easier to deal with then cool and wet.


      Caught this little one making a home in an outdoor plant this morning.
      Attached Files
      4x4 flower tent
      sour dream
      Blue Diesel
      platinum Girl Scout cookies

      2x4 veg tent
      Green Dream
      Sour Dream
      blue dream


      • Mazzariman
        Mazzariman commented
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        Is that a male cluster at about 3 o'clock on pic #1? I battle with the green bud worms from moth eggs every year. Spiders not so much. Can't bring myself to use any type of insecticide though. Any ideas on a organic option to deal with those suckers?

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        Captain Jacks Dead Bug or Spinosad are both said to be safe to harvest.

      • Mazzariman
        Mazzariman commented
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        Thanks for the info on the worm issue Rwise!

      Cousin It.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Cousin It.png
Views:	472
Size:	1.35 MB
ID:	425089
      Tie Your Mother Down! (Queen)


        Actually turining into trees, standing close to 190cm. Storm and lots of rain here the last weeks. Had to duct tape some of them together from that. Fingers crossed they will recover.

        Indoor grow. LED, Soil. Autos.

        Outdoor grow. Autos, fem's, bagseeds


        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          Yes that's the only problem with very large plants, get your self lots of poles to stake the branches. But oh the harvest is so nice. Great job

        • swegrow
          swegrow commented
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          SoOrbudgal Thanks! Yes Ive stocked up on bambo poles. Will need em! =)

        Starting to stretch now here too. About the same height. Been raining so much I'm having a tough time getting nutes into the one in the ground. Thunderstorms everyday. Afraid of all the problems with over watering. Seems crazy to water a plant with nutes in a rain storm.


        • Bowhunterwoody
          Bowhunterwoody commented
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          Thanks again. I got a good dose in today. Tomorrow is another heavy rain day. I mean really heavy. Crazy.

        • oldjarhead100
          oldjarhead100 commented
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          we water on a 3 or 4 day schedule no matter if it rains or not ,we are in cloth pots and rain has a hard time getting in them ,last year I was in ground in the green house and I rarely had to water ,gorgeous plants

        • Bowhunterwoody
          Bowhunterwoody commented
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          Thanks OJH. I've pretty much been on that schedule for the one in the ground. 3 days. The two on the deck need every other day. Full strength nutes every other time. I move them out of the rain under the overhang for the heavy stuff.

        This is my White Crack x Double Grape auto being grown in soil outdoors in the greenhouse. Maybe 30 inches tall and has lacked good sunlight for maybe a third of the grow but she is growing well at Day 50.



        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          I stuck 3 outdoor into the green house tent just cause see if i can wake them up get some grow on them. Should be like the tropics in there now.

        • JohnEmad
          JohnEmad commented
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          Hope they grow big and powerful for you budgal. Glad I have a greenhouse again. Grows thing so much better when conditions are not the best outside.

        Both of my revegs are beginning to look like regular plants again.
        Attached Files
        4x4 flower tent
        sour dream
        Blue Diesel
        platinum Girl Scout cookies

        2x4 veg tent
        Green Dream
        Sour Dream
        blue dream


        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          I'm getting that type of growth on mine, also my positivity is out the window with them making any real harvest. I don't like to look at them don't look like weed should.

        My three others are growing like weeds one is beginning to look like a tree(blue dream) the others are at bush status. And the cherry tomatoes have been just fantastic.
        Attached Files
        4x4 flower tent
        sour dream
        Blue Diesel
        platinum Girl Scout cookies

        2x4 veg tent
        Green Dream
        Sour Dream
        blue dream


          Bunch of OG Mysterious Ladies. I don't know what they are, they don't know what they are, who cares what they are. All I know is they're growing like weeds. The tall one in the middle left is packing big time. The rest are full tilt boogie.
          Tie Your Mother Down! (Queen)


            Night before last we had strong storms, and one of my GG4s got blown over. She seems firm in the soil, and I hope like hell the tap root did not break! That happened last year to the Santa Marta Colombian Gold and cost at least 50% of the bud. I will do some restraining on her, but not try to stand her up, She had no wilting in the heat so maybe (fingers crossed) the roots are not to damaged.


            • CaptainWiese91
              CaptainWiese91 commented
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              What are you expecting the yield would be on this ?

            • Rwise
              Rwise commented
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              IF the roots are not damaged she will produce well, everything is looking up!

            So I went ahead and planted a strawberry cough at my dad's place seems to be doing well she's 7 feet now still got three months to go...the others in the scrogs are doing well also.


              Time for this weeks update. Both revegs have made good progress. The Green Crack almost looks like it was never in flower. The Sour Diesel still has some work to do. The Blue Dream is getting very big and the others are not far behind. No sign of flower yet all plants seem to be in full grow mode.
              Attached Files
              4x4 flower tent
              sour dream
              Blue Diesel
              platinum Girl Scout cookies

              2x4 veg tent
              Green Dream
              Sour Dream
              blue dream


                I'll have to get some pics when the sun comes back on. I decided to try a double harvest, we have lots of time yet so OFF with their seeds! Chop chop on the Shock Trauma and the DGD, I still have to milk the remaining seed from the budlets left on the DGD. The thought is to get them to grow new flowers to try to make seeds again, of course there is no male now. I started on the ST and it has fresh growth now, if this works I'll have a huge harvest this year.


                  Had an attack of a Richard bug, trying a double harvest if the plant will cooperate. Looks like 3-5 jars from the Shock Trauma, and way more from the Dresden Green Diamond. Both were used to make seed with BB3 males, off with their seed, lets grow buds!
                  Will it work?


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