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Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest thing you ever did surrounding cannabis grows!

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    Letting my dogs come downstairs with me while I mix nutes and water with the tent open. Like an open invite to all the little creatures to come dine on my plants. Luckily, gnats are the only bug I have had.

    Accidentally snapping the base of the stem because I was trying to avoid getting water on the leaves (she didn't make it lol).

    Live and learn!

    Past Grows


      So dumb would be general over excitement during my first grow. Just couldn’t leave the girls alone and all my meddling surely affected my harvest.

      Dumber would be deciding it was a good idea to try to tend to my plants after a night of drinking with the boys.

      Dumbest isn’t really any one specific thing but more of a pattern of behavior that I battle everyday. My ADHD leaves me acting on my impulsive ideas and has led me to try every light other than T5’s, try every next best thing in supplements, and every grow style/ training method I can think of.
      Failure is an opportunity for improvement!!

      Current Grows:

      Completed Grows:


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        Obi Wan, if you're hyperactive, I bet an Indica tincture with some CBD in it would be great for you. I've got some hybrid mixed into my tinctures, but they're Indica-heavy and I added CBD slab, which infuses straight back into the Everclear. I use as an anxiolytic or anxiety decreaser, and it also helps me to be more thinking and less blind reacting or impulsivity.

      • Obi-Wan
        Obi-Wan commented
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        Funny you should mention it cause I’m growing Aurora Indica right now, but that is more of a night time sleep med. I have about 1.5 quarts of of a CBD tincture in my freezer that I made from Cannatonic that I harvested awhile back. It works well but slows down my body along with my mind. My most recent harvest was a clone I received from a friend, it’s a Stardawg/Cherry Kandahar cross that is a 1:1, I gotta say it works wonders without slowing me down too much.

      I think the one dumb thing we have all done is weigh that first big cola right after you chop it down. Mine was 28 grams - I was like holy snikers Batman a whole ounce in one huge bud. But alas it dried down to 7 grams - still a 1/4 ounce.
      ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
      Mars Hydro
      Vortex in-line 6" fan


        During my first grow I freaked out about a non existent pest problem, so used DE all over them, but the problem was that I decided to wash it all off during flowering, with rain water, at the start of monsoon season, when I had them all covered with black plastic to force flowering, with no air exchange either. You can guess how that went! Lost half my crop to bud rot. Lesson learned, at least mostly.
        Organic Soil,
        with molasses,
        In a Greenhouse with,
        Redneck engineering.


          Dumb growing hermies thinking I could keep it in check
          Dumber growing clones of above plants in same tent without proper cleaning and thinking I could keep it in check.
          Dumbest might be planting the seeds from said plants without properly amending holes and have nothing to feed them (truely wild grow) thinking they will be female.

          I've definitely done some stupid lst, planted in crappy soil, and had something fall, snap, or break. Didn't know what to feed or when. What week feed chart I should be in got confusing. Not checking ph etcetera. All first time grow mistakes without researching anything. But it was some killer smoke 😆.

          Wise man say."Always someone who know more."


            dumb I use a scoop to water with it holds a half gallon ,I have always had issues in bloom with needing to flush because of lock out well this time I caught it early and realized why with the help of Campesino ,I wasn't watering to run off but I was still watering every day I checked run off and it overloaded my meter at 5000 ppm

            I also sprayed this stuff called deff guard supposed to prevent WPM well it works by killing your plant lol I had dead spots on all of my girls
            new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
            current grow




              Ok yesterday i beat my prior stupid. Left the house and apparently the power went out for a time. Came back and the clock said 540. My timer is set to turn my flowering off at 6. I went down and the light is out. This one isnt on solar battery backup. I was afraid the light had blown. So i changed the bulb. Checked the power and then thought my fixture had given out. Go upstairs and look at another clock and it was 655. When i looked before i looked at a clock that was wrong. Spent almost 20 minutes trying to fix something that was doing exactly what it was set to do.

              The 20 minutes wasnt the completely stupid part. It was that my flowering plants got 20 minutes of a very small bit of.light in their dark cycle. Im gonna hate myself if they hermie.


              • GreenhouseEffect
                GreenhouseEffect commented
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                I'll bet there fine, way better then how bad I mess up light cycles some times!

              • Redwasp
                Redwasp commented
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                They are week 4.

              • oldjarhead100
                oldjarhead100 commented
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                Maybe you dont do it again ATU but I'm a slow lerner it takes me a few mistakes lol

              Dumb: when I started growing- I tended the garden "medicated" and it took me awhile to figure out- that's what was wrong with my grows!
              It's all bullshit - until you smoke it!

              KISS @ Dry/Cure:

              Staged Harvest:

              Grow Journals:

              #3, Window Sill Grow - auto:

              #4, KISS grow- Girl Scout Cookies- auto:


              • Redwasp
                Redwasp commented
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                Yes dont stay on that shit long. They make you feel "better," alot better. They are needed but just realize that every second you are on them they will grab you, and not want you to stop.

