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    Gingerbeard I tend to think you’re going to need to use additional tactics to get the plants to accept the increased wattage without burning the leaves. My LEDs can exceed these numbers but I must dial them down or I get leaf problems. I also tried CO2 but my exhaust fans suck it out faster than I can blow it in and I never tried to balance the two. Monitoring those CO2 numbers is around 850 to 925 which is not too shabby but it would be better off at 1500.

    Not sure of the cost of these lights but as I hear it, there are big lighting changes in LED coming soon... kinda like led tv’s. Last few years they’ve dropped in price and risen in quality


      Thanks Farmall
      I'm thinking about adding a 150. 83 w/sf isn't a huge drop from the 87.5 I'm getting now. My distances have been good. Never an issue with light burn.
      The only extra CO2 my plants get is if I breath heavy into the tent.
      C'mon, mule!



        I was thinking you’re shooting for a higher light output. I had those LEDs just a touch over 55%output. It was BRIGHT . The beauty is it is not hot. The heat sinks barely reach 84 and remote drivers get about 120 -130 at full power


          That's the thing, Farmall. Being still just inside of my first year of growing, I'm happy with the light I'm getting. I don't know any better. I'm looking to add more light only to take care of the extra 1x2 space when the dividing wall is removed. Do I need more light per square foot? Is 75 w/sf enough? Is 100 w/sf too much? Dunno. My setup is super simple but quite effective so I don't know if I want to increase the overall. l/sf. Only light on the 2 sf I'm adding.
          My average plant dimension cannot be more than 2'x1'x2'.
          Dabber needs a walk. 2:00 and 5:00 this morning apparently weren't enough. Good thing I love that dog...
          C'mon, mule!



          • Mr.furley
            Mr.furley commented
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            50 actual watts a Sq ft is a is a good number, 75 is getting high.
            I have a 3x4=12sqft tent with a 600 watt light,
            600÷12=50 watts a sqft Gingerbeard if you need a link I can provide one.
            What you need is a par meter.

          • Gingerbeard
            Gingerbeard commented
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            I'll take it Mr.F.
            I don't think I'll get a par meter. It would only be used once or twice then sit in my dope growing nic-nak box. I do have a water/light/ph soil probe. The light numbers hit 1000 whatevers at 20", down to 500 whatevers at the periphery.
            I've been at 87 with no burning or bleaching or other light issues. 100 w/sf is too high. 50 w/sf seems low. A 450 watt LED would keep me pretty close to where I am. Budget wise a 150 would be better. Still time do decide. Hell, I have more decision making time than most people who have to make decisions. I average .75 a day throughout the week so as not to stress.

          Out... seeds got intercepted at customs in LA... MSNL was the sender.
          C'mon, mule!



            Sheeet what a bummer
            Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

            Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
            indoor/outdoor grower
            1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
            1 3x3x6 tent- used in late spring for seedlings both veggies & weed. I have 2 viparspectar 450r for that tent.
            I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
            Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers
            Currently using fish/guano during veg growth & FF Grow Big 6-4-4 teens to bloom. Once i see pre-flower i switch to
            Age Old Organics Bloom 5-10-5


            • LurkingInTheGrass
              LurkingInTheGrass commented
              Editing a comment
              Lol Gingerbeard
              12:01 am for you, is 4:01 am my time (and PaganRich will be ~7am)

              Thank you for clarifying use of a Clone
              I was considering clone, (was thinking we could 'plant' a rooted cutting) but if we cant cut until 00:01, and it takes 4-7 days to root..

              NO SHORTCUT FOR YOU!!


            • Mr.furley
              Mr.furley commented
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              Don't need ol Mr.Furley transplanting a six month old(cough,cough)cutting from a 4 inch to a solo cup at midnight now do we.

              I feel that a clone and a seed have that gestation time, not all seeds germinate, not all clones root and by having a cut time the same as the soak time it keeps it fair. This was the original post about clones

              Click image for larger version Name: 20191005_050546.png Views: 0 Size: 601.9 KB ID: 341079 Lady's and Gentleman I bring you the first Grow Weed Solo Cup Grow Off FORMAT: Starting January 1st 2020 at 12:01am Pst any and everybody is welcome to germinate seeds and participate in a solo cup grow thread that

              I do want to hear from peeps if they feel this is fair/unfair?
              Last edited by Mr.furley; 10-31-2019, 08:44 PM. Reason: Sorry about that @farmall

            • Farmall
              Farmall commented
              Editing a comment
              Mr.furley. 🙏. Not me

            It’s well over a year since that happened here and I was just thinking...ok, maybe I’ll order some.... as Gilda Radner might say “never mind”


            • RagWeedDWC
              RagWeedDWC commented
              Editing a comment
              Roseanne Rosannadanna

            • RagWeedDWC
              RagWeedDWC commented
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              Just mark me up in the column that does :-)

            • Spidermite
              Spidermite commented
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              Wilder is in my basement making sure the tinctures are shaken monthly. He isnt dead. The Oompa Lompa's water my plants.

