Gingerbeard I tend to think you’re going to need to use additional tactics to get the plants to accept the increased wattage without burning the leaves. My LEDs can exceed these numbers but I must dial them down or I get leaf problems. I also tried CO2 but my exhaust fans suck it out faster than I can blow it in and I never tried to balance the two. Monitoring those CO2 numbers is around 850 to 925 which is not too shabby but it would be better off at 1500.
Not sure of the cost of these lights but as I hear it, there are big lighting changes in LED coming soon... kinda like led tv’s. Last few years they’ve dropped in price and risen in quality
Not sure of the cost of these lights but as I hear it, there are big lighting changes in LED coming soon... kinda like led tv’s. Last few years they’ve dropped in price and risen in quality