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In THe NEWS... Corona

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    DJIA popped 532 points yesterday. This failed ebola drug was supposedly the answer. IMHO big pharma just wants a piece of the action.


      Wonderful news gosh live news direct from GWE what a treat!!
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


        Whichever big pharma company comes up with an effective treatment with a high success rate will rake in tens if not hundreds of billions. I took a course of Harvoni by Gilead. It was around $145,000. My total co-pay was $20. Tens of thousands of these treatments were sold. Good old capitalism has gotten the price down to around $28,000 for something just as effective. India told Gilead to shove their patent up their ass and began producing the generic version of Harvoni for $300 for domestic use. It will be real interesting to see how this all plays out. I believe it was Gilead Science’s remdesivir that somewhat sped up recovery time and slightly reduced mortality rates for covid patients. This study was done on the governments dime. Gilead will likely reap ALL the profits from this. This is more of the "socializing of research and capitillising of profits" in play.
        Last edited by smoorman; 04-30-2020, 10:04 AM.


        • starramus
          starramus commented
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          Yes according to the study, which should be taken with a kilogram of salt, instead of a 14 day stay in the hospital for Covid-19 treatment the stay would be reduced to 11 days. In addition the mortality rate is theoretically reduced by 20%. Gilead has been desperately searching for a use of their uber expensive drug. Maybe they'll next offer it as a cure for ED. I don't have much faith in American capitalism eradicating this viral monster. Not so much in American media I've seen that the Chinese have been successful in cloning antibodies. Are the "Chicoms" coming to the rescue?

          On a more macroscopic level could this be the opening stages of a mass extinction? The Age of Reptiles may have ended via a viral onslaught rather than an asteroid collision. The Age of Mammals could be in the cross hairs of this viral nemesis. I've seen spotty reports of tigers, cats, and dogs testing positive.

        Damn, I sure hope we're not all going extinct. That would be a bummer.


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          We will go extinct through self-destruction; just a question of time.

        On another avenue of science "fiction" might Covid-19 be blowback from a fucked up attempt to rein in China's growing economic prowess? Of course there are arguments in opposition.

        With all of the accusations back, and forth I can see this escalating into a thermonuclear war. Chinese Global Times editor Hu Xijing refers to Australia as "chewing gum stuck to the soles of our shoes".
        Last edited by starramus; 04-30-2020, 11:37 AM. Reason: i toopid


          Spoiler alert: This is a real unpopular gingerbeard view. I might get banished.
          Soooo... Love it, hate it. Deal with it. Thank it. Capitalism. Would there be any sort of cure or prophylaxis without it? Why are drugs so expensive at the get-go? Research and development. Without capitalistic remuneration for work done and profit to allow expansion, less work will get done because more work will be needed. Have you ever sold anything for a profit?
          Profit before people? Has to be, folks. Say a guy calls the electric company and demands a refund for a day when his power was out. No problem. Here's your refund. Then every single person who has a problem gets a refund. Then you have a(nother) bankrupt electric company,
          Do you enjoy the products you buy? Thanks for the contribution to capitalism. Anyone buy gas from a non profit oil company?
          The 1% who control all the money? I have no problem with that. Let's guess there are 350,000,000 people in the US. 1% is 3,500,000. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad money. If it is used instead of spent. You have what you are able to have. They have what they are able to have.
          Perhaps the final insult. Get ready. Weed companies are product contributors to big pharma. When we buy seeds, huge capitalism. The supplies many of use are produced for capitalism.
          Does any of this mean I am a big supporter of capitalism, yeah, probably. Do I like it? Not so much. Ever see 'The Gods Must Be Crazy?' That, my friends, before the Coke bottle, is what a non capitalistic society looks like. No one is trying to get ahead of anyone else. There are no possessions. Whoever has the Coke bottle is the big man on campus.
          Let's hear it...

          C'mon, mule!



          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            Television was free until they found out folks would pay for it. Not me! I hate advertisements, yet I used to work for TV Guide which made $6,000,000.00 a minute from adds. But what you gonna do?

          • Gingerbeard
            Gingerbeard commented
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            Rwise I know no advertisements. God created the remote control for three things: the mute button, channel surfing, and as an extension of a man's penis. Wonder what the ladies think about that.

          • Obi-Wan
            Obi-Wan commented
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            I’m confused....if the power was out why would the guy get a refund? You don’t get charged for power until you use it, so why would he get a refund for not being able to use power? The interruption of service is inconvenient no doubt, but certainly not a refundable event.

          Nowhere did I say I thought it was okay to put profits before people alltatup. I said, "Has to be..." Isn't that a true statement followed by a solid example? No profit, no business. No business, no advancement. Then we're a Coke bottle utopia. Can I call it 'sociopathic tendencies?' If so, yep. People who make real big decisions have real big fucked up decisions to make.
          What are my sweeping generalizations? I used the word 'all' once about the 1%. That's the only clue I can see to making any sort of generalization. I googled my error. It should be 1% control 80%. When I said, "Weed companies are product contributors..." that doesn't say all companies. Asking people about things they buy?
          Let's hear it for non-profit organizations! I'm absolutely serious. Honest NPO's have to figure money in their budget to pay non-volunteers and have to plan if they're going to need to hire anybody else for the next year. Expansion. Technically, not a profit. But what else is it but money for expansion that will create more money for the NPO?
          I keep reading what I wrote. Anything not factual without going off on tangents, my dove?
          C'mon, mule!