            Getting up at 4:01 am is way easier than 12:01 am. PaganRich … that's just not cricket.
            C'mon, mule!



            • Farmall
              Farmall commented
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              I see a Universal Coordinated Time requirement coming

            • LurkingInTheGrass
              LurkingInTheGrass commented
              Editing a comment
              Lol, I'm a night owl
              Can we trade? I will drop your seeds at midnight:01 and you can get up all bright eyed and bushy tailed and take care of mine 😁

            • Gingerbeard
              Gingerbeard commented
              Editing a comment
              There is nothing bright eyed or bushy tailed about me when I wake up at anytime.

            And how many people are going to be too stoned to remember or too drunk to be sober to do this? I bet I won't be the only late submitter.
            C'mon, mule!



              I usually go to bed around 8 pm and wake at 12, 2 and up for the day between 3 and 4 so I think I wont worry about when I drop the seed, hell I'd be happy with being a late started that would mean I would have slept though the night and I can count on one hand the number of times that happened in the last 20 years lol
              new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
              current grow




              • s62
                s62 commented
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                I always see you posting early as hell in the mornings. I’m up because of kids, but I often see you’re up too!

              Oh and I'm gonna sleep in that morning. I dont need the extra 12 hours. Lol
              You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


                I think we should be pretty much playing on the same field - let our grow skills (or lack of ) the genetics of one's plant and the choice of nutrients decide the outcome.

                The one thing we are all using is that red cup - so what are everyone's plans for their cup?

                Me - I have punctured a few hundred holes with a pin. Here is a blurry pic.
                Attached Files
                ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
                Mars Hydro
                Vortex in-line 6" fan


                • Tersky
                  Tersky commented
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                  That technique looks familiar...I will say in my test, the cup with holes in the sides grew faster than the cup with just bottom drainage holes.

                • s62
                  s62 commented
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                  That’s almost exactly what I plan on doing to mine, Canuck. Going to make it as fabric-like as possible lol!

                • Spidermite
                  Spidermite commented
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                  I'll figure it out that day. About noon probably.

                  Anyone thought about cutting long strips out of the cup leaving just enough cup for it to still be called a cup and lining it with women's hose? It would be like a cloth pot. I think it would work. May need to block light to the roots but that's easy. Put it in a cup cozy. Lol

                Canuck147 Great minds think alike right?
                Attached Files


                • Gingerbeard
                  Gingerbeard commented
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                  How old are those Tersky?

                • Tersky
                  Tersky commented
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                  Oh in those pics i think they were almost 2 weeks old. Just bagseed.

                I am going to for cup appeal. Cut holes and line with cheese cloth. Tie off with an elastic roaster harness... truss... thing ..:-)

                Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20191103_125631.jpg
Views:	407
Size:	2.31 MB
ID:	346891

                Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20191103_125327.jpg
Views:	393
Size:	2.89 MB
ID:	346893

                Attached Files


                • billyboy
                  billyboy commented
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                  I am just going to grow for broke (ba-dum-tishh).
                  Don't forget to tip your waitresses. (Man that Blue Cheese is happy-good)

                • Gingerbeard
                  Gingerbeard commented
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                  Won't light through the mesh cause problems?

                • Spidermite
                  Spidermite commented
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                  billyboy I hadnt seen your post until after I posted basically the same idea above. I think women's hose may work better than cheese cloth but I could be sadly mistaken. Gingerbeard I brought that up in my other post. I jokingly said to put it in a cup cozy. But that was a joke. But you probably should block light to the roots. But that's an easy fix.

                Hope it's not too late to join in. This sounds like a good time!


                • Mr.furley
                  Mr.furley commented
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                  You are good and welcome SirSmksAlot
                  the grow off starts Jan 1 2020 at 12:01 am PST

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