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  • PaganRich
    commented on 's reply
    SoOrbudgal Fur lined with silk threading would be my answer to that tricky problem...otherwise Brass Monkeys spring to mind and no one wants that

  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    I bet those "cod pieces" were no fun in a blizzard

  • SoOrbudgal
    I am nearly choking on my damn ice tea you two are killing it. FYI alltatup I had the best cod fish fry last weekend camping at our coast with some friends. I think she use tempura batter with beer I did the cabbage slaw & onion rings with her tempura beer batter. LOL vernacular warping

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  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    Are you trying to say that you surrender by changing the subject? You will never beat me at vernacular warping.
    Last edited by alltatup; 08-24-2019, 05:00 PM. Reason: I couldn't sleep.

  • PaganRich
    alltatup I must just say one final thing....that was a damn fine looking breakfast, take 3 sausages off and add another fried egg and more bacon plus switch the toast for fried bread and add a glass of orange juice(Need those vitamins) with the coffee and that would be just about Heaven sent can`t beat a good fry up. Sets you up for the day. True. Set up and good to go.

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  • alltatup
    Pagan: like your pictures, you are projecting. It is you, not I, who has a terrible problem with language. I think that perahps you suffer from a mildy severe form of dyslexia, because you keep getting things backwards. So please sit down and I'll explain.

    This is a piece of cod. This is what you mean to say.
    Click image for larger version  Name:	piece of cod.jpg Views:	1 Size:	12.6 KB ID:	332311

    As for meat and two vegetables, you will have to protect your own plate. This looks like typical British food to me, with the veggies in the middle. Surely you did not mean to suggest that bollocks are vegetables, which is just absurd.
    Click image for larger version  Name:	greasy food.jpg Views:	1 Size:	155.2 KB ID:	332312

    Regarding this word "bollocks" you keep using, and all this talk of protection, daggers, sinisterly attacks, etc. If I understand you correctly, I think you are actually referring to the bullet bra, which was first worn during Medieval times:
    Click image for larger version  Name:	bullet bra.jpg Views:	1 Size:	10.9 KB ID:	332313
    Let your trussed up lad near her, and she'd pierce his armor (no u, thank you) in a heartbeat. The armor's protrusion doesn't stand a chance against these fierce doggies.

    All of the above information can be synthesized if we simply use the crab bra:
    Click image for larger version  Name:	crab bra.jpg Views:	1 Size:	10.7 KB ID:	332315
    We have shellfish, so no need for cod. Or the British food. We have fierce claws, so no need for dagger or armor.

    Finally, Pagan, you speak of something giving you paws (or perhaps claws). Here:
    Click image for larger version  Name:	some paws.jpg Views:	1 Size:	5.9 KB ID:	332314

    I give you paws. Now all of this linguistic confusion must stop. If the Queen were reading your garbled pidgen English rantings, she'd have you taken to the Tower. So just never mind the bollocks.

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  • PaganRich
    alltatup I really do despair over the lack of education in your neck of the woods concerning medieval plate armour accoutrements. I mean, if you`re fighting lads armed with something called sinisterly, Bollock Daggers you`d want your meat and two veg to be somewhat protected. Granted these daggers had two bollock shapes incorporated into the handle but it`s the name that does give one pause for thought. Now, I will add some pics to show the appearance and function of a is in no way meant to be sexually intimidating or inappropriate but is added only to show historical edification. No fish were harmed or inconvenienced in the making of this article

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  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    PaganRich You're wearing a fish?????

  • PaganRich
    commented on 's reply
    alltatup I am wearing my your worst

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    PaganRich MeestaFeesha I'm no castrator, gents!!! Now Pagan is trying to disarm me with compliments so that I'll give in to his arguments in support of those barbaric and brazenly broken British spelling rules. And although I respect Pagan and feel deep affection for him, one has to stand one's ground because he is cunning and persistent in his efforts to impose pure anarchy on the new and improved American way of spelling.

  • PaganRich
    commented on 's reply
    MeestaFeesha alltatup These discussions happen more often than you would believe....she is a very articulate, intelligent, stubborn and tenacious woman and you venture forth into a debate with some caution and trepidation. She can verbally castrate you without breaking into a sweat. That`s why I prefer to wear a fur lined chainmail codpiece during these exchanges...comfort and security whilst being fashionably attired

  • MeestaFeesha
    commented on 's reply
    Sacre bleu! ¡¿Hay alguien aqui quien tambien le gusta ser un 'grammar' y 'spelling' Natzi?! I thought I was the only one! (I'm waiting for someone to spell "patience" wrong again). I happen to just read Pagan's text with a proper accent due to the spelling.

    I honestly enjoyed reading that back and forth!
    Last edited by MeestaFeesha; 08-24-2019, 10:16 AM.

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    I will never surrender to evil intentions, Pagan, and the use of too many u's is simply evil. Plus it misleads people into thinking that the royal family really has blue blooud. It's simply no good, and I shan't coddle you or be polite and allow you to carry on this foully.

  • PaganRich
    commented on 's reply
    alltatup I suppose imitation, even if incorrect is the most potent form of flattery but you must appreciate that if all the 328 million Americans out there went along with this kind of attitude then where does it end: no more I before E except after C? There would be chaos. Standards would fall and we would be no better off than some abbreviated Google algorithm. It would be anarchy-anarchy, I say-and I do not bandy that word loosely, nay. So, I beseech you my humble American cousin, pick up that English dictionary and wave it proudly above your head in Times Square and shout to your fellows, `If it was good enough for Jane Austen then it is good enough for me too. So sayth I`. Then run before the Law turns up

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    Pagan, you write like a politician, but I will not be dazzled by all your star dust and allow you to change the subject. Here is a simple list for you to remember how to spell words CORRECTLY:

    lime (not limey: it's not an adjective!)
    ass not arse
    biscuit not bikkie
    trunk not boot
    sweater not jumper
    see ya later not ta ta

    Of course, anything that Jane Austen writes is absolutely correct. But she's the only British author (not authour) who is 100% correct about English usage.

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