I decided to keep ahead of the routine and give her a more complete defoliation as she has responded well before and the pot was light, but not very droopy.
A look at the leaves showed some deficiencies.
#1 pic potassium deficiency is showing - not isolated to one part of the plant.
#2 pic shows a general need for nutrients (not just Cal/Mag- which she has had plenty of) as the stems are purple-yet the underside is green. (genetics will purple the stems all the way around).
Once fed it should return to green.
I added bat guano (N), micro (N + micro nutrients) and koolbloom (K&P) to the usual watering with suppliments.
AND we wait!
"Schedules? We don't need no stinkin' schedules!"
A look at the leaves showed some deficiencies.
#1 pic potassium deficiency is showing - not isolated to one part of the plant.
#2 pic shows a general need for nutrients (not just Cal/Mag- which she has had plenty of) as the stems are purple-yet the underside is green. (genetics will purple the stems all the way around).
Once fed it should return to green.
I added bat guano (N), micro (N + micro nutrients) and koolbloom (K&P) to the usual watering with suppliments.
AND we wait!
"Schedules? We don't need no stinkin' schedules!"