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So How Are You Spending This Free Time... so to speak

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    So How Are You Spending This Free Time... so to speak

    Our majority of members average out at a more mature trichomes some of us have ambered up, some cloudy and some still clear and working towards the amber end result. I work a few days a week and it is down to 1-2 . That leaves me a few days extra each week to do stuff around the house or other projects.

    ive repaired my tractor pto. Split a cord of oak firewood and stacked it, cleaned out the yard, smoked about 12 lbs of cheese using corn cob, and I’m finishing a bbq meat smoker I started 4 yrs ago. It was under a tarp in the yard rusting of Saturday, it was about 80%complete and could be ready in another week. Oh, I saw a rosin press on line that I though would be a fantastic high end quality rosin producer. But since it was a bunch of money, it tried to see how much I could build my own for....Rosin is a whole new world folks....yet I’m only growing limes and lemons

    so, what are YOU up to these days

    Same as you getting things done around the house. I’m an essential worker but been slow, I was getting 1-2 days of work but decided I’m better off taking some time off for a bit. Also trying out my Blumat set up to try to have good moisture in my living soil. So far it’s been giving me issues the drippers aren’t working as they should. Not sure what it is.


      Me Myself and I are busy as ever around the farm doing pretty much the same things I would be doing anyway. The exception would be I am not running into town to get BBQ meats or fresh veggies/fruits, so the BBQ is not running. I have many trees to cut this year, yards still grow and must be mowed. The gardens dont tend them selves, I have plenty to keep me busy!

      All the things I cant do such as have folks over, or go visit, 'cept on the phone/internet. This was going to be a year of change, this is not what I had in mind. I was going to sell off all the stuff in 2 of my storage buildings. Get ride of all the big projects, 4X4s etc. not going to happen this year!
      Last edited by Rwise; 04-14-2020, 08:55 AM.


        its still snowing and cold as hell here. Dammit bring on the warmth.


          Farmall hey how'd you get your old postings back thought you had to create new? My hubby stays to himself outdoors with the dogs, I keep an eye on him when he's burning brush, cutting and splitting. We sat near the burn pile last evening little fire going but it is getting weary not seeing my family members I can only imagine nursing home families breaking my heart I myself fiddle around the yards and garden, take walks on our road wander into the ranch next door look for skulls/bones. It's a funky hobby I've picked up bringing home bones for my rock gardens around the place.
          Our daughter is a RN she is so tired from working longer shifts. I worry for her although she is not working with virus folks she's covering areas that are short staffed. Of course kids no longer have school this year all are learning via online. They are of course missing sports and friends. It's odd the atmosphere of folks around town, just feels alien like everyone is afraid to even look at each other.
          I feel like i'm being policed for stopping and chatting in stores, yes I wear my mask. So we take drives in the country, take walks and talk with neighbors at a distance.
          Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

          Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
          indoor/outdoor grower
          1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
          I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
          Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


          • Bowhunterwoody
            Bowhunterwoody commented
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            Funny. My wife likes to pick up bones and skulls too. Lots of deer antlers and skulls. A few bear skulls. Racoons and opossums too. Found a giant pig skull in West Virginia once. Have a few cow skulls too. We named a small island in a Rhode Island salt pond Skull Island because we found at least one skull every year for five years straight.

          • Farmall
            Farmall commented
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            SoOrbudgal I had some help. In discussing the problem I had with Sirius, he gave my login information to the website developer who did some internal changes and brought it back to life about 93%. My private messages still need some work but I can deal with that. In the interim, I created a second screen name but eventually got this working so.... it’s back

          I'm gonna put snacks and beer in every room in my house, then spend the afternoon bar hopping.


          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            Add a few blow up girls,

          I don't drink anymore but this sounds kinda fun. Maybe a different genre of music in each room and you can make up characters and talk to them and shit. Wait a minute, this is getting out of hand...


            Oh forgot to mention I love cooking almost as much as gardening. Not a gourmet buy any means just hearty healthy eats. So I went to the freezer took out my Italian sausage as i'm low on sauce in the freezer so i'm making sauce this morning, kitchen smells of crushed garlic,basil so i'm in Italy today LOL
            Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

            Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
            indoor/outdoor grower
            1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
            I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
            Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



            • starramus
              starramus commented
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              You certainly don't wanna be in Italy today!

            • Farmall
              Farmall commented
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              SoOrbudgal. You’re twisting my arm.... ok ok, I’m coming for dinner.... that sauce sound terrific, just like the one I grew up with.

