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Green house suggestions

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    Originally posted by shadycon View Post
    suggestion; I used to work in the nursery industry. A metal frame greenhouse kit with poly-carbonate panels,. they come in different sizes. Put a screw in ground anchor in all corners and one in middle of each wall, for one about 6x6. I would add angle braces in walls for added strength.18"-24" exhaust fan on thermostat, I'm using ac filters in the door for air flow. A little ele. work for lights etc. A basic DIY project. Note; 4x6 starting at $175 on TEMU
    Is TEMU a legitimate company, I’ve heard lots of talk about scams , but don’t know if those sources are correct


    • shadycon
      shadycon commented
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      I,ve bought a few things from them. No problems. Same stuff as big stores only cheaper.

    TEMU itself is legit but I've heard of scams lately where the scammers are pretending to be TEMU or some other online company. So many scams.


      Got the cover on today. Come on spring


      • dirtymike
        dirtymike commented
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        If you didnt get the memo, a older hippie is suppose to go with the green house.

      • Artstone
        Artstone commented
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        Can you show what you did to sturdy it up?

      Your plastic needs to be fastened tight along the bottom. Polylocks or PT 2x6 fasten along bottom and hammer tacked every 3-4" with reinforcing tape. Agricultural supply, not Lowes.
      8'x12' indoor/outdoor grow room
      3'x5 dark room
      2x12" exhaust fans
      30"x36" intake filter
      3x180w 4' led lights
      std.potting soil w perlite added
      Fox farm trio,cal/mag etc.


        Originally posted by shadycon View Post
        Your plastic needs to be fastened tight along the bottom. Polylocks or PT 2x6 fasten along bottom and hammer tacked every 3-4" with reinforcing tape. Agricultural supply, not Lowes.
        Great! Thanks, looking at pics better and your comment I now get it.


          I built a greenhouse out of an old carport tent. Used some welded wire fencing to wrap around it and add the plastic.
          Attached Files


            Finally got everything tied down tight, think I'm ready for the wind and thunderstorms. Used a different kind of anchor this time that screws into the ground easily and holds better than a stake. Love them, I believe they are similar to what Gator mentioned. Love how easy they were to install, better than beating a stake in the ground with a sledgehammer. Got the cover secured to bottom as well. Now just have to wait another month to put plants in it. Getting very impatient.


              Those anchors look pretty strong. The corkscrew dog anchor things are not.


                That's a bummer but at least it's still in one piece and didn't blow into the next county. These are the anchors the greenhouse came with. Worthless! Maybe they'll work for stringing out a new raised bed idea I have for a summer project.


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