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In THe NEWS... Corona

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    Somethin you most certainly will not see in the news!


    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      What an Idiot, I cant even laugh at that!

    • StillHigh1982
      StillHigh1982 commented
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      This video is propaganda on the opposite side of what is already being shoved down our throats. This guy knows next to nothing about the world. He is regurgitating "facts" fed to him and people like himself who are basically useful idiots towards an outcome that fucks us all. Guard your assholes ladies and gents, they are under attack from all angles. This guy uses the word manipulation so many times it makes me laugh. The concept must be familiar. He is just playing on points of unrest to sell his book. Every dollar that guy gets from that video or the sales of that book he is promoting would have been better spent on crack.

    Totally agree there needs to be stimulus lest the economy shut down, however. most of the money will be used to ensure the big players will not take a big hit. This money is coming from us and our future generations. Once again, there is a socialist (coming from all of us) bailout of the banking and other big industries to make sure they are not hit too hard. We did this recently with the big tax breaks. All of this money is flowing uphill. It will be interesting to see if there are ANY stipulations associated with receiving bailout money or if it will just be another stock buyback orgy. I think by now everyone realizes that trickle down is a myth.Without customers at the bottom of the barrel with money to spend, no business works. There is a huge transfer of wealth in this country and it's going upwards.


    • Toker1
      Toker1 commented
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      alltatup agreed. People only fear what they are capable of seeing, or what others are willing to point out (even if the truth is distorted). My hopes is that others gain awareness about the threats that they can’t typically see. Those who dress up in a monkey suit and tie & take from you and your family claiming it’s in the name of the greater good, but in reality is only self serving. Capitalism is protecting that type of behavior and the entire country suffers due to it.
      It was sooo sad to see people trusting that if we make corporate USA stronger, the economy and everyone in the country will benefit. Well, I see company profits sore higher and higher as time goes on. At one point in time, the job market was strongest it had been for some time. US Sales and GDP soared higher and higher. Still, no changes for the common average American income.
      My response to all this has been to become more self dependent. I grow my food and medicine, I try to always trade other for what I don’t have and need. I limit my purchasing from corporations to a minimum.
      The only way we will make a change is to stop lining these greedy and shameful individuals pockets. If we can not remove them from their powerful positions, we can stop buying their products. If they don’t want to pay a decent wage, how do they expect for the common people to be able to afford their crap? Hit them right in the bank account, and purchase your products from the smaller mom and pop stores if you have to. Do not support the empire or the dark side!! Lol

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      Toker1 See, this seems so obvious to you and me, but everyone keeps crowing about how great America is, in deep denial about what's happening to the dwindling middle class. I've read in various sources I trust that it has become impossible, for all intents and purposes, for people from the under classes to scramble up into the middle class now; used to be, anyone could get in. But they are the walking dead, and they'll do anything in order to avoid thinking for themselves or questioning any authority who lies with a smile (Milgram). It's just too painful for most people in the US to think.

    • Toker1
      Toker1 commented
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      @alltitup remember family vacations? Buying a second car in case the first one breaks down? These are now luxuries that most could never even begin to imagine, or much less afford.
      The idea of America is great, in my mind, it’s the modern day people that make it not so much. My 2.5 cents.

    Medical manufacturing companies jockeying around for maximum profits will kill many people. I first saw this story on, but the NY times is catching up. You could have bought your own personal ventilator for less than $3000 from Newport Manufacturing. The failures of capitalism are many.


      The Pimp in Chief guilty as charged of murder!


        Pence on Bloomberg blaming the Chinese rather than the ass dragging of the Trump administration. Blatant brown nosing by Apostle Pence! Click image for larger version

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ID:	390949


        • Rwise
          Rwise commented
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          The first death in Tulsa was a Preacher!

        • StillHigh1982
          StillHigh1982 commented
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          I am a firm non believer, but let's not dance on their graves. Sorry to be a bummer.

        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
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          Pence is the worst of the worst of the church going hypocrites.

        My country is still open. Borders (I think) and also business as usual. We dont have many infected but on the other hand, we are a very big country and very few habitant. 22/1km2 according to wikipedia.

        Alot of small business are suffering and shutting down. Restaurants, clubs, hotels and so on.

        So far my line of work (construction) is still thriving. Big sites dont shut down due to this. But this pandemic will have a huge impact on the economy and Im sure I will be effected later on.

        The world wont be itself in years. They say its the biggest global catastrophy since ww2.

        Since im sick mysef Im at home and following the news for once =)

        Stay safe everyone and take care.
        Indoor grow. LED, Soil. Autos.

