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In THe NEWS... Corona

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new posts Cuba takes in British Cruise ship with Covid-19 patients aboard.


    • starramus
      starramus commented
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      Apparently the Cubans have developed their own version of Interferon B which might actually fight off Covis-19. Wouldn't that be turnabout? Communist country saves capitalist America.

    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      I spent 72 weeks on Peg-interferon (plus high dose ribavirin). I can tell you, Interferon is no picnic and not for the weak. I'd thought about ribavirin as a possible treatment for covid-19, but it has to build up in your system and destroys your HGB and RBC levels
      Last edited by GreenState; 03-30-2020, 06:28 PM.

    Shit. An employee at the Amazon wharehouses here in Salem tested positive. I hope he didn't handle any of the packages I've gotten!!!!


    • starramus
      starramus commented
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      JDU I have been worrying about that myself. I have been spraying packages with Lysol, and wiping them with Clorox wipes. I have even gone to the extent of letting them sit out in the sun for a few days. Funny listening to Jim Cramer on CNBC this AM he is doing the same thing. "Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep!"

    • JDU
      JDU commented
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      Haha!! I been doin that as long as I can remember!! I'm an OCD germaphobe. I have 3 cans of lysol at all times & been washing my hands 200 x / day since the experts was still sittin on they mommas hip!! Who's crazy now!!?!!?

    • starramus
      starramus commented
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      Germaphobe here as well so this outbreak really gives us a reason. I'm washing my hands so much my iPhone is not recognizing my fingerprint!

    My son sent this to me.....interesting read



      CRAP-DIGGITY-CRAP!!! Y'all can find your own sources for this.
      I just read veterans will be getting direct deposit or check within the next threeish weeks. Folks already on government support will not be excluded. Folks, my conundrum about keeping the check is solved. I can't buy in bulk because all the bulk is gone. That means I have to spend for 8 ounces what I was spending for two pounds. And I goddamn need me some new spectacles.
      Yes, there are a few stipulations. I am only talking about vets and government supported folks.
      C'mon, mule!



      • Gingerbeard
        Gingerbeard commented
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        Cool starramus. I'm going to be growing some great weed on the G's dime.

      • starramus
        starramus commented
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        Gingerbeard And the best part...they don't even get to tax it!

      • StillHigh1982
        StillHigh1982 commented
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        starramus shhhhh, dont say that too loud. Won't be long before we have to kick back our best colas.

      This is one thing and i'm sooo glad for during this time...… more robo calls no more chatter from other countries trying to rip you off I wonder who's factories these calls came from? Not a single " Microsoft" call it's the only good thing.
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


      Actually, I’ve gotten 2 today but on the cell thing, it identifies it as a spam or telemarketing call... but, I screw with them ALL the time...if I’m not busy


      • JDU
        JDU commented
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        Yeah Buddy!!!! The kindest thing you can do to a telemarketer is hang up & let them move on to the nxt call. Keepin em on the line & givin a fake card number is called "gittin stroked" & they git ribbed pretty good 😂

      The mechanism, and prognosis of Covid-19. A sort of home boy bariatric surgeon explains how it kills you. He does go off on a tangent about a pimp holding your head under water in the toilet, and you might say i don't have a pimp. However we all know who has been pimping us don't we?


        Oh! Wait someone did predict an epidemic that also respiratory disease, only they weren't writers and psychics but doctors and scientists.

        2.5 x 2.5 tent
        Viparspectra PAR600
        4" Fan & Filter
        GH Trio + Cal Mag

        Current Grow:
        1x Cream Cookies
        1x Pineapple Express
        1x Northern Lights
        1x White Widow


          Just got my test results back, I'm good!

          Click image for larger version

Name:	FB_IMG_1584486377366.jpg
Views:	693
Size:	29.7 KB
ID:	390093
          Space for Rent.


          • SmashGuitar
            SmashGuitar commented
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            That’s hilarious!

          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            Excellent; now you can get back to abusing drugs...

          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            Hey at least you didn't show to be pregnant!

          I am relieved your politicians are finally understand the severity of the situation in the US. At least the Trump has changed his tune.
          Stay safe.


          • starramus
            starramus commented
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            Our pimp in chief while blowing off this man killer has dragged his feet for weeks. It is too late for him to change his tune. What good is testing now that the virus has made the most inroads in the entire world right here.

