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Four ladies...315 LEC

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    Ohh maaaan, delicious!


    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      You can say that again...

    Really impressed with the bud to leaf. But really, really impressed with how much growth in the last 3 weeks. I think most of us have some learning to do. The amount of defoliation that late in a grow is so counterintuitive. I'm keeping in mind the quality of your light.
    Side note: I recently purchased a PAR meter. Went to local garden shop and tested all their lights. The LEC is far superior... Like off the charts, compared to all of the "over the counter" grow lights. Still a COB man myself, but only because I can build my own.
    Lead the way Mr. Green.


    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      Thank you soil...
      Great info...thanks
      You grab a machete as well and we'll both lead the way!!

    Great buds Green, looks like that sticky icky.


    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      Hey man you got the man it's icky sticky!!!


    • Lord-Xanthor
      Lord-Xanthor commented
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      I heard gorilla glue has a habit of destroying sheers during harvest. I had bought some myself, and killed two grinders. Green75 plants looks very similar to it. Been trying to find a vendor for that seed too, and the few that advertised it, is always out. Green, from the looks of your plants, I have a feeling you killed off a few pairs of sheers cutting your plants as well?

    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      No..still using same one plant left from this grow...any day now..

    Green75 Have a question for you. I remember you mentioning in a post somewhere that years ago you had to put one of your best plants down because when you tried letting it finish, the plant ended up going bad where it produced nothing and had stayed wilted? What I wanted to know, was how long you had that plant. You see, with my remaining 7 plants I had started December 1 2016, I had to make a lot of changes due to all the chaos and moving, and am about to finally get that 7 foot tall tent up tomorrow. What worries me, is if Im repeating what you had done years ago and will end up with similar results. My best plant is a GSC, then THCBomb and THC SNow. Because I been limited with room, at 5 feet high, I had been cutting off all the lower brances, and cut the main top off of each plant to prevent them growing into the lights. I cut the majority of the side brances too, to make canna oil and allow light to pass through to the smaller clone cutting I took. I am starting to notice the brances are thickening and not many off shoots are showing up. Should I bend these plants over and get the smaller brances still there to grow out, or actually, does it sound like these plants have reached their peak and need to finish their cycle by going to 12/24 and start all over again? My other option once the new tent is up tomorrow, is to cut the remaining branches on the plants that have grown too thick, and turn the cuttings into clones and trash the mother plants. Im just hoping that im not repeating what you had mentioend doing years ago. Ill take pictures tomorrow and post them so you can see what I'm talking about.


    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      She was a mother plant I had for a couple years...took her out of veg and dropped her under a 1000 watt hps....three to four weeks in she wss toast...

      No need to have twenty some plants....if it's just you and kids...grow nice fat girls...

    • Lord-Xanthor
      Lord-Xanthor commented
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      When I started my first grow back in December 2016, I had gone in blind thinking I could grow these as easily as any other plant. That was before I found this website and discovered I was making a TUN of mistakes. I was getting a lot of failures which was actually being caused by the PH. The plan was to have at least ten plants. When I went to germinate more seeds, I had put the tray of 30 peat pellets aside and started anew. As it turned out, when I watered my new pellets, the older ones got the correct PH water as well from runoff. Within a week I had 10 good plants, then almost two weeks later, the 30 peat pellets I had assumed were all dead, 25 more sprouted, but only 17 survived and ended up with a total of 27 plants. Since then I had given some away, used my autos in making oil, and got my plants down to 7. When they started taking damage from the LED panels, I stripped all 7 down and used half the cuttings to make oil, the others to make clones which will be ok once I put them into my larger tent. Doing this today.

    Finally..!!!! Day 86...fourth and final cheese...she was topped at the fourth and kept the nodes underneath as well...fully loaded with buds..fully
    I took her out of tent three weeks ago so I could leave my autos in there under 24hrs light...she has been under my cfl setup finishing off...she was super slow through whole grow...did not ever get used to my defo tactics...she lived life on her own time...I'm not complaining at all.!!! The buds are marvelous...scissor hash has my eyeball sockets feeling deep..great head high...boom buds...

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    Thanks to all who hung in there with me on this's been an awesome grow and glad you were all apart of it!!!


    • Sonnyhad
      Sonnyhad commented
      Editing a comment
      Awesome looking yield! Another awesome looking grow!

