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    Day 53 Flower of my 1st grow. I am taking them all to 65 days.


    • Mr.furley
      Mr.furley commented
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      Looking Phat.

    Honey Carmel cream clone of a clon of a clone 3 generation


      The RO707 was recommended by a friend, no other reason - ha!
      4’x4’x6 1/2’ tent, Nextlight Mega, Roots Organics 707 soil in 5 gallon square plastic planters, GH Flora Series Performance Pack nutes alternated with Fish Sh!t in RO water


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        Well Mr.furley this photo is for you...2 started as feminized photoperiod plants and ended up like auto flower ... color me first: annoyed, second: surprised , third: very happy. This represents 2 stems


          I am honored for the beautiful pictures Farmall, Thank you, they are works of art.

          Such a suprise to find autos in your photo grow, glad it had a happy ending.

          Just to let everyone know that has been asking about Tricromes s62 CC420710 and a couple others that second picture is perfect and in the upmost clarity of a done right harvest.
          Space for Rent.


          • Farmall
            Farmall commented
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            Gee....Thank you

          • Farmall
            Farmall commented
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            You know, I’m flattered that you, an experienced and accomplished gardener, would say this...

          I'm all giddy and sore in the hand and eyes. Four hours of prep, trim, and hang.
          I have a good little pile of lesser nugs as shown in the picture in the pyrex. I'm not sure the best way to dry them out. Stringing them up like popcorn on a Christmas tree is an option. Otherwise, I'm looking at lining the pyrex with kitchen paper and putting it in my veg chamber to dry out. Any suggestions?



          • Farmall
            Farmall commented
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            Well, if your into Amazon, they’ll bring it to you...🤫

          • Gingerbeard
            Gingerbeard commented
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            You mean I have to deal with Amazon? Bezos has enough money.

          • HappyDaze
            HappyDaze commented
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            You've got a tight schedule, 54 days between harvests....I remember because it was summer solstice last time.

            Nice buds!

          Thanks, s62. I've heard about the cardboard bit. For some reason I can't get out of my head that my flowers will taste or smell like cardboard. I've decided on the kitchen paper in pyrex option. No worries about wet spots and they'll be easy to stir during drying. My first harvest was a learning lesson as I put a fan directly on the hangers. The outsides of the buds were going crispy while the insides were still pretty wet. My veg chamber might be ideal. One muffin fan exhausts to the top of the tent while bringing in fresh air by opening the tent flap at the bottom.



          • Canuck147
            Canuck147 commented
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            Got any screens on your windows? That's what I use - lifts them up, let's the air get underneath. And I put it back when I'm done.

          • Gingerbeard
            Gingerbeard commented
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            My screens are on a sliding door and 3'x4' window. Neither has been cleaned in a bit.

          • oldjarhead100
            oldjarhead100 commented
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            I have a cover to some photo paper box and a plastic tray I throw the duff in there and its all dried in a couple of days

          The worst thing about this is patience. Patience is for suckers.



          • s62
            s62 commented
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            Patience is the worst. That’s why I don’t have any lol

          She grows pretty fast, especially when watered frequently. Click image for larger version

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          • Mr.furley
            Mr.furley commented
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            Looks great.

          • Farmall
            Farmall commented
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            So nice looking .. Those outdoor plantings always look so different from indoor. A friend sent pictures of hers and they look like Douglas Fir Christmas trees... maybe I need to try it

          The little bag seed that could.

          Big Bertha at sunset.



          • s62
            s62 commented
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            lol I admire your commitment to adventurous grows. I don’t have the constitution for it; gotta play it safe with my fem seeds lol

          • Gingerbeard
            Gingerbeard commented
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            Are you kidding? How could I not? We're looking at the biggest commitment I've ever made! Big Bertha is too tall for my tent and about an inch from the sides at the widest in my flower tent. It's quite a contrast to her little companions. I'm going to put a sticky note on my bathroom mirror to remind me to check when the sun starts coming through next year. Get things going earlier. All my clothes will go into a suitcase and the shelf in my closet will get removed. It'll become my flower chamber. The sun for veg, closet for flowering. Indoor/outdoor grow. Not a spark of electricity except a little vent action in the closet. I'm crunching some numbers to see how many hamster wheels I would need to get going to power the fans. Renewable energy. Rotating hamster wheel times will keep them healthier than if I just run them to death. When they do die I can hop on over to the pet store and buy replacements. Unless I find a way to breed my own hamsters.
            What was the question?

          First time grow...plan was to grow outdoors, too shady, so i put my ice fishing shanty to use in the summer lol. A few tweaks here n there and its working out pretty well!! 3 ak-47 fem, 1 blueberry auto,1 amnesia auto,1 white widow auto, 2 strange looking purple kush..(think i had some root problems from the start) Veg went great,flower seems to be a bit more work..but a great way to learn. homegrown
          Shappel S3000 3.5x6x6' ice hut
          Fusion Board LED Panel 480w
          6" Fusion Breath, Fan/Filter
          Canna Coco/perlite
          General Hydroponics Flora Series

          Photo plants Blue Cheese(butterbean seeds) Green Crack(Canuk seeds)
          Purple Gelatto(Canuk seeds)


          • Mr.furley
            Mr.furley commented
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            Love it! Great use of what you got and some nice plants to boot.
            Last edited by Mr.furley; 08-20-2019, 02:48 PM.

          • oldjarhead100
            oldjarhead100 commented
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            good idea your plants are looking great. I know the end of May is the frost free date for planting where I live so I count back from there ,I like to veg my girls longer to manifold them . Went ice fishing with a buddy about 20 years ago My wife saw a blue tent across the lake and asked my buddy what that was and he says oh thats where the keep the hookers and walked off ,I was chasing a flag so I never heard this about 4 hours later on the way home my wife says out of the blue ,do they really keep hookers in those tents ,what are you talking about I said , Bobby said thats where they keep the hookers . I said and you believed him ,you know better than that ,then she got it and said paybacks a bitch lol

          • Farmall
            Farmall commented
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            Oldjarhead100.. I saw a few of those blue tents crossing the old Rouses Point bridge many years ago and wondered what was there. A lot of the shantys were towed wooden shacks... It was ridiculously cold back then -35F was kind of normal. Garden went in around Memorial Day

          At noon, an hour before moving west. A lunch of southern sunshine and fish squeezin's.



            Here's my 3 Bears OG, what does everyone think? I'm thinking I have a Hermie on my hands. Ive seen hairs on her, but these look like balls to me.

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            Past Grows


            • oldjarhead100
              oldjarhead100 commented
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              I think your ok I see those quite often I think there just small flowers , anyways check it often (daily) and wait and see ,

            • s62
              s62 commented
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              I agree with OJH, those are just lady parts. My Critical Jack had tons of those. Pop them off or smoke em.

            this is my Cinderella xx what a beast she turned into
            new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
            current grow




            • Gingerbeard
              Gingerbeard commented
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              Have you ever considered scraping off the inside of your tent to see what kind of resin you've accumulated over the years? Tent hash.

            Had these on my white widow autos that were hiding below the nodes under the buds. Never saw them on the buds until the buds were cut off but there was nothing In there


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