            I have been devoting countless hours to formulating a strategy for world revolution. Solidifying relations on a grand scale with the international proletariat is at the apex of my efforts. Let the ruling classes tremble at the wrath of the oppressed, and downtrodden! Arise you prisoners of starvation! Arise you wretched of the earth! For justice thunders condemnation! A better world's in birth! No more traditions chains shall bind us. Arise you slaves no more enthrall! The earth shall rise on new foundation! We have been naught we shall be all! Tis the final conflict! Let each stand in his place! The Internationale shall be the human race!

            Nah just had 2 cups of coffee, and some Cream of Wheat this AM. Gonna head to the barn, and check my plants in a bit.


              Well... grabbed a couple couples of 40s of fireball whiskey, adding it to coffee is a whole new world for those who haven't. And with root beer after supper. Lots of walking the dog, walking the dog some more...laps around town on foot and in the truck. Taking the 4 wheelers out with my dad and going anywhere there's not too much snow to get into. Doing lots of work on my car as the parts come through eBay here and there. Oil changes on every thing. All fluids changed on my car and the bikes. House spotless. Truly running out of things to do. Just bought 12 boxes of 12 gauge shells, for when the transports stop running, jk just planning ahead for next bird season. Just washed all the nicotine off the walls of the house. What a mess. Put a couple tvs up on wall mounts. My back and hip is just a killing me, will be taking a week of from taking 6 weeks off and smoking whatever I can find as i ran out of jars to smoke till harvest.
              inspecting and tweaking my flowering plants daily to make sure they don't eff themselves. Trim a leaf here n there. Just supercropped and tied down 30 plants in preparation for the veg tent. Then walk the dog some more. Oh did I say walking the dog, mostly behind the 4 wheeler or truck. Occasionally on foot when I can manage to get over the pain. We can't return our empty beer cases so I'm thinking of building a beer case fort. We have about 30 24s sitting here right now. Go break the law and visit the girlfriend at her house, I have to check on my plants there so have no choice, but I go there to see here more than anything. She can water and feed lol. I spend time on Facebook but the GWE forum keeps me off my Facebook addiction which is good, keeps me sane, can't sit here doing nothing cause my brain just starts going. Have to get out of my head kind of thing. Idle hands do the devil's work or something like that.
              hope y'all doing well. Stay safe and if you can't then try and stay protected eh. From northern Ontario to Mexico and around this speck in space.
              Attached Files
              Vegging 4 aurora indica, waiting on seeds. Got eyes on a 4x8x8 tent.
              sp150x2 philz330 and Philz 100x2
              4 plants currently under 500w
              2 x opulent systems 4x4x80 tents and a 24x40x48 baby box.
              GH full line of nutes+calmag and my molasses sugar brown sugar liquid mix at 30ml per liter.
              Happy growing/consuming 🥴
              Space is at a premium when you're growing premium in space 😁


              • DeadlyFruit
                DeadlyFruit commented
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                Do we have folks from northern Ontario? I live in the Toronto area but I grew up in northern Ontario. Ontario is a huge place but you never know who you went to school with or met through the friend of a friend.

              I have been communing with nature a lot; it's a beautiful Spring, in spite of the little tornado we had yesterday (lost power for an hour). Thank the bees for beeswax candles, they smell like honey.

              First, the queens of all plants: On the left the girls are about a week-10 days older than the other box, they are beginning to stretch upward. I reckon they will switch to flower next week sometime. This was the first time I did "real" LST.

              Click image for larger version

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              I repotted my cyclamen: a gift from a student who said she would kill it if she kept it. She's a beast.
              Click image for larger version

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              Me n weed buddy are takin this stump down. The clematis keep blooming. There are lots of bumble bees around the clematis, and I was out there this morning deadheading when I heard a powerful buzzing, looked up, hummingbird right above my head, she paused for a minute, then turned up her beak and hummed off. I've got to get back to the land and set my soul free...
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              Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

              Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
              2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
              Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


              • Jordann
                Jordann commented
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                I dig about a foot deeper around the stump and start a fire over top and keep it burning for a couple days. Can sit around and let the stump work for you instead of you working for the stump. Nice plants. We're still in winter whare I'm at.

              • Gingerbeard
                Gingerbeard commented
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                I thought you country folk used dynamite for things like this. Changing a tire. Playing 'hot potatoe' with a lit fuse. Stocking stuffers. Seismically recorded July 4 and New Years Eve events.

