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In THe NEWS... Corona

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    Dr. Praises Hydroxychloroquine For Coronavirus: ‘Very Ill’ To ‘Basically Symptom Free’ In Hours

    A Los Angeles doctor praised using hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 during an interview with a local news station on Sunday, claiming that it has a dramatic effect on patients who are seriously ill when combined with zinc.

    Dr. Anthony Cardillo, CEO of Mend Urgent Care, made the remarks during an interview with ABC 7 news anchor Jory Rand.

    “What we’re finding clinically with our patients is that it really only works in conjunction with zinc. So the hydroxychloroquine opens the zinc channel, zinc goes into the cell, it then blocks the replication of the cellular machinery,” Cardillo said. “So, it has to be used in conjunction with zinc. We are seeing some clinical responses in that regard. There are people that take it regularly for other disease processes, we have to be cautious and mindful that we don’t prescribe for patients who have COVID that are well. It really should be reserved for people that are really sick, in the hospital, or at home very sick that need that medication, otherwise we’re going to blow through our supply for the patients that take it regularly for other disease processes.”

    “Every patient I’ve prescribed it to has been very, very ill and within 8-12 hours they were basically symptom free and so, clinically I am seeing a resolution that mirrors what we saw in the French study and some of the other studies worldwide,” Cardillo continued. “But what I am seeing is that people that are taking it alone, by itself, it’s not having efficacy.”

    (went to the grocery store at 7:00am this morning...still out of paper products here.)
    "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


    • starramus
      starramus commented
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      The ruling class are, but a highly specialized parasite. They coalesce your energies, and productivity essentially "privatizing" your labors. Fred Trump for instance made his horde through mainly federally subsidized housing. He dipped from the public trough, and made private the proceeds. Warren Buffet got his start with GEICO (government employees insurance company). He took those ill gotten gains, and invested in the biggest Ponzi scheme going otherwise known as Wall Street. Casino capitalism is nothing more than an illusion that they manage to keep going until a bump is hit exposing the entire system for what it is. A scathing insider's look at the inner workings:
      The Ponzi Factor: The Simple Truth About Investment Profits
      by Tan Liu I am not in awe of these bloated organisms knowing well what they have has been siphoned from the vast populace.

    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      starramus " Warren Buffet got his start with GEICO (government employees insurance company)." Completely false.
      I certainly hope you donate your $1200 government check to charity and lead by example.(I don't expect you will do that though, it's pretty rare for a socialist to turn down a handout). Of course most socialistic countries are poverty ravaged or have failed all together in bloody coups...the outliers have funded their government through the exploitation of natural resources and then there's Bernie, started his career in politics and stayed there, never working a day in the private sector, never contributing anything to gross domestic production. Basically a leach on society, preying upon and exploiting human emotions for his personal gain.
      Last edited by GreenState; 04-08-2020, 04:58 AM.

    • starramus
      starramus commented
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      GreenState Yeah I know the story about Coke/Pepsi shares in Buffet's younger days. However let me rephrase my statement. Buffet got the majority of his investment capital from GEICO. He had to siphon off those huge amounts from the many. A little story about this skin fucking flint. My son at one time was a manager at the Quest Center in Omaha where Buffet held his Berkshire Hathaway Roman orgies. Many of the food staff complained to my son that Buffet was never leaving a tip. Imagine a multibillionaire being to cheap to give a lowly waiter a bit of a reward! "They've already been compensated for their work".

      I do have GEICO insurance for one reason only, the lowest goddamn rate. They keep their pencils pretty sharp over there. I hate giving mister buy and hold one goddamn phennig! Buy and hold no matter what his only investment strategy. It's so easy a cave man could do it. The oracle of Omaha got caught with his shorts down in 2008, and in this collapse he will continue to hold his shares while struggling for life on a ventilator.

