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    Have I mentioned that I'm loving this Coco grow? She's already as big as the gorilla glue was at it's height. She's only on day 5 of the stretch? The net is almost filled out. Not a single red stem to be seen anywhere. The pH is cooperating with me the purple punch is looking FANTASTIC 🥰 If I had known growing in coco would be so easy, I would have done this 3 grows ago when I was deciding to stay with Fox farm or try something new. But that's okay. Everything is in motion for a great Christmas and new years. Gonna have 5 different cultivars. A wonderful variety!
    Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
    Current grows:

    🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
    🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
    (The Uncle Grandpa)
    🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
    🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
    🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

    🪱 Vermihut worm bin
    🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

    Time Lapse Videos


    • Ckbrew
      Ckbrew commented
      Editing a comment
      Nice looking plant.
      Last edited by Ckbrew; 09-01-2023, 01:28 PM.

    That's a hefty stalk!
    Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
    Current grows:

    🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
    🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
    (The Uncle Grandpa)
    🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
    🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
    🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

    🪱 Vermihut worm bin
    🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

    Time Lapse Videos


      Coco is all I do. Want something done quick and easy? find a lazy person to do it. Hats off to everyone who grows in living soil, that is not for me. Measuring out a precise volume of something needed, mix it in water, that is easy. And it does grow nice flowers.
      Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


      • Bluey
        Bluey commented
        Editing a comment

        Really nice flowers.

        And it's so simple and cheap and reusable

      • No3odiesShad0w
        No3odiesShad0w commented
        Editing a comment
        I found I just amended 3 or 4 times during the grow and then I just add water and watch them grow. I would say that's pretty lazy of me. I let the microbes do the work for me.

      Some more updates. The purple punch is doing fantastic. She's on day 12 of the stretch so another week and I'll do a defoliation and give her a top feed of some bloom amendments and just keep watering her

      My dad's cutting that I did a hard reset on last week. She's coming back to life!! New growth all over. I put my cube cage on there so I can get it to grow in that shape and I started on a 12/12 cycle. My dad's is flowering and it smells citrusy and gassy so I'm more curious about it. My kinda flavor profile. After giving her all those organic amendments, she really came back to life. Not sure what was going on.

      ​​Another "IDK what's going on" are the 2 seedlings I'm germinating in the Coco. They're on day 12 and they still have one leaf. They look yellow and the stems are purple dark red looking from tip to base..... The one blue dream seedling in the soil looks nice and dark green. She's on day 7 and in about the same place as the purple punch was at 7 days old. Planting in the final container is not going well.....

      After 11 days there's no roots even showing on the clear cup. So I just planted another blue dream and tangie seed but this time in the soil.... On the heating mat.... Inside my basket cups.... I expect those to go the way they're supposed to. I'm not liking the Coco for a starter but at the same time I can't blame the Coco. Too many other variables from the way I normally do it. Any one of those variables could be the culprit. Not too mention it's been raining and humid AF here so I have a fungus gnats infestation in my whole house and my yard... It's been lousy. I'm making stinging nettle tea tonight to water the plants with. Root stimulator and kills off the fungus gnats larvae and the adults hate the smell. Always been very effective in the past so I grow a patch in my yard just for that reason. Just need my thick insulated rubber gloves that go to me elbow before i handle it lolol

      If I manage to bring the 2 back to life in the Coco, I have some willing to take them and grow them out on their porch. They don't care about the size or amount. They just want to learn a little before they get serious. So it hopefully won't be a total loss

      Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
      Current grows:

      🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
      🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
      (The Uncle Grandpa)
      🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
      🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
      🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

      🪱 Vermihut worm bin
      🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

      Time Lapse Videos


      • No3odiesShad0w
        No3odiesShad0w commented
        Editing a comment
        That's strange. I never do the paper towel method. That's the one I get the least amount of germination success. I either have the paper too wet or too dry. I always soak the seed in water for 12 hours in a warm spot then p plant it right into the substrate on a bed of mycorrhize. I never had issues in the past. Almost 100% success rate.
        I only had some kelp meal and worm castings in the Coco with perlite. Didn't think it was going to be so different. But that's okay. More learning. I'm just gonna do what I did with the purple punch. Start in the happy frog soil then transplant after 10 days to the Coco and watch it take off!