        Outdoor grow. Autos, fem's, bagseeds


        I hope all of us make it through this, but the reality is some of us will not, I could be one of those. Those that do will see a new world
        It is almost time for me to do my monthly shopping, I will buy different things than I would normally buy, and I am looking to set in at least a 2 month supply. I do not believe this will be over by June 1 (at least here in OK). I see things getting much worse before anything improves, and it seems the best thing I can do is stay on the farm! Feed for the animals as well, and whatever I can find to grow in the garden to eat.
        I did get a notice from the grow shop I use, they are open and considered necessary as we are an ag state. They are going to be doing curb pickup as well. I am still staying away, I dont need perlite bad enuf to risk my life for it!
        I said before this may well mean I have seen My Mother alive for the last time, she has fallen twice since the lockdown and is not doing well. She goes down in stair steps, and has few left. At this point she no longer understands why she is locked up and we cant see her, or she cant leave. For me at this time this is the hardest part of this shit!
        On a positive note, if there is a positive, we now have an ample supply of tests, which is going to make the numbers rise. They are about to start testing those that have recovered for antibodies built up that can be used to cure others.
        Those of us on SSI will get their stimulus with their SSI deposit, (workers get theirs first) which means for me it should be in my bank the 3rd of next month. For you younguns, you'll get it from the IRS, direct deposit or check, however you got your last return..


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          Rwise If Mom's falling down a lot, it may mean that the end is close. It happens to a lot of old folks. The way I see it, she's already communing with God up in the cosmos if she doesn't remember things of this earth. My mom went out with dementia, and my pops died after a fall. Just love her from afar; she'll feel it.

        • oldjarhead100
          oldjarhead100 commented
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          `I cant imagine the frustrations you must feel ,I lost my dad last year ,we knew it was happening and my sister and I took turns staying with him night and day ,I'm not sure if I could of done that from afar ,its such a hard time to begin with

        • Rwise
          Rwise commented
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          Mom is "end of life" and we know it, she was given minutes to months last year before she fell and broke her hip. These last falls she fractured the leg just below the graft, they wont to operate, but that not going to happen. We "hope" they gave her a brace, and the home did put a mat on the floor for her third fall (with the fracture). They brought in an xray, but unless the bone is sticking out of her leg they will not operate.
          Mom has live a long good life, has many grate, grate grate and grate grate grate grand kids that will all miss her very much!

        Rwise Come on man. Humankind has not just survived but born and destined to hope. You aren't going anywhere. This is no one's time. It is unfortunate that we are losing people worldwide but we can't be defeated or feel defeated by a disease. You lose hope and we lose half the battle and trust me this pandemic isn't worth dying for. Now as far as the statistics go look at this below is a graph of mortality rate. In USA Trump first downplayed the pandemic and didn't become serious which led to rise in cases and eventually deaths because the administration wasn't serious, lot of government machinery wasn't serious moreover people weren't serious. Now Trump is trying to fear people of coronavirus. Suggesting exponential deaths. The truth is government has became serious, health institutions have became serious. Now corona is getting a response that was needed. Which has led to decline in death rates. Try to understand the situation of hospitals and staff. They didn't know what to do at that moment. They weren't prepared, it doesn't necessary mean that they aren't capable.
        So in my opinion one should start to take better care of oneself; physically, psychologically and emotionally. If you think your immune system or your preexisting condition is your weakness against this virus than it also upto you to take steps to eat healthy and stay fit rather than counting days. If you experience any of symptoms even a mild one, get tested. Understand what this virus does to your body and remember if you get timely help in the earliest possible than you wouldn't be at the risk of dying. I have also left two links below. One describes the symptoms and recovery day by day basis and other describes how it affects to people with underlying conditions. Now we are way past to washing hands and distancing, we have to go further and take extra care of ourself and be on a lookout for symptoms. The hospitals can save almost everyone if they get timely help rather than hiding.

        If I may quote from Shawshank "Get busy living or get busy dying".

        Nothing is permanent neither life nor disease.

        *monologue complete*

        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
        Last edited by herbgrower; 04-03-2020, 07:25 AM.
        2.5 x 2.5 tent
        Viparspectra PAR600
        4" Fan & Filter
        GH Trio + Cal Mag

        Current Grow:
        1x Cream Cookies
        1x Pineapple Express
        1x Northern Lights
        1x White Widow


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          herbgrower I think we agree more than we disagree: I just read an article in the NYTimes about how dealing with the reality of this situation is much healthier than being in denial. Which is why I would never assure anyone they weren't going to get the virus--not if they were practicing risk-taking behavior like going around lots of people without a mask.

          I never said I'm just waiting for covid19; I said I'm practicing safety. Yes, there's been information about these viruses for quite some time, and their connection to destruction of natural habitats. South Korea's experience with SARS and another virus prepared people for this situation, and the masks came right out. Practice does make perfect.

          As for third world countries, right here in the US, the death rate from the virus is far higher for blacks and latinos, in other words, for those with least economic access to everything that protects the middle class--the luxury of social distancing, for one. That's being written about.

          What I'm pessimistic about is not knowledge and experience gained from this pandemic: it's the reality of the destruction of the environment getting right back into full swing after this has passed. The sky will be filled with planes again, the roads over-flowing with trucks and cars, the factories churning out toxic smoke again. I've seen a couple of reports about rate of death being higher for those exposed to polluted air where they live. All of this is the inevitable result of human destruction of the environment, i.e., climate change.