      You'll be glad to know that america's Jewish Bolshevik Commie has dropped out of the presidential. You don't have Bernie to kick around any longer. By the way he has been recommending charities for weeks in his campaign emails. You two Vermonters must think alike!
      Last edited by starramus; 04-08-2020, 01:30 PM. Reason: i toopid

    This isn't at all related to anything C-19 or other pandemic, nor is it weed related. I just wanted to use a dirty word. Pussy Galore died. 'sall I'm saying.
    C'mon, mule!



    • Farmall
      Farmall commented
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      Age 94...she was one of my first exposures to the word pussy... when I heard her name... I was totally overwhelmed of course I was 12 but it still gets me

    Billionaires and millionaires are the philanthropists. Without the Helllspawn 1% and their ways, a lot in this world would not exist or no longer exist. Hospitals and medicine are two great examples of altruistic values. Please, let's not talk healthcare or tax write offs. How much art would not exist, or history would not have been found and studied without philanthropists? Nobel. Getty. Kroc. Carnagie.

    Bezos is new billions and is going to get more billions with shipping and junk during this C-19 deal. Let's see if he money's up. Gates has been working his billions to help hundreds of millions.

    Okay. Just a word on tax write offs. Every time folks donate to charitable organizations, and write it off on their taxes, and get money back for it, has just forced the government to make a donation to their favorite charity. Write off the clothes you drop off at Goodwill and the government just donated on your jeans. Pay for a hospital and you aren't going to pay as many millions in taxes. I'm okay with that.

    Trample the weak and take all you can.
    Trample the weak and hurdle the dead.
    C'mon, mule!



    • starramus
      starramus commented
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      Sure Gingerbeard The Waltons are an extreme example of that "philanthropy". They didn't even consider a puny raise for their employees until dot gov gave them a huge tax break. Then it was just a smidgeon above minimum wage. Additionally they began cutting their hours taking away any benefits that they once had. Trickle down theory was the greatest hoax foisted on the american public by Ronnie Ray Gun! He was a salesman and he sold the working class their own demise with his ransacking of the unions. I have often said I would like to demonstrate trickle down theory by urinating on dear Ronnie's grave! You cannot deny those employees are are doing absolutely essential work for a mere farthing. Risking their very lives to check out your groceries. We need them far more than the Waltons!

      Mon, Apr 6 at 2:56 PM

      My brother Phillip worked at Walmart in Evergreen Park, Illinois for 9 years. He liked his job and had a lot of friends there.

      A few weeks ago, he left work feeling sick. He was a diabetic and was diagnosed with COVID-19. And last weekend, on Sunday afternoon, he took his last breath. It still doesn’t feel real even as I write this.

      The part I can’t get over? Walmart is putting people’s lives at risk. We’re hearing that Walmart KNEW people were sick at the store and didn’t inform any of the employees. For weeks, my brother and his coworkers worked at Walmart without masks or gloves while thousands of customers came in every day. There was no enforced social distancing at the time and inadequate paid leave to make sure people weren’t going to work sick.

      Walmart is refusing to act to control the spread of the virus – and it may be costing people their lives. Join me in calling on every governor in every state to force Walmart to prevent more deaths.

      People are getting sick and Walmart irresponsibly denies hundreds of thousands of employees adequate paid sick leave – if someone wakes up not feeling well, they have to choose between coming to work sick and paying the bills.

      Walmart should have seen this coming – and they should have done more to prevent the spread of the virus.

      Governors have the power to force Walmart to close facilities with positive cases. They have the power to convene a Walmart coronavirus response task force that includes not just corporate but employees as well, to work together to solve this problem.

      I can’t bring back my brother. But I can do everything in my power to prevent other Walmart employees and customers from getting infected while the company refuses to keep our communities safe. I’m asking from the bottom of my heart to click here to tell your governor to close the Walmart stores with positive cases and convene a coronavirus task force to prevent more deaths.

      I want justice for my brother and his friends at Walmart. I don’t want more people to die.