            Capitalism is in my opinion not an idea but a human nature now. I am a socialist but you can't underestimate power of money and the privileges that comes with it. There is no utopia, there never was and there never will be. The world has always been this cruel, we just thought our surrounding world was like that but with 21st century we know it's the same everywhere.
            However only few good people make up for the most of the cruelty at least that's what I saw reading back human history. I think we all need new but very old school -ism in current times; Humanism!
            I like to quote L.R. Knost on that note, "It's not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. It's our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless." I imprinted this for if and when I become a father.
            2.5 x 2.5 tent
            Viparspectra PAR600
            4" Fan & Filter
            GH Trio + Cal Mag

            Current Grow:
            1x Cream Cookies
            1x Pineapple Express
            1x Northern Lights
            1x White Widow


            • herbgrower
              herbgrower commented
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              alltatup If there was no greed in human nature then we wouldn't have much problems but than without it we wouldn't have progressed as well. So yeah I think it is the collective human conscience that shapes human behavior. And as far as the policies are concerned what i think socialism is and could be is just the right balance of capitalism and communism. The game of give and take is going on from many centuries. Thomas Hobbes's theory of social contract is pretty much reflection of it. I do not remember the research by name and institute but it derived that people are becoming less and less empathetic than they used to be 50 years ago.

            • herbgrower
              herbgrower commented
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              Gingerbeard We will be going too far with that man. I would stop at agnosticism.

            • herbgrower
              herbgrower commented
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              Obi-Wan I like to use "we" when I am trying to make a point that should be not for a group or community but for all. I think using "I" in such cases is very egoistic and using "they" is too detached. And I am exactly saying what you are saying. The different isms has divided us too much. Now at least can we united on one thing that we can't change about us that we all are human and we all deserve equality, dignity and a good life. Man I take coffee with people who would kill me for my thoughts so I am sure we can hang along just fine!

            I do not share the belief of socialism. I'm in the belief of working hard doing your best don't like your pay get a better skill can't find a job try working 2. I'm all for helping hand up just not for life. Free handouts leads to lazy life " why work when I get more off unemployment " temporary to most go back to work after this shit storm ends. Else you reap what you sow. America was not meant to be a socialist communist country. Hardworking laborers ruled by the big rich families built this country into what it is. Nothing is free we the working class payed for all and were taxed heavy so you can get a free ride?? Oh hell no
            Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

            Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
            indoor/outdoor grower
            1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
            I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
            Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



            • herbgrower
              herbgrower commented
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              SoOrbudgal Well I don't know how you make up the socialism but it has very less to do with giving free things and more to do with taking care of a populous as a whole society. The economics and politics are very easy to neglect but the philosophical side which very few mention is very important. Of course the one who works hard should have the privileges but that doesn't justify the habit of "buy in" everything. I mean there are people struggling to put some food in their stomach and they themselves help produce crop for others but they can't buy it for themselves. I am talking from a nation where 60% of population is directly or indirectly are dependent on farming. I am not asking to take anyone's money away. I am only asking that those who don't even have essentials should get it over some few who has exponential and taking a slack of it won't make much difference. For example (not a literal one) If a billionaire has 5 Billion, I take 1 Billion out of it than he is still going to remain a billionaire but at least one million people could be fetched out of poverty with that 1 Billion. Working class has nothing to do with it. This is between ultra rich, rich and poor. Working class needs to be elevated to the next class. Ideally everybody should be working class. That I can say is the final milestone of socialism if I am a leader.

            • GreenState
              GreenState commented
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              Sounds as though you are reading passages from Animal Farm or perhaps The Jungle.

            My niece is one of those who is making more money on unemployment and stimulus money so she refused to go back to work when her job opened up this past week. The employer sent her a check and she says she is not going to cash it until after the unemployment money and stimulus money run out as it would prevent her from being on unemployment. Then she says she is going to cash it once this mess goes away. A real patriot. Meanwhile, my daughter is a nurse who is on the front lines of this but is getting her hours cut because she normally is involved with scheduled procedures with some emergencies. I told her to do the right thing, get all the hours you can and volunteer for work in the ER so she can try to keep up her hours. She gets a little frustrated with her cousin at times because what she is doing seems like thievery to her (and to me too). Do I want my daughter to be like my niece, no and nor do I want to be this way. The thing is there are a whole, whole, whole lot of people like my niece...


            • SoOrbudgal
              SoOrbudgal commented
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              crunchyfrog my daughter is also a RN she is picking up shifts left and right. I wish she could take 2-3 days off but she refuses and yes she makes excellent income. She got no handouts ( except we helped her when she worked and put herself through college) she's our hero. So i'm with you and your daughter hard hard work it is.

            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              Way I see it, they're just behaving like the prez and all his rich cronies... real patriots...

              I think your niece is smart not to go back.

