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Hash talk

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    Click image for larger version

Name:	100_0756.jpg
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ID:	636259 Click image for larger version

Name:	100_0757.jpg
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ID:	636262 Click image for larger version

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ID:	636260 Click image for larger version

Name:	100_0760.jpg
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ID:	636263 Click image for larger version

Name:	100_0764.jpg
Views:	93
Size:	668.8 KB
ID:	636261The porn69.
    C'mon, mule!



      The 6.5 gram money shot. Click image for larger version

Name:	100_0785.jpg
Views:	78
Size:	1.51 MB
ID:	637255Room temperature consistency is fluid. Got my dewax on! It dabs as smoothe as if I were pulling from a vaporizer. Very, very little taste. 2 fair size globs of goo and I'm fair well ferberjeroted.
      About 3.5 grams of the same is in another jar and drying out on a plate after a minor spillage incident. So, I'm calling this a 10 gram haul. That 175 grams of bud I started with turned into about 160 grams after the friend gimmies. Ratio wise, about a 6.25% return. About half what I could expect from blasting. I don't know how much kief I started with but I am confident I would not have gotten more than a quarter teaspoon from another run through the bags. In the end, I am happy. This is the best I can make. My penultimate. Soon as I win one of the lotteries, I'll be posting about my fractional distillation setup. Just you wait, boy-o! Click image for larger version

Name:	100_0774.jpg
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ID:	637259Unfiltered Click image for larger version

Name:	100_0775.jpg
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ID:	637256First filter, room temperature Click image for larger version

Name:	100_0776.jpg
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ID:	637258Dry ice and isopropylClick image for larger version

Name:	100_0779.jpg
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ID:	6372572 hours later
      Click image for larger version

Name:	100_0781.jpg
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ID:	637260After 2 more filterings​. From here, it was off to various double boiler techniques.
      C'mon, mule!



        Wow, congrats, ur killing it man. I like it. Just to clarify, u started with 160g bud, make bubble hash kief, then dissolved the kief in ethanol, then proceeded with refining? Are there any pix of the de-waxing filter after the run, how much did you pull out? Imo your yield % is respectable for the first run. It would be interesting to see how a blasted resin would compare. Way to ferberjerote.
        Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


          Hey, thanks and junk! Your rundown is my process.
          Take a look at my previous post. That was the first run. Text for the previous post is in the previous, previous post. That is basically the detritus I get but the run in the picture was from 2 ounces of bud in a much less successful kief'ing in gallon bags.
          From experience, this would have gotten 20ish grams from blasting. I had considered doing 80g ethanol and 80g BHO and dewaxing both. But that would have more than doubled the work. My blasting setup can do 42g at a shot so I would have had to blast twice. The whole 160g's got done in 5-gallon bags at the same time. Processing weed is much less daunting when you can take steps out of it.
          C'mon, mule!



            I haven't made bubble hash, compared to DI hash it appears to be a lot of work. I have made DI keef and it was easy. The thing with that is to know when to stop. But if it was just going to be dissolved in ethanol, I would just shake the hell out of it and let the plant material filter out on the first pass filtering. For your DI bath consider insulating it in a container or even layered crumpled alum foil wrapped around it.
            Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


              Ckbrew insulation and temperature distribution were two concerns. As were the size of the Mason jar and cooler/container setup to hold everything. This setup was after considering every pot and bread pan I own as well as the bowls I have used in previous extractions. The final of this was actually double boiled on a plate sitting on boiling water.
              Broken up chunks of DI in this situation only touched the jar in places. To evenly disperse the temperature, I filled the pot with isopropyl. If Google isn't lying (as if Google would lie) the DI/ISO temperature is -109°F. A foil or other material wouldn't have gotten me that cold.
              Everything fit perfectly. That pot held that jar with one block of DI and a quart+/- of ISO. Nice and compact. I can see everything and everything is held nice and tight.
              I have done the DI kief. Like you said, you don't know when to quit. Yes, particulates get filtered out. But just as with RSO, whatever plant mater is in the kief gets washed with ISO. That's the green tinge in the jar. I can minimize the green by using a smaller micron between the 220 and 25, but I cannot get rid of it.
              C'mon, mule!



                Got the bags out, doing a little bit of glue sniffer, sparklits are coming up next


                  Got the bags out, doing a little bit of glue sniffer, sparklits are coming up next Click image for larger version

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ID:	637679


                    My bad,I mixed them together


                      This one will tell me what's up Click image for larger version

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ID:	637683


                        Nice, nice, nice
                        Attached Files


                          On to the next one


                            This is the black bag, always a great return Click image for larger version

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ID:	637688


                              I'm liking this Click image for larger version

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Size:	2.97 MB
ID:	637690


                                On to the next one
                                Attached Files


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