              • DeadlyFruit
                DeadlyFruit commented
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                Stumps are a b****rd to take out. I spent summers growing up at a cottage that could only be accessed by boat and I have taken out more than a few stumps. We do it the hard way, with a shovel, an axe and a 6 foot heavy steel pry-bar (and maybe a chainsaw with a bit of tip-cutting when dad wasn’t looking but I know now how dangerous that was). You earn your dinner on those days. The problem with just going below grade in the city and leaving in most of the roots is mushrooms will often grow from the remains. Not a problem in the country but a pain if you are looking for a very tidy yard.

              I have a brand new house on over half an acre of a neglected rural village lot. I have MORE than enough to keep me busy. The weather has been less than cooperative. Not to worry, I'm struggling to pack all my stuff into a slightly smaller home. Today, my girls needed a good trimming...
              A his own mind - , 48" X 60" X 80" 2-in-1 Grow Tent, Flower light: Vivaspectra P2500 LED. Veg light: Mars Hydro TS600 & Mars Hydro TS1000 LED lights. Nutrients: GH Flora Trio/Calmag coco/perlite, GH PH Down or pure lemon juice, in case PH down isn't available.


                My life has become a Sublime song. I smoke two joints in the morning, I smoke two joints at night, I smoke two joints in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright. In between all the those joints, Boomer gets lots of walks, housework gets done one small battle at a time, and if it's nice I poke around the yard. Today I bought a new old truck to replace my suburban that has a cracked frame. Good chance I'll pull the motor, trans and a few other good parts to keep because they're interchangeable onto the Silverado. Then I'll scrap the suburban. Or you can have it Farmall , turn it into a big ass smoker 🤔😂
                4x4x6.5 tent, (2) 18"x46" LED Strip Fixtures 440w?? 🙃 (2) Solacure UVB T8s, Infinity T6 fan, (4) 5gal DWC res.
                GH Trio, Calimagic, LKB, Armor Si, Sweet, Hydroguard, GH pH

                I used to smoke pot. I still do, but I used to too.


                • Farmall
                  Farmall commented
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                  Since 1987 those Suburbans have been a staple in our house.... we decided to down size a few yrs ago. Kids grew up and moved...went Tahoe. Frankly, we’re probably going Suburban again when this is over. Two car seats have made permanent homes in the middle

                Made shatter chocolate. I'm using my belly button to form little chocolate kisses while watching Narcos: Mexico. Only the first two kisses have hair and lint. I'm also going to figure out what other crevices and nooks and crannies I can use to mold chocolate. Not my butt. It's too hard to pour chocolate back there.

                Also working on taking over the world. Not our world. The real universe world we are an alternate universe world to. That world. Might as well go with the original. Thinking about hopping over to our parallel universe for the music.

                Turning gold into lead was way easier than lead into gold. Just a little H2O2 and diatomaceous earth.

                Plucking myself a Brazilian in case summer isn't locked down.

                Calf roping Dabber. We take turns.

                Froze two Mentos in two ice cubes. Put the cubes in a mason jar filled with Diet Coke. This was way better than the Mentos in a Diet Coke bottle schtick because the mason jar exploded.

                Not much else.
                C'mon, mule!



                • Gingerbeard
                  Gingerbeard commented
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                  Oh. I'm also looking for a cure for gravity so my plants quit getting knocked over.

                • DeadlyFruit
                  DeadlyFruit commented
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                  The stories on this forum are way better than other forums! Reminds me of my years in Ireland where the truth never got in the way of a good story (I mean that as a good thing).

                Welp I was contemplating the next move on the tents. So finally got my thoughts straight LOL hey it's a mess in my head figuring out where to put my 3 auto flower plants so they'd get 24hr light rather than the 12/12 flower tent with 5 other photos in flower LOL. Soooooo I moved all the cloned photos into my gorilla wagon ( that's what it's called dudes ) 9 of them parked it in the sun today. Cleaned up that tent and moved the autos now in porch tent. I don't have another timer yet so i'm doing 24hr. for now but i'll turn it off for 6hrs sometime if I remember LOL just kidding no really. Damn I beginning to sound like Gingerbeard. Hey why you knocking over da plants what's tripping you up LOL oh yes and then...….I put my wagon into my Green house with the kids still sitting in it. 2B continued
                Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

                Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
                indoor/outdoor grower
                1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
                I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
                Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



                • PRIMO
                  PRIMO commented
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                  You sure it was basil you put in that sauce girlfriend?

                • Farmall
                  Farmall commented
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                • Gingerbeard
                  Gingerbeard commented
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                  If I could go back in time I would go back and kill Newton for discovering gravity. I blame him SoOrbudgal. He's what's giving me trips.

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