            A friend is on unemployment since just before this shit hit the fan. When it hit they upped what he gets by $600.00 each week! Thats more than he makes working! He has not been called back, yet. WTF?
            But it doesn't end there, Food Stamps or SNAP, some are getting maxed out, some are not getting anything, some say they get an extra $600 a month. IDK I dont use those (or qualify for them) Why does one person get it and not another? How do they choose?
            And all of these get that $1200.00 on top of that!


            • Farmall
              Farmall commented
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              I read that when it came out as an additional $600.00 total not each week but I don’t collect ....YET

            • GreenState
              GreenState commented
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              It is $600/wk in addition to what one collects from the state unemployment (their state) falls under a different program.
              The really interesting part is covering the self-employed as well (who never paid into it-again falls under the PUA (I believe it ends in July)

              "PUA provides support for workers not traditionally eligible for unemployment benefits (self-employed, independent contractors, workers with limited work history, and others) who are unable to work as a direct result of the coronavirus public health emergency. PUA will provide for lost wages, including an additional $600/week for each week of lost wages
              Being self employed I filed a claim 6 weeks ago (don't make the rules, just stay in my lane)and have yet to receive anything and am going back to work next week!
              (haven't received the fed $1200 either )
              Last edited by GreenState; 05-03-2020, 06:50 AM.

            • Farmall
              Farmall commented
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              GreenState that makes 2 of us.... in 53 yrs I have never collected unemployment and have worked two jobs to keep thing flowing... frankly, I’d almost like to try a few months off with PAY!!... gettin’ old and tired. Normal retirement should have been a few yrs ago...but me, nope....still busting my ass

            'We' is a colloquial word. When used in a sentence like, 'We are Borg', it doesn't mean all of us are Borg. It refers only to those who are Borg. As we all know, no two people are alike. Same views but different reasons.
            'We' is a nit-picked word. Like 'believe'. 'I believe that is correct'. 'Do you believe or know it to be correct?' If I believe I know the answer, I know I know the answer.
            People refer to other people as, 'that.' 'Who is the person that slapped my ass?' Is not correct. 'Who is the person who slapped my ass.' is correct. People are not objects referred to as 'that'. Pets and trees and poop are that. People are who's.
            How about ASAP. That doesn't mean now. It means as soon as you get a chance, please...

            There are some folk who are on assistance through no fault of their own. Without 'free' money, there would be a lot more crime and homelessness and hunger going on. There are those who are taking 'free' money because of a lifetime of working or have been a part of an organization that helps those who find themselves unable to work. Some want to slide on government assistance. Some want to go back to work and shove the stimulus up someone's nose. Some are not in position for either.

            C'mon, mule!



            • herbgrower
              herbgrower commented
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              The money doesn't need to be "free" essentially, it needs to be accessible. Give people work for money, those who has worked all life make sure they don't have to work for money till they depart.

            Bowhunterwoody Interesting.

            "Resident fishing license sales are up by more than 50% over this time last year, and combination hunting and fishing license sales have increased by almost a quarter — a reversal in yearslong trends. "

            "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


            • Bowhunterwoody
              Bowhunterwoody commented
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              That's pretty good news for the states. CT has seen a consistent drop in license sales before this also. They opened the fishing season almost a month early to give people something to do. Turkey season is going strong now and it's been insane at the shop. We've sold more calls and decoys this year then the last four combined.

            • RagWeedDWC
              RagWeedDWC commented
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              Can not speak of hunting (Short of killing a coyote here and there) I do not hunt per say. However I do fish, and I'm on the water a lot, fishing has changed over the years, fish have moved and patterns have changed due to the climate change (Yes its real).
              Lots of folks with new boats on the water, mostly pleasure but a few fishing (Less than 26 foot boats) makes a lot of wonder where the heck these folks are coming from and as stated above it has increased drastically in the last couple of years.

            weedgrower You wrote: "If there was no greed in human nature then we wouldn't have much problems but than without it we wouldn't have progressed as well." I don't believe that greed drives all of technology, but perhaps enough of it to make your statement partially true. The current state of "progress" is precarious at best. With global warming, progress is transforming into mass destruction--of atmosphere, of ocean, of species, of Antartica, etc.

            In short, greed will drive us to extinction. I don't think our species is capable of changing enough to save the planet, to recognize the reality of what's happening. Take this pandemic: people have been in complete denial about the virus, and have gone out with their guns to protest the loss of their liberty. If that is not a twisted and pathetic distortion of reality, I'll eat my hat. To go out and protest your right to catch covid 19 is about as irrational as you can get. It's also funny how the pandemic has the racists and anti-Semites crawling out of the woodwork to express their lust for destruction. trump gave them permission to express their real feelings just as he has, so why not?
            Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

            Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
            2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
            Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


            • Gingerbeard
              Gingerbeard commented
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              alltatup my shiny Sacajawea dollar . Let's start with us both believing there may or may not have been a past?

            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              Gingerbeard No. I don't believe that.

            • Gingerbeard
              Gingerbeard commented
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              alltatup the ring around my posy. You don't believe that but you did and you will.

            Civilian Conservation Corps.
            C'mon, mule!



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