          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            What I see here is a lot of stupid people that just dont care about you, me or them selves. Like a group of bikers at a local bar, shut down, or drag queens at a club also shut down with tickets ($100 fine), kids at playgrounds, yep shut down. In Tulsa you cannot have 2 people in your yard, stay inside. Every other home can go outside to exercise, parks closed.
            I am taking this seriously, many are not. June is the expected peak here, not the recovery date.

          "I spent 72 weeks on Peg-interferon (plus high dose ribavirin). I can tell you, Interferon is no picnic and not for the weak. I'd thought about ribavirin as a possible treatment for covid-19, but it has to build up in your system and destroys your HGB and RBC levels"

          Years ago (14 or so) I went to donate blood and was informed I was HVC positive. I asked the DR. what to do and he said not to do anything right now. At that point it wasn't showing damage to my liver and he said the cure was almost worse than the disease. He told me there was some stuff on the horizon that would be much better. He was referring to what you had been through. Same drug not sure about the disease.
          I ended up waiting and along comes Harvoni. 14 weeks of once daily pills. Gone like it was never there. Felt normal during treatment. That combo you mentioned has been known to kill people and a great number quit because of side effects. And in most cases it was only 30-70% effective. I made a spreadsheet and tracked my liver panel results and watched as everything went from being out of range to being within normal limits. All of this for only $185,000. I had a $20 total co-pay. India told Gilead that they were going to make the drug whether or not they had permission. Total cost there including profit is $300 in India. I believe Gilead is one of the companies racing for a treatment right now.


          • GreenState
            GreenState commented
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            smoorman It was a pretty brutal, but successful treatment. Typically one was on the drugs for 48 weeks, I was a slow responder (as shown from the pcr tests), so my gastro doc (at Dartmouth in NH) boosted up the ribavirin to very high levels (1600mg/day) and we both decided to extend my treatment to 72 weeks. I didn't miss a day of work, luckily self employed so could pace myself. My HGB ran below 10 throughout treatment, talk about ass dragging. I as well was very involved with my treatment and research. Honestly, I had as much knowledge as they did. I was fortunate to chose Dartmouth for my treatment ,being a teaching hospital and involved in a lot of drug studies, they had no problem prescribing off label doses...In the end SVR, undetectable.
            Another blessing, I had quit drinking 12 years before finding out I had HCV, so my liver biopsy looked pretty good.
            Glad you got the new drugs, what a difference now. This is some of the reason I don't jump on the bad pharma band wagon, they saved my ass at a cost of around $225,000! (just the blood test alone were astronomical, weekly draws for the first to months, every 2 weeks for many month after and finally once a month) Vertex is the one who got screwed on drug development, technology/better drugs hopscotched them. They spent $4 billion on trying to bring their drug to market and got zilch for it.
            All the best and be well!

          The little brave country that has been besmirched, blockaded, terrorized may be the savior of the world. How many assassination attempts were there against Fidel? How many CIA attempts to ransack their economy? The US has spent trillions poked down the throat of the bloated military industrial complex with one mission to kill their fellow man As i have often said DEATH is America's number 1 export. All the while Fidel invested in education, doctors, medical research a boon to the world at large.

          The extraordinary account of the Cuban people’s struggle for survival in a post-Soviet world In the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union, Cuba faced ...
          Last edited by starramus; 03-31-2020, 01:31 PM.


          • starramus
            starramus commented
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            By the way they have a vaccine for lung cancer.

          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
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            So why did we have the flood of Cuban's come to USA? Why do they hate the nice dictator in Cuba?

          starramus I am no longer pimpable. Nor am I any longer cougar bait. I am more the dysfunctional father figure to young, wayward women with father issues.

          C'mon, mule!



          • starramus
            starramus commented
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            @Ginerbeard Carrion> carry on =word salad What is your loco motive?
            Last edited by starramus; 03-31-2020, 04:10 PM. Reason: i grok!

          • Gingerbeard
            Gingerbeard commented
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            I don't speak Jive.
            Does anyone on this airplane speak Jive?

          • starramus
            starramus commented
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            The Illuminati's work never ends. now i'm doing language lessons.

          On your journeys in the near future, you will have to make many decisions. If you can only keep on your path, and you are forced to make the decision whether to step over a used condom, an unconscious homeless person, or black rubber glove, which would you choose?
          I thought about this when there was a glove on the sidewalk in front of me and Dabber. The black rubber glove, not the other glove.
          C'mon, mule!



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