          I would have hope if we went back to regional economies, but it's going to take a far wider devastation in order for that to happen.

        • herbgrower
          herbgrower commented
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          alltatup "wait it out" was just figure of speech. And in this thread earlier I mentioned how climate change is related to diseases. That was the post when I first said this isnt the last pandemic. I used example of amazon rainforest. People are creating grasslands and lodging sites in denial of the infiltration they're doing into the species they know very little about. The rising temperatures and unusual climate is creating various kind of mutation both in wildlife and in the viruses of which that wildlife is host.
          In third world countries there is exodus of daily wage workers who have no money to buy food because they used earn and eat day to day. It is more of reverse exodus because first they left their villages for cities, now they're leaving cities to villages. It is both humanitarian and health crisis.

          I watched Trevor Noah on how this is affecting African-american and latino community much more than others. These all should be seen as beacon of our much ignored(unexposed) realities.

          I agree we both are saying same thing just with different spectacles. If we'd be in Europe, we both would be voting for Green party and in Canada may be Trudeau. With the time I have accumulated a crosscountry multicultural group of people who share the same opinion.

        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          herbgrower Seems we share a similar view on the current situation and the way things work in the US.

        103 yr old woman a few weeks ago also.


          How ignorant is this, dairy farmers told to dump milk down the drain, some 30,000 gallons a day because a limit has been placed on how much milk one can buy (and schools closed)???? Would it not make more since to make cheese? Condense it and can it? Donate it to food banks, anything but waist it! WTF?


          • Bowhunterwoody
            Bowhunterwoody commented
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            I had a farm up the road when I was a kid that got paid more to not have milk cows than he could have made having them. He got rid of them all.

          • Farmall
            Farmall commented
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            Saw that happen in Vermont back in the 1970’s. My friend wound up losing 134 cows and eventually his farm that had been a multi-generation entity

          • GreenState
            GreenState commented
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            The farm bill of 1985 took a lot of dairy cows off the market as a result of the government buyout.

          Have I missed the riots? Not the toilet paper riots. I'm talking about good, old fashioned, window breaking, TV stealing, fire starting riots?



          • Gingerbeard
            Gingerbeard commented
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            Dabber's a squatter, not a leg lifter. It's so cute the way she sticks her head out. I have to post a picture of that on the fuzzy helper thread.

          • oldjarhead100
            oldjarhead100 commented
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            The other day my cockatel found she could see herself in the tablet she spent 10 minutes trying to get this other bird to have sex , poor thing just cant find love, in the right or wrong places lol

          • StillHigh1982
            StillHigh1982 commented
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            Give my apologies to dabber, I meant to say good girl.

          IMPORTANT information that just might save your life!


            MEN AND WOMEN OF THE BEARD!!! We have been singled out as Satan's little unclean helpers.

            Y'all are about to become part of my living will. If it comes highly suggested I wear a face respirator, or die, but have to shave first or the respirator won't work properly... IT'S SAVE NOT SHAVE!!! DON'T TOUCH MY FLUCKING BEARD!!!



            • Bowhunterwoody
              Bowhunterwoody commented
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              I too am a bearded one. I've been dealing with masks for some time, was an environmental chemist. They're just not effective w/ the beard. The recommendation is so you don't arisol your self onto someone else. N95 or better for first responders and healthcare. Anything else for the public.

            • Gingerbeard
              Gingerbeard commented
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              I'm considering training my beard up and growing my moustache longer to cover my nose and mouth.

            • Farmall
              Farmall commented
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              My passport picture from 1971 has a beard... a teenage one, but a beard.... my new passport picture 2018, has that same beard.... although a bit lighter in color. Shaved it once, for a week! 🤮

            Good plan
            Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

            Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
            indoor/outdoor grower
            1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
            1 3x3x6 tent- used in late spring for seedlings both veggies & weed. I have 2 viparspectar 450r for that tent.
            I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
            Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers
            Currently using fish/guano during veg growth & FF Grow Big 6-4-4 teens to bloom. Once i see pre-flower i switch to
            Age Old Organics Bloom 5-10-5


              Farmall I turned one in '71. My passport photo. I come from strong, Norwegian stock, as you can see. Used lava rock to cut my teeth. Mom usually trimmed me because Dad was at sea. Changed my diaper. Cleaned up drool and puke. Like she did when Dad came home.

              Bloodybeard is what they called me when I was young. It was because of this thing that happened a few times that I mostly blocked out. Eventually, everyone thought I went through a phase because whatever wasn't disappearing, and I got my current moniker. But then I got into kindergarten.

              Dad was killed when he was on ambergris expedition. His job was to tickle the back of the whale's throat to make it puke. Well, one whale tried to hold it in by puking into it's mouth. Dad felt no pain. Mom couldn't stand being a widow. Dad was a real son of a bitch but Mom was crushed. She took the insurance money and made a few changes to pretend Dad was still around. Whatever her issues, I know Dad never wore assless panties.

              My current passport photo is up to date. I'm not wearing a hat in that one.

              Done dabbing.




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