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Organic Grow-Barneys Farm; Red Diesel & Peyote Critical Kush
My uncle Baldrick was in a play once.
Really?...And what did he play?
Second codpiece. Macbeth wore him in the fight scenes.
So he was a stunt codpiece.
Did he have a large part?
Depends who's playing Macbeth.
I'll subscribe to any thread featuring a codpiece, thanks for the giggles! now I can't stop thinking 'bout Blackadder...
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SoOrbudgal You sounded Northern, Lanchashire, Yorkshire way with an expression you used that`s all
PaganRich Morning Pagan we have no cable we have Netflix, youtube and a few local channels through antenna. We have local internet service. We are pretty much in the dark with tv shows. We are probley watching stuff from years ago LOL. No I've never heard of that show.
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SoOrbudgal Do you like the TV show `Open All Hours.` with our Granville by any chance?
Well desertdan i'm feeling your pain for loosing crop. I'm still battling through. I could only wish my critical would be as lovely as yours. I have one of barneys critical struggling to get finished mines pretty ugly. I think you need a big congrats for pulling off what you did. Maybe it's my mind and whats going on outside the grow that's got me more anxious than usual but this season has tried my patience. I think your harvest looks grand.
That is some of the nicest bud I`ve seen for a-whiles and a lovely yield considering....that type of colour and bud is my fav as well...well done mate, very nicely done. That grape aphid might explain why the French nation was so aggressive around that time as well-running out of bloody wine...beautiful grow DD and thanks for allowing me to see as well mate-did enjoy
Hi pagan
Here is a picture of the barneys farm peyote critical kush bud. I was able to get about .5 kilo from her of bud like this. The root aphids had infested her and I put her out of her misery about a week ago. She should had produced double and double or triple better quality but root aphid invasion is a succubus. I think it was in 17th century Europe they called the grape root aphid the plague before they destroyed almost all the grapes in Europe.2 Photos
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alltatup I`m on a quest...perhaps it`s in the blood...castles, the Grail and all that malarkey. I know my local city zoo has an insect dep`t, I`ll drop them a line. You see it all comes down to Amelia Earhart and her navigator being consumed by giant Coconut crabs and it made me wonder how the humble crab made it to those sandy beaches miles from nowhere as they drown in sea water in under a day...makes you think, doesn`t it. Well, made me think. Perhaps indifferency is reigning supreme in your far flung lands, I don`t know but in my opinion, crabs can be a serious cause for concern
alltatup Language aside I do have one question which I`m trying to find the answer to but can` you get flies on desert islands? It`s a serious question and I wonder if per chance you happen to be au fait in this, not that you might be but maybe you are aware. Bit of a long shot. As I said, serious question
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