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Organic Grow-Barneys Farm; Red Diesel & Peyote Critical Kush
alltatup May I humbly suggest you drop it into a conversation when asked how you are...has to be said right though-tick-et-tee-boo and it has to flow, you just have to go for it but not with say a mouthful of peanuts otherwise it`ll be like a Blunderbuss going off. I don`t think that would help in spreading the word`s usage though outbreaks of Influenza may increase notably. Best say it behind a hankerchief but try and not sound muffled....or look strange
Afterthought,,,,Atu I was pondering the lamentable state of the lack of appreciation of the venerable English language over your way as I was tendering to my lasses earlier. Indeed, I could image receiving a missive from your esteemed good self possibly highlighting the fact that the humble but sturdy hankerchief has become an archaic and dare I say, unhygenic example that could be said acts as a metaphor for the decline of my once great nation and that the word tissue may have been more apt. To that I would have to say humbug....and we`re not talking confectionery here either. May I ask you to reflect upon the fact that a tissue comes from the Old French word tissu, meaning “a ribbon, or belt of woven material.” whereas the noble hanky comes from two French words: couvrir, which means “to cover,” and chef, which means “head.” In the times of ancient Greece and Rome, handkerchiefs were often used the way they are today. This is not to be confused with hanky-panky though which has an altogether different meaning similar to `a bit of how`s your father` if you get my driftLast edited by PaganRich; 09-14-2019, 03:16 AM.
MeestaFeesha Bloody hell mate and I am not telling porkies here but..there was one lass I was living with that attacked me with my hash cutting knife which felt a bit personal and for no other reason I can figure than I was just playing my drums at the time-okay, I`d just started but you can`t go around slicing someone just cos they`re not John Bonham of Led Zep. Then there was a Polish lass with anger management issues that made me feel sorry for those male spiders that get their heads ripped off after mating and my all time fav...flatulance lass. We only dated for a month fore I knocked it on the head cos she just didn`t stop farting-....not loud blasts but silent and was a constant nasal was incredible, absolutely incredible....for a while it held a strange almost masochismic fascination...there you go. I seem to attract them that`s for sure. My mum reckoned I could be marooned on a desert island and still manage to link up with one and I don`t think she`s wrong there eitherLast edited by PaganRich; 09-13-2019, 10:11 AM.
If I could leave smiley reactions to your posts/comments Pagan, I would! 🤘😂, girls look lovely! But I'm dying at your #38.1 comment as well as tickety-boo!
alltatup Well, you are responsible for that. You kinda chucked in a sort of challenge around it`s useage before and being from the Old Country I felt obliged to rectify your lack of appreciation and I`ve got to say, I did a damn fine job in the process but just in case it slipped your mind:
ठीकहैंबाबू (tikai bābū) means "Yes, sir" in Hindi. [EDIT] The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang. tickety-boo adjective fine, correct, in order, satisfactory. Originally military; a variation of 'ticket', as in just the ticket (correct), with Hindu [Hindi, —ed.] tikai babu (it's all right, sir) UK 1939.
And who says growing weed isn`t elucifying? Bit like the expression `fine and dandy`Last edited by PaganRich; 09-13-2019, 05:11 AM.
Things are growing nicely and I reckon at this rate I`ll flip in about 9 days at 18" from soil and 12" above frame. The instruction manual for Vipar 1200`s veg is 32". These are resting under 24" with both veg and bloom switches on and doing just tickety boo
Both are out for height re-adjustments (minimal thankfully) and weekly Neem oil foliar spray
Peyote Critical-Pics 1-2
Red Diesel-Pics 3-45 Photos
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My peyote critical will be cut this evening. Today 100F and possible big thunderstorms tonight. Could let her go another day or two but don't want to chance it. It is only 1 of 2 that survived the root aphid invasion, infestation and destruction. She probably would not have made it but she is highly resistant to pathogens introduced by the aphids. The yield should be double what it is and I am sure quality suffered from the dread of root aphids. The are virulent, pernicious,and unrelenting. Nothing can kill them that won't kill you. Will post some pics when trimmed.
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Peyote Critical Kush-Pic I shows this grow`s plant and Pic 2 shows her next to another of the same strain.
Red Diesel-Pic 3 shows the main lass and Pic 4 shows her next to another RD-growth is slightly slower than PCK but not by much
Neem oil foliar spray applied and watered....currently around 9" and will flip at 18". I love the LED`s I`m using-first time and they`re the dog`s bollocks, that`s for sure
5 Photos
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Neem oil foliar spray and a bit of structuring today
Peyote Critical-Pics 1-2
Red Diesel-Pics 3-4 show her before I topped the 4 main colas & Pic 5 shows afterwards
Gigantic human swallowing sharks un-nerve me6 Photos
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This is another PeyoteCritical on the go which I`ve just topped an inch shy of the frame but what got me was the size of the leaves. Compared to other lasses of the same strain, these are much larger...I`ve got to say, I`m loving these Vipars, totally sold on them2 Photos
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alltatup No...but I was getting a tad peckish though....Hang on I usually get a tirade against our culinary cuisine. Not a mutter over fried bread, no hint of distain for another fried egg (cooked in lard as well)...I am`s like the Cavalry Sergeant that rides up to the Officer and says `It`s too damn quiet. I don`t like it. ` and next minute, he`s riddled with arrows and there`s Apache everywhereLast edited by PaganRich; 08-25-2019, 02:52 AM.
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