      Thank you,

      Ms. Angela McMiller
      United for Respect
      You can unsubscribe from our emails at any time. But we hope you co
      Last edited by starramus; 04-07-2020, 06:41 PM. Reason: i toopid

    I think you guys and gals can really use this! Title is " Why Billionaires won't save us."

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
    2.5 x 2.5 tent
    Viparspectra PAR600
    4" Fan & Filter
    GH Trio + Cal Mag

    Current Grow:
    1x Cream Cookies
    1x Pineapple Express
    1x Northern Lights
    1x White Widow


    • RagWeedDWC
      RagWeedDWC commented
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      Exactly why I continue to frequent this forum, besides the much needed information on how to grow great weed, it opens doors into other areas of discussion that I have never personally heard. The breakdown of the games the ultra rich play I understood on a peripheral basis but this video really opened my eyes. Thanks.

    • herbgrower
      herbgrower commented
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      Glad to hear that man. The more knowledge you share, the more shall you have!

    They just said in the local propaganda that 50% of those that have or have had this C-19 have no symptoms, completely asymptomatic!


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      and then theirs those that die in a few days , I would rather they scare everyone if it saves a life

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      We have known for weeks that many infected people are asymptomatic.

    Originally posted by Gingerbeard View Post
    Billionaires and millionaires are the philanthropists. Without the Helllspawn 1% and their ways, a lot in this world would not exist or no longer exist. Hospitals and medicine are two great examples of altruistic values. Please, let's not talk healthcare or tax write offs. How much art would not exist, or history would not have been found and studied without philanthropists? Nobel. Getty. Kroc. Carnagie.

    Bezos is new billions and is going to get more billions with shipping and junk during this C-19 deal. Let's see if he money's up. Gates has been working his billions to help hundreds of millions.

    Okay. Just a word on tax write offs. Every time folks donate to charitable organizations, and write it off on their taxes, and get money back for it, has just forced the government to make a donation to their favorite charity. Write off the clothes you drop off at Goodwill and the government just donated on your jeans. Pay for a hospital and you aren't going to pay as many millions in taxes. I'm okay with that.

    Trample the weak and take all you can.
    Trample the weak and hurdle the dead.
    Gingerbeard Noam Chomsky will make things perfectly clear for you.


    • Gingerbeard
      Gingerbeard commented
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      Although Dabber is a something, rather than a someone, she is the one I serve and service. Baths and junk.

    • StillHigh1982
      StillHigh1982 commented
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      I serve my wife, myself, and anyone else I can without jeopardizing my first two priorities. If everyone did this we would all be better off. All of the propaganda videos can fertilize my plants. From both sides.

    • Bowhunterwoody
      Bowhunterwoody commented
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      Damn straight Stillhigh 1982.

    Right on Gingerbeard
    Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

    Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
    indoor/outdoor grower
    1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
    I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
    Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


      I hope everyone is having a wonderful quarantine. My hope and wishes go out to you all. Sorry(not sorry) to be weird.


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        StillHigh1982 You are weird, and it's awesome. I'm getting a lot of gardening done during my isolation. It's great.

      Well went to the store(s 5 of them) and got most of what I wanted/need to get through this. No backing powder anywhere, no dish soap, only one place had TP, one had flour, one had sugar, a bag or 2 of beans at each place, canned meats here and there. The only limit I saw was on hamburger, keep it! Those arrows in the store floors dont mean shit to many folks (the same ones that were not wearing a cloth face cover) I'll call Sis and see if she can grab a few items for me when she comes in. If not I am good. I also picked up blood and bone meal while getting animal feed (they had plenty of stock)
      By the stats, I am in the most infected area of my state, Tulsa and Creek county (pronounced crook county LOL)
      I dont see this treatment in the news, and I cant open the link, it says error~
      My plan for the next 60 days is to stay here, keep everyone away, work the gardens, maybe do some fishing in the creek, harvest wild veggies~~
      EDIT BTW I would have luved to get a single gallon of (whole) milk, not any to be found /EDIT
      Last edited by Rwise; 04-08-2020, 05:52 AM.


