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My first post and my first grow!

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  • NickyChicks
    First set of serated leaves are getting bigger and I can see the second set on all but one NL which is no big deal, because I can't keep them all. I definitely need to put a humidifier in or near the tent, humidity has only gotten as high as 40% but over the past couple days it got much drier and it's been sitting between 25-30%.

    ​​​​​​Today marks one week since I moved the seeds into rapid rooters and into the reservoirs so I will be exchanging the water in them today.

    Solo cups have sprouts poking up, the coco mix cup is just creeping up with it's helmet but the DWC is standing, proudly showing off it's it's helmet.

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  • NickyChicks
    commented on 's reply
    Ok, i can see how the labels could come off. Once I move them into their individual buckets, I'll stick the labels on the side of the bucket as well as the top. Maybe a piece of packaging tape over top of them will help with keep them there longer

  • Farmall
    commented on 's reply
    Actually, no....I saw the labels stuck to the metal tape and wondered how good the ‘stick’ is long term. When I did these p-touch tz tape labels they were great. I could not unstick them when the two adhesive sides were stuck together... but, time, light, humidity, whatever is was after 2 months caused some to just fall off to my surprise not I’m trying to figure out who is whom.... I found two below the bags and the other two were easy as one was cherry

    I ran a top feed for my entire hydro grow and did not use anything to cover up the area. My crop was terrific...for what it’s worth.

  • NickyChicks
    Ok cool, I was a little worried about the temp. To my surprise, with the exhaust fan pulling air across the MH temp has only increased slightly to about 69-70°F. Idk, I just assumed the light was going to be much hotter. But everyone seems pretty happy and they all look good except one of the chocolate kush and one of the northern lights. Out of all the seeds I germinated it was the CK was the only one that cracked open but never had a taproot and never did anything after being moved to the rooter. I took that one out, the northern lights though looks like it has a chance still so I'm gonna keep it in there for now.

    As far as the labels go, I think you may not have been clear what I was talking about. I was referring to the covers for the net pots not the labels I made. The labels seem to be ok, it's the damn covers that were blowing around. I had already removed them before I took the picture which was probably misleading
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    Last edited by NickyChicks; 01-05-2020, 04:17 PM.

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  • Farmall
    I can voice an opinion on the p-touch labels. I thought it was a good plan sticking them together around the fabric bag handles and while thy did great for the first 2 months, some fell off and out of 12 plants, it got a bit confused for a few weeks. Luckily, they didn’t blow to far. And I used the 1” wide tapes for plenty of surface area to stick. Temperature in a 4x4 and 4x8 were 62 and 64 respectively at night in the fall. No problems at all in fact, my purple strain plants seemed to enjoy the cooler nights

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  • NickyChicks
    Made some changes in the tent this evening. My new light setup came in, this time no damaged ballast or blown bulbs 🙌. I got everything hooked up and running. I moved the Alaskan Purple seed for the Solo cup challenge into the tent. I ended up germinating two AP seeds and I'm going to have one in DWC and the other in coco mix. I bought some roots organic pre mixed coco and Cal mag, already had the GH trio so figured I'd stick with it.

    I wasn't sure if switching from the T8 florescents to the MH now was ok or if I'd be stressing the seedlings. But for the sake of trying to regulate temperature I thought it was a good idea. The florescents give off practically no heat and i was worried if I cut them off at night It would get too cold, tent temp with them on was only 68°F . So I had them on 24/0. Now that I have the MH in there I set the timer for 18/6.

    One other thing, opinions on the little reflective covers for the net pots. I think they're a pain, especially with the fan blowing. How effective are they really?

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  • NickyChicks
    commented on 's reply
    DingusKhan Filled reservoirs, added nutrients. Let it aerate for a few minutes and then settle for a few. No more than 10-15 between aerating and waiting. So obviously I didn't wait nearly long enough or recheck at the right time..... So a little over 4 hours ago is when I checked it and it was 7.7, I added PH down to each of my reservoirs. 9gals of water so I added 18ml (probably did a 1-2ml less) in each res trying to lower it about 2.0..... I just checked it now and it's sitting at 6.1
    Last edited by NickyChicks; 01-01-2020, 09:39 PM.

  • DingusKhan
    commented on 's reply
    How long did you aerate your water, and wait after mixing up and pHing did you take you last reading before you call it done?

    Aeration blows off chlorine as well as other dissolved gases, which will change the pH. Also, the buffers in your solution need time to find each other and react before settling down to their new pH. It's best to let your solution bubble for a few hours before checking it again and putting it in the reservoir.

  • NickyChicks
    When I PHed my water on the first day of putting my seedlings in the reservoir it tested around 7.0 I got it down right near 6.0. I tested with a pen meter and the test kit that came with the GH PH kit. It's been a little over 48hrs and my PH is at 7.7.... is that normal to see that kind of jump? Possibly because of the hydroton? I washed it pretty thoroughly.
    Last edited by NickyChicks; 01-01-2020, 08:13 PM.

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  • Farmall
    commented on 's reply
    I have spent from 2am to 3;15am playing with seedfinder website. All of the stuff I never wrote down is right there....this was a great 75 minutes. Happy New Year all

  • Farmall
    commented on 's reply

  • NickyChicks
    It's almost been about 4.5 days since I started germinating and less than 48hrs since I put the seeds into rapid rooters. So far so good, have a few moving faster than the others. I took a couple pics of the ones doing the best, if it uploads in the right order, it's WW, GC, CK, NL.

    ​**​​Updated just to add some more pics from this afternoon**
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    Last edited by NickyChicks; 01-01-2020, 02:16 PM.

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  • DingusKhan
    commented on 's reply
    OMG, dood that is too funny!

  • NickyChicks
    Ok here's what I got made up for the dwc solo cup. I have a cup as an inner liner that I tried to cut down as much as much as possible without sacrificing too much structure. Then I took some panty hose (thanks to my gf) and cut enough to line the outside of the inner cup/inside of the outer cup. I used a drill bill and torch to melt a bunch of various sized drainage holes in the outer cup. I'm going to put her in one of the resevoirs I have now with my other seedlings until im ready to move them into their individual buckets. I couldn't help myself but to make the bucket resemble a solo cup.

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  • NickyChicks
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks dphipps1020 , that's a pretty bad ass site.

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