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Anyone in for growing trees? Summer Grow 2020

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    The little girls and a few of the big girls


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      very very nice whats the age difference between the small and big

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      Well I think I can look that up, I have planted 4 or 5 times this year, with the littles being about 8 weeks or so old. The GSC is a reveg clone, everything else is from seed. The largest were early spring, then another batch, the next largest. If they would stop going into flower I could stop planting! Early harvest is nice!!

    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      Oh man those look awesome Rwise. Great looking grow so big and healthy.

    My outside Sour Dream began to show spider buds this week😍. None of the others have buds yet.
    But all girls are healthy and doing well even in the intense heat of Oklahoma right now. Harvesting tomatoes and peppers pretty regular. My garden is happy right now😍🙏😅
    Attached Files
    4x4 flower tent
    sour dream
    Blue Diesel
    platinum Girl Scout cookies

    2x4 veg tent
    Green Dream
    Sour Dream
    blue dream


    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      Hey it could be hotter this time of year, and dry to go with. We got a nice rain (rain barrels are full again), more today, I'll take 90s over 100s anytime!
      Nice garden!

    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      Yes that is lovely Booger789 i need to grow more in containers veggies like you do. My beds are full of perennials over the years i just been stuffing the beds but i have no more room for veggies LOL. Beautiful impatients they bring so much color and happiness to the garden

    • Booger789
      Booger789 commented
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      Just my way of trying to normalize cannabis into the garden, I grow medicine with my food what could be better. I just like to grow. I am coming up on my 50 th birthday, and I spend a lot of time in my garden even after a long hot day of fixing air conditioners. I have a 50 year old bottle of bourbon just waiting to be opened and enjoyed on my birthday in my garden with a nice smoke harvested from my garden. And thanks for all the wonderful comments everyone.

    Some bag seed I’m 90% sure came from a previous grow of Great White Shark. I’m glad I trained it a little or it would be a small tree!

    Attached Files


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      I'm sorry but it is a small tree lol

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      I agree nice!

    • SoOrbudgal
      SoOrbudgal commented
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      Oh man now this is exciting to see i have 4 mini versions of GWS in auto form going. Yours is a beauty of a photo great size man your going to get a haul off of her. She is a beauty. I just this a.m. finished the last of the tie downs on those 4 GWS autos they have been in a tent under 24-7 LED for a month now. I'm sure i slowed down the timing because of so much training and i broke a stem slightly she's gonna be fine. I'm sending them outdoors to the big world today it's so hot in the 70s during the night. Keep posting EthnicColeslaw i'd love to see the finish of yours.

    I have noticed that the banana tea causes the PH to drop when I water with it (spots on leaves). So I added some dolomite to the top of the soil in the pot, and the banana tea (and or rabbit poo) now gets dumped outside the pot. (The pots are rings or cloth with roots grown into the earth). The idea is that the plant will use the dolomite to balance what it gets from down deep so that I am not shocking them with a sudden PH change. What all y'all think?
    Pics when the rain is over.
    A bit of bandage has happened on the GG4 that got blown over. The 2 girls I took seed buds from are recovering nicely and making new flowers.
    I'll be setting up a fan to give the girls morning air flow to help with this wet weather too.


      The little girls are growing up!


      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        They love you Rwise and it shows.

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        I am out there all day fondling them!

      • Mazzariman
        Mazzariman commented
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        Very nice yard work. I've decided that caterpillars are nature's way of telling you that you're not spending enough time looking at and fondling your ladies! Fondle away I say!

      Getting ready for tropical storm Isaias. Gonna be a crazy afternoon. Tornado threat too.


      • Bowhunterwoody
        Bowhunterwoody commented
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        @Rwise,yep. Staked the one in the ground pretty good. Just want to get thru it. Supposed to get in and out pretty quick.

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        I hope all is well, I am watching the news and lots of damage!

      • Bowhunterwoody
        Bowhunterwoody commented
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        Rwise yea it got pretty squirrelly for a while. Lots of big branches and limbs down. Lost the entire top to a big oak. The girls tucked under the porch did ok. The one in the ground a little worse. Chainsaw and wheelbarrow all day. Nice one today.☺️

      Dbl Grape x White Crack starting to bend the branches so tied them up. P istils still mainly white and she is very sticky and strong smelling. Gone way past the breeders time but it is outside in a greenhouse with wildly fluctuating weather at times.
      Click image for larger version

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      • Bowhunterwoody
        Bowhunterwoody commented
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      • JohnEmad
        JohnEmad commented
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        If i lived in a more mild climate I would grow most of my weed outdoors. love how they look growing outside.

      Seedsman blueberry awesome plant. Think they ripped it off dutch passion..


        Looks like we lost about a week... Starting to smell beautiful..


        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          I better come over and make a " topiary bear " outta that tree very very nicely done

        • Booger789
          Booger789 commented
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          Looking good!

        • Bowhunterwoody
          Bowhunterwoody commented
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          Thanks. Ok SoOrbudgal. As long as it doesn't attract any more bears. Had two at the feeders at the same time yesterday. Probably two young males.