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        Wow, your stores sound bare!!!! Just let me know if you need some dry beans, I have lots.

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        We did find plenty, just not at one place, baking powder, dish soap LOL I can hang on!

      • RagWeedDWC
        RagWeedDWC commented
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        I discovered that I had bought 2 24 roll cases of what my bride calls "Truck Stop Toilet Paper" for my hurricane locker. You should of heard all the cat calls and laughter when I broke them out to check on them...… Not so much now :-) Everyone seems to want at least one roll.... I have been using them in the shop for fine sandpaper… Sure its great for a hurricane locker but tough on the behind.

      I have been accused of being racist or a conspiracy theorist due to being outspoken about a certain country in this time of the epidemics. Covid 19 is not the 1st epidemic to come out of this region. In fact several very nasty things keep flowing from the same place. Call me any names you want but before you quickly label me do your own homework. Here are just a couple links.
      This does not even touch on the subject of copyrights, theft of trade secrets, or China's long term goals of world domination. I just say watch who you trust and who you support.

      Stay safe out there.



      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        JohnEmad He's not my president, and he is a compulsive liar. He's a seriously sick individual. I also like to do my own research and take everything online with a grain of salt until I'm convinced that enough sources are verifying facts. Nonetheless, I don't think any govt. tells the truth, and I'm not "afraid" of China. I'm too busy casting the beam out of USA's eye to worry about the mote in China's.

      • JohnEmad
        JohnEmad commented
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        hey alltatup, I agree that no countries gov't is perfect. In fact far from it. In Canada our economic relief program for covid 19 also included a section granting our minority gov't full unquestioned power to make decisions for 2 years. It was like holding people hostage to gain power. Despicable.
        Anyway i will always support our US brothers and sisters over a foreign power like China. Buy US or Canada made first if possible. Just ask our neighbor about the china made dog food that is the main culprit in killing their dog. Laced with poisonous residue in their manufacturing process.
        Anyway enough said. I am going to stick to commenting on cannabis and stop my ranting about politics and unproven theories. ...for now. lol.

      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        JohnEmad I knew years ago about the shitty Chinese dogfood, and I always try to buy Canada/US made. My nutrients are Canadian and my grow boxes, and my favorite vape are Canadian. I LOVE Canada. It's not that I trust China, cuz I don't, but I mistrust my own govt with all its ties to corporate and to fossil fuel far more. Would I rather be in China, OH HELL NO, but I'm more worried about my own psychopathic govt.

        So I think we agree more than not. I get upset when I see folks making fun of ethnicity, creating ugly stereotypes and all that shit, cuz it always reminds of of Jim Crow and anti-Judaism.

      4x4x6.5 tent, (2) 18"x46" LED Strip Fixtures 440w?? 🙃 (2) Solacure UVB T8s, Infinity T6 fan, (4) 5gal DWC res.
      GH Trio, Calimagic, LKB, Armor Si, Sweet, Hydroguard, GH pH

      I used to smoke pot. I still do, but I used to too.


      • JohnEmad
        JohnEmad commented
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        that is very unfortunate

      • Toker1
        Toker1 commented
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        This is so sad.

      13 is way too young to be doing any dying. I was devastated when my first real girl friend died at 19, but she was an oldster compared to this kid. Heartfelt condolences to her very grieving family!


      • NickyChicks
        NickyChicks commented
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        Yeah it's real sad, she and the people in her corner really paved the way for some really amazing things.

      American Samoa is looking pretty goddamn good. Zero infections in that locale!


      This is what I get for not paying taxes and making a little more than 10G's a year. A whole extra freaking month! Geez. Might as well forget it. I'm pouting.

      C'mon, mule!



        Why this thread is dry? Somebody water it.
        2.5 x 2.5 tent
        Viparspectra PAR600
        4" Fan & Filter
        GH Trio + Cal Mag

        Current Grow:
        1x Cream Cookies
        1x Pineapple Express
        1x Northern Lights
        1x White Widow


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          What's on your mind???

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