              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
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                I have always stayed away from downers...

              • Potted
                Potted commented
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                That a girl.....!

              Had a mate help me build a grow area. Someone found out and low and behold during the flush someone broke in when I was at work and knocked them off. To make it worse they went through the floorboards (when the back door didnt lock properly!)
              Current grow

              4x bubbas gift
              4gal fabric pots..
              coca using nutrafield coca a/b and go green.
              600w how in 1x1x2m tent. 150mm grofan extraction


              • RobM
                RobM commented
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                Lol oldjarhead. Thats actually scarry. though still a fan of tbe killer rabbit (monty python) with his big teath (makes teath sign with fingers)

                Dankwingduck (love the handle btw) yeah in aussie its not legal to grow so the other people who know i grow outside the missus kids who do t live here is my neighbours and 1 good mate (who I do clones for etc) as for my hydro shop. Well the person I see there knows as I've needed assistance for heath issues.

              • DankwingDuck
                DankwingDuck commented
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                It’s prize head lettuce

              • WeirdWiredWolf
                WeirdWiredWolf commented
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                @Smokesteve: My roomie's garden has lettuce, basil, tomatoes, dill, parsley and some chives that escaped the beds about 4 years ago and show no sign of slowing down; plenty of potential camouflage in a week or two. She was gonna let me pop a seed or rooted clone in the beds to see how things went, then I found out the mixture in all the beds includes Miracle Gro. Not sure I want to risk one of my few plants unless I know she knows exactly what to do (I can only get out there once a week, and LST would be absolutely critical).

              I have actually got all those fresh alomg with radishes and herbs. Lol


              • DankwingDuck
                DankwingDuck commented
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                I grow dill basil parsley orageno too as well as tomatoes cucumbers sunflower poppy 5 Kinds of peppers ranging from bell peppers to ghost chilies . And a bunch of other things . I have been growing vegetables since I was 6 . This is my first time growing lettuce in hydroponics or anything in hydro for that matter and technically my third time growing marijuana first not making to harvest and the 2nd not having much to harvest . Marijuana seems to be a lot like tomatoes. But it has its own set of challenges, and the hydro adds its own set of challenges also . It’s a learning experience.

              Smokesteve really lettuce lmao
              DWC hydroponics 2.5 gal veg 5 gal bloom / GH flora trio + calimagic, florablend, Koolbloom, rapid start , hydroguard , armor si, diamond nectar, floralicous plus / 600w hps / 48x48x80 grow tent x2 / white widow / special kush #1 / 24/0 12/12. Hopes prayers and a tiny bit of luck.


                well I think I topped all of my dum shit my bloom room has been going for 2 full weeks I have one pineapple chunk plant that was to tall to put under scrog so I hung a 300w led over it and put it on a timer well yesterday I was there when the hps went out there were a few light bars still on so I tweaked the timers so they would go out close together ,the light over the PC was on so I turned it a little and it stayed on so I pulled it out of the receptical and looked sure enough I set the timer correctly but left or changed the switch to the on position ,no wonder the tut dont have any pistils yet lol I think it just delayed them some
                new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
                current grow




                • DankwingDuck
                  DankwingDuck commented
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                  Worst case they herm . May end up with some fem seeds pineapple-tut . I can dig it xD

                • oldjarhead100
                  oldjarhead100 commented
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                  the PC went back into veg and the tuts stayed in veg so thats ok just have to reset the clock

                dont know if this counts but in one my early grows i used moose poop and charcoal as fert. really saw no difference. got the idea from a old strain hunter video, believe it was africa.


                • oldjarhead100
                  oldjarhead100 commented
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                  I filled the bottom of the hole of one of my outdoor plants with Moose poop plant did well ,but I didn't go around scraping it up to use more lol

                Super Cropping my Critical with the grow light this afternoon.
                Organic Soil,
                with molasses,
                In a Greenhouse with,
                Redneck engineering.


                • oldjarhead100
                  oldjarhead100 commented
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                  ??????? you did what , did you drop your light ouch

                • GreenhouseEffect
                  GreenhouseEffect commented
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                  Ya, dropped it right on her head. The seedling looked just like a branch somebody had super cropped. Didn't break the skin but I taped her back up to vertical again, doing good today. Might actually be a good thing, that plant was starting to get real leggy, maybe it will beef up the stalk, curious to see what happens!

                Dumbest thing ever - started growing plants before I was really set up to do so. I had a seedling that I sprouted, and had on a bookshelf under a borrowed T5 light, just in my office at home.

                Well, I have three dogs and three cats. SOMEBODY got in the office and literally ate that plant down to a twig in the dirt. I came home from work to water and it was so disappointing. Might have been the only time I threw a bona fide fit as an adult, lmao!


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