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    They call our area Sunny Alberta, except when it snows and is cloudy of course. Balmy -20C this early morning.

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    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      I'm actually sitting out on my deck today getting a little sun. 47 degrees, but with no wind you can bake like a potato..I'm a little red even. Still a foot or so of snow on the ground. A love the time change myself, so that helps with the end of the winter blues..

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      hey Green that redness is frost bite lol

    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      oldjarhead100 LOL. Supposed to be even warmer today, but the wind is blowing the wrong direction for deck set'in.

    Meanwhile 500 mi. south in Nebr. 71 degrees Ey?


    • JohnEmad
      JohnEmad commented
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      I am so happy for you...grumble...@$#%^&*(

    LOL JohnEmad our maple trees are almost opening buds. We got robins and stellar jays on the lawns so i'm thinking ( which is scary) that it's truly going to be a warmer dryer late spring/summer. There now go snowplow the driveway
    Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

    Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
    indoor/outdoor grower
    1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
    I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
    Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


    • JohnEmad
      JohnEmad commented
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      If it continues to snow I will refuse to shovel. Let nature take its course and we could be snow free by May Long weekend...if we're lucky.
      No one questions us wanting to move west and south. Always liked Oregon but the US would not grant me dual citizenship. Enjoy the spring!

    I am getting ready to mow, spring flowers are out everywhere, the awakening is awesome. 'Cept I aint ready for all the mowing!


      Bought my wife a new mower, I'm ready👍


        Clear skies, super worm moon Click image for larger version

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        "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


        the flowers are sticking out feeling around to see if its safe lol , I have all of my soil amendments so I figured I would start amending Nope all the pots are still frozen to each other , the ice is out . that means the ponds are free of ice for all you people who dont get Ice lol Its a major sign of spring around here LOL
        new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
        current grow


          Lets just say things are a little out of whack, fish are showing up earlier, flowers are already blooming hard.
          Proving the world just needs more tumble weeds
          A tale of two seeds
          Batter Up Sour Deisel
          Batter up! Amnesia Haze Autoflower
          New Year, New Grow, Jack Herer DWC
          Batter up, Girl Scout Cookies extreme auto (GSCE)


          • JohnEmad
            JohnEmad commented
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            The only constant is change. The times they are a changing. Seeing the swans, geese already here from the south but nothing to eat for them in this frigid cold.
            Even have some smaller birds here like junkos at the birdfeeders. I keep them filled to help the little critters. They are part of our semi wild family after all.

          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
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            RagWeedDWC Bird of Paradise my folks use to have those growing. As kids we'd use them as swords LOL

          • GreenState
            GreenState commented
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            Just saw my first flock of geese go by heading north

          JohnEmad yes they are. I too feed wild birds, least I could do. Our geese here don't really move much in winter, seem to hang around down by the river year round. I see robins in the yard I guess they know more than me so yes the animals feel the changes. Hey sunshine warmer days coming I can feel it
          Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

          Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
          indoor/outdoor grower
          1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
          I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
          Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


            The Tijuana River is just up wind of me, at the moment. Currently, no less than 50 million gallons of raw sewage pours into the Pacific and travels north, every day. Less than three miles to the north of the river is a 5 year old hotel with what is supposed to have a real fine dining experience. Another hotel popped up this year, two miles inland. There is a new, $10,000,000,000 (Yep. I counted the zeros) SEAL training base less than two miles north of the hotel and fine dining experience. 8 miles north is a major navy airport on the same island as multi-million dollar homes with oodles of fine dining experiences. My local beach is considered the least desirable to live in CA. The island north is one of the most desirable.
            In the next few days, my part of the US is looking at a forecast of 2.5" of rain. The rain is coming from the SSW. So is the wind. Wind from the south blows right across the TJ River so my community smells like raw sewage. If you'll refer to your notes about the 50 million gallons, and the 2.5" of forecast rain, figuring water flows to the ocean, and being now informed of the estuaries to the south, a fuck load of rain is going to turn 50 million gallons into a fucking torrent of a shit load of turds, needles, feminine things, condoms, and whatever pops up into your imagination. There is a pier by the 5 year old hotel. In California, fishing off piers doesn't need a license, and is popular to do so among locals. The area is also a popular surf spot and tourist attraction. The surfers don't care about swimming with the little brown fishes and the tourists don't know what they're flopping around on their boogie boards in. If none of this is disgusting to you, people eat the fish they catch from the pier.
            The story I hear about getting the US involved in curbing the situation came at a temporary cost of $300 million. Not that the cost was temporary, the efficacy of the treatment plant was temporary. We built TJ a real fine treatment plant without the one consideration that made the whole thing void. What infrastructure existing in TJ is old and largely useless and cannot be fixed because they have no money. So, when things in the new plant went catawampus because not all the $300 million wound up being used for the plant, there was no money to buy new materials nor money to hire people to get things jiffy'd up.

            My the Lord lift his countenance upon you, and give you peace, and bless international grant assistance, and bless him for bringing rain to a droughted, major metropolitan city. I am forever grateful. Your servant, Gingerbeard.

            That's my weather report. Gawd, what I wouldn't do for a little acid rain.
            C'mon, mule!



            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              Shades of Erin Brockovich. We've known for decades and decades now that corporations don't give a flying fk about what goes in the water...

            • Gingerbeard
              Gingerbeard commented
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              Oh! But this isn't about corporations. It's a completely legitimate, political issue. Our mayor has met with the pig in the white washed house. Senators and junk, too. My little city is up against a whole other country about this. It might actually be better to get a corporation involved because something is much more likely to happen because more, long term money would be involved.
              We're getting our wall, by gawd, but... um... I don't know how to finish that.

            • oldjarhead100
              oldjarhead100 commented
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              that is totaly f---ked

            Its going to get wet here, the signs are seagulls over Tulsa, sweating roads/rocks etc., and very wet air, yep it's gonna rain here!


              Got up at 5;20 to a frying sound and loud too..... pouring rain...even the dogs did not want to go outside


                A rainy day outing.
                The plant on the far right is six clones in a pot, planted a few years ago. Not sure about the strain but I know it's not tomatoes. It's a wee bit of camo to hide the Hulk Sisters. Mostly ineffective, Any of the good folk who have occasion to be on the patio know what the deal is and don't care. What with the being at home all the time, long beard, long hair, and oft cloudy/vapor filled, flowery smelling apartment and clothes, me growing weed is pretty much expected. That and naming my dog Dabber.
                C'mon, mule!



                  Like we said.... it only snows once a yr. in West Oregon.... & it's never during the winter.


                  • SoOrbudgal
                    SoOrbudgal commented
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                    Hey JDU we didn't get snow at our place. Just off and on rain, windy today.

                  • JDU
                    JDU commented
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                    We got a lot of hail. Funny as hell watching a kitten chase a drop only to get hit by 20 & scamper off wondering wth is going on. Over n over again! lol

                  3 degrees celcius and rain. Global warming is very real here. Did not go below zero this winter more than a couple of nights. 5-6 years ago we had at least a couple of weeks of snow and minus degrees for months.
                  Indoor grow. LED, Soil. Autos.

                  Outdoor grow. Autos, fem's, bagseeds



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