My plan for next year. I have 4 plants that have no root aphids. I plan to do same thing as I did this year with them.
I will not keep anything under trees. I will plant 2 weeks after root aphids done flying. All plants on tables with steel legs with tangle foot on legs. 1000 sq. ft. ground cover (heavy plastic and gravel ) under tables. Clear all brush 10 feet back from this. Cut down some small trees so no trees near grow area. 10lbs. $400. worth of PF-97 for all season as prevent. Thank you to all who responded. I was so happy to see so much advice and some research. Good job folks. Any ideas to add to my plan for next year I would love to hear. Here is pic of plant I first posted about. It will make it but will see about quality. It is golden tiger planted first week June.
I will not keep anything under trees. I will plant 2 weeks after root aphids done flying. All plants on tables with steel legs with tangle foot on legs. 1000 sq. ft. ground cover (heavy plastic and gravel ) under tables. Clear all brush 10 feet back from this. Cut down some small trees so no trees near grow area. 10lbs. $400. worth of PF-97 for all season as prevent. Thank you to all who responded. I was so happy to see so much advice and some research. Good job folks. Any ideas to add to my plan for next year I would love to hear. Here is pic of plant I first posted about. It will make it but will see about quality. It is golden tiger planted first week June.