        Law rolled in on us today serving civil summons gave us a scare being they are mostly pathedic asses who beat and harrased me and my family and shot me with a tazer while cuffed. Caused me to break a plant I knew they we're coming in advance as always now but. Anyway blueberry came down about a week too early but it was good and Milky with 50 percent red hair at least. Dang.


        • Rwise
          Rwise commented
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          That sucks!

        • Booger789
          Booger789 commented
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          Real bummer!


          I need to take some nice fall pics of mine, everything is now flowering, 'cept a seedling under the DGD. I would say the seed from her is good! Several have popped but I am not tending them, if it survives it does.
          And yes it is fall here in Oklahoma, at least in my part. The trees are dropping leaves, the animals are putting on weight, the birds have started their fall things. Everything is telling me "early winter"!
          The little auto is fattening up nicely, she is also a test for teas and things, her last is a tea made from 28% THC bud (it was moldy so). I filled the jar with rain water, then sat it in the sun for 2 days and give it to her in the A.M. then when low refill with water, repeat. So far I think she likes it.


          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            They keep telling us to expect 100+ degrees, it is still August, but cold fronts continue from the north, this is a very cool and wet August here in OK. It rained on the first, an old time saying was if it rains on the first day of the month, expect 15+ days of rain in that month.

          • Growgood88
            Growgood88 commented
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            It's looking fall here too. Is the THC tea an experiment rwise?

          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            Yes it is Growgood88, I mean what you gonna do, I lost a gallon jar of 28% THC bud to mold (been in the jar near a year). I did not want to just trash it, and with the tea I can at least think I am doing something positive with it. First jar of weed I ever lost.

          Early morning update this week everything is in flower and stretching. Had a new crop of aphids show up so I released some more ladybugs this week. Beginning to get an amazing variety of sweet smelling weed. The molasses is doing it’s job. Recap on strains-2-Green Crack, 2-Sour Diesel, 2- Sour Dream, 1-Grand daddy Purple, 1-Blue Dream. All plants have spider buds, one Sour Dream has buds. All looks good and happy in the garden.
          Attached Files
          4x4 flower tent
          sour dream
          Blue Diesel
          platinum Girl Scout cookies

          2x4 veg tent
          Green Dream
          Sour Dream
          blue dream


          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
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            Love the variety in strains all sound great. Just a well done grow so far how's your neighbors?@Booger789

          • Booger789
            Booger789 commented
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            Neighbors are all good, they are used to smells emitting from my backyard, But it is usually Ribs, or smoked meatloaf, pork loin, BBQ chicken. And the whole while I smoke meat I smoke weed too. So they are just getting to smell it now before I burn it. I share regularly with my neighbors they are good people.and it helps I am the corner lot.

          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            I am a bit jealous that you have good neighbors, I have a bunch of fucking methheads in my hood. That is just one reason my guns are all loaded, and they know I stand against them! Now the others are good folks with like minds, its just the fucking methheads I cant stand! They also know my motto, shoot first ask no questions because you are guilty of being here!

          I usually clean the girls up (daily) before pics, but heres some nice fall shots.
          In the third pic some ties to hold broken limbs in place, and some restraints.
          In pic six, which side is the limb?
          7 is an auto getting close to ready.


          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
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            Man Rwise i'm so happy for your luck this season we all deserve a good ending summer grow and yours are just great. Oh how i wish mine had not revegged just thinking this summer is a goodie so far how soon does your rains start? Those look like they will be ready end of the month on a couple? How great is that

          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            Thanx SoOrbudgal, the rain has not stopped this year, I am still using rain water to keep the ground wet. I was surprised and very happy mine did not reveg. The little auto should be ready first, I been watching her get fat and feeding her experiments. The rusty glue tea gave her white spots, LOL.
            This has been a very odd year, you see in the background a pair I already took seeded buds from. Took some to a friend and he said "seeds already" "and pretty ones too"! Wow just wow, I never expected this.

          Now some close ups of the pre-flowers, I mean flowering is supposed to start in about 30 days, these must be pre-flowers right?! LOL


          • Booger789
            Booger789 commented
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            Lookin good fellow Okie. Keep up the hard work, your harvest is gonna be huge!

          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            Booger789 Thanx! The hard work pays off well, I do spend about 3 hours every day with them. Fondling their buds, smelling them,
            What do you think about this cool August?

          • Booger789
            Booger789 commented
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            I will not bitch about this August at all. It has been a wonderful year outdoors this year. Screw all the COVID stuff and I have been working in my garden this year, and working towards maybe a venture into a bit of commercial growing may be in my future. I am a dedicated Hvac contractor first. I am almost 50 and still work with one of my install teams on a daily basis. It keep my skills fresh and keeps me healthy so I don’t sit around in an office. But I have a building sitting empty that would be a great size and of good use for a modest venture into commercial growing if it strikes me. And I must admit I am entertaining the idea more and more.

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