    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      Thanks sonny

    • Tika
      Tika commented
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      GODdddd what a great grow-great pics and I love the trunk pic!! Sorry I have been so behind. This just makes me smile.

    After all we are on their time flow! Looks well worth the patient wait, BC is always a good looker! Glad i hung in there cause i definitely thought this was a repeat notification at first lol. Peace brotha! Keep growing!
    Perpetual setup!


    • Green75
      Green75 commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks man

    Beautiful bounty. Great looking bush.


    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      Thanks bro...

      Raining here all day as well...

    Green75. .Are you going to reveg the plant? Would be a shame to let such a beautiful plant go.


    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      No...she is done...

    • Lord-Xanthor
      Lord-Xanthor commented
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      Im curious. I take it you like starting fresh from seeds each time. Is there a reason why you wouldn't reveg those awsome ones you worked so hard on? Im still new to all of this and my plants have been kept in veg since I started and with all the cuttings i have done am curious as to the reason for not reusing the plant after harvest. Id rather find out now that there is issues then 4 months down the road after I harvest mine to then spend months revegging my plants and find out I wasted a lot of time and money doing something I should have avoided. I love my gsc plant yet never have let her flower and will most likely be forced to one day or waste the plant. My clones or first ones had they survived i would never have had to worry about the mom plant but since the clones are all gone and I trimmed a lot of leafs im depending on revegging it unless I hear from one of the best I should move on after.

    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      They will never be what they were...this plant is done...stems and trunk are hollow

    hahaha! literally squeezed all you can get out of her! quite a pile of fatties green, great finale.


    • Green75
      Green75 commented
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      Thanks harvester...she was something, huh

    • intergalactic_harvester
      intergalactic_harvester commented
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      lol, that blue cheeze gonna be somethin to the last crumb man!
      i see what you do. i see what you get. i want so bad to do some plants up like that. until we are weaned off dispensary products, i think that scroggin is best use of space n light to fill jars. once i have a more permanent setup i can do fewer plants and go fat AND pretty!
      jesus. can tell i just woke up. sitting here drooling over YOUR candy when i should be in MY tent working! 1 hr to lights out...
      have a good one green!

    I thoroughly enjoyed watching this grow unfold. Thick frosty buds all around.
    Failure is an opportunity for improvement!!

    Current Grows:

    Completed Grows:


      I came here halfway through your grow. Think im going to, na, I know im going to sit down and read this from day one. This way I can correct whats left of mine and hopefully if my main plants are now toast, the cuttings I took will be at least half as awsome as your girls above. Your posts read better than the $40 books I wasted my money on. The last book I bought is what got me into trouble with my first grow in the first place. It was more a history lesson than instructional. Then I start reading your posts and realize I should have come here in the first place.


      • Sonnyhad
        Sonnyhad commented
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        Agreed! There is a bunch of not so good information out there! Not the case here!

      Congratulations on another great harvest! Green75 It feels like you've been harvesting something new every week for months! I'm sure you have piles of bud


      • Green75
        Green75 commented
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        Thanks is accumulating for sure..

      • Tika
        Tika commented
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        I agree Nebula-everytime I turn around Greenie has a fist full of buds. Today's question-what is he doing now...? I loose track

      When I'm all grown up I wanna grow like you...congrats man! True inspiration.
      x1 LED Cirrus T5 500w, x3 Sun System LEC315, x1 Nanolux LEC315, Saturn 5 controller, x4 6" can vents, 8800 btu A/C, 70 pint dehumidifier


      • Green75
        Green75 commented
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        I don't know about all that thanks lucky..o I've seen your plants...nothing bad there!!!

      I want to grow up to be you too. Lucky, Xanthor, me, a whole throng of us looking up like the martians in Toy Story chanting in unison: "the claw decides who will stay, and who will go...:
      Nothing is foolproof for the sufficiently talented fool.


      • LuckyAcres
        LuckyAcres commented
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        Made me chuckle in my pint, messy!

      • Tika
        Tika commented
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        That's called backward sneezing LA...y PPillons do it all the time.malternstive is to snort spit into ones beer..
        I don't drink no matter
        Greenie challenges our knee jerk good or not.
        And she will finally shut up and go to bed

      • LuckyAcres
        LuckyAcres commented
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        Sweet dreams tika

      Look at that load! Green, ohh maaan...
      You realy got the best out of her, realy happy for you


      • Green75
        Green75 commented
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        Hey thanks alot...appreciate it

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