      • Bluey
        Bluey commented
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        Always paper towel here. I soak it with just water spray but stop before water starts to puddle. From fresh seed stock I get as close to 100% success rate that way. My current seed stock is 4 to over 8 years old and still getting about 80% success rate.

        I did try some peat pellets last grow, about 20 of them and not 1 popped.

        This grow I'm trying the H²O² soak for 12 hrs then into paper towel. These seeds came a long way to arrive here and I only have a few so to lose just 1 will hurt. I haven't grown these strains before so treating them very well.

      • No3odiesShad0w
        No3odiesShad0w commented
        Editing a comment
        Honestly this is my first time having an issue with germination. It's something that never was an issue in the past so def a little taken back by it. Problems usually only come up when flowering stars for me. That's traditionally when I run into issues never during germinating or veg . If they make it they make it if they don't, then they don't. It is what it is.

      Look at her go!! I'm glad I gave up on the synthetic GH Trio nutes. All of August she just kept getting worse and worse. She wasn't growing. She was just stuck in one position for 2 weeks. Since I gave her my organic blend about a week and a half ago, she's really come back to life so I feel safe with putting her in bloom. I did take a cutting of the nicest branch...... Just in case. I been there before where I found a unicorn and didn't/couldn't save the genetics. She's blooming up some nice seeds in my dad's house lololol but she smells lovely!!! That's why I'm going to give her a chance. It's a fun side project and who knows maybe I'll have a 🦄. If not, then it's a bit more variety for my stash.

      The purple punch is starting to really flower up. She's drinking about 3L of water every 2 days. By the looks of the time lapse videos I've been taking, the stretch is finally slowing down. Just in time. I'm running out of net on 3 sides. Another few days and I'll defoliate her a bit to expose all flower sites I can. I'll also give her the first flower nutrient top feed. Some Flower Power from Nature's Living Soil, as well as their Soil Revival...... Mainly for the fungus gnat infestation going on right now. It has the bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis that kills the gnat larvae plus more beneficial microbes to get that top dressing broken down for the plants. A dash of kelp meal and water it in with fulvic acid and a little bit of molasses too get the party rolling. Oh and of course the worm castings I got from Build a Soil. And that's about it. That will hold me over for 2-3 weeks and I'll top dress again. I don't want to add frass, neem seed or alfalfa because of all the nitrogen. The flower power has all the different organic based P-K ingredients like fish bone meal and guanos, seed meal and phosphorus converting bacteria innoculants. The plants have always loved it.
      ​​​ As long as the pH keeps cooperating like it has been so far with the Coco, it's going to be a really really nice grow!!

      The seedlings in the Coco are not looking any better..... They've grown a bit since I put them on the heating mat but nothing to run home about. It's day 15.... So they're not even contenders. Just a learning experience. The good news.... The ones I planted in the soil, have sprouted. Probably can't see them in the picture past all the condensation in the bag. The Tangie is already visible. The blue dream is just a raised mound of soil. The other blue dream that I planted in the soil might actually make it. She really perked up. I think she's in day 9 and is getting her first set of 3 pointed leaves. It's a bit behind but not terrible. There's hope for her. She's in a much better place than her siblings.
      The 2 seedlings I'll keep on the mat set to 78° for the first 3 days of life then I'll turn it off and let them harden up over the next week or so before I bury the whole basket in the Coco that's all mixed up, ready and waiting. A bit behind schedule but if these sprout before the week is up and they make it.....I should still be able to have it dried and cured at least 2 weeks before Christmas. That's the goal. I'm looking at having 8-10 different cultivars in my personal stash!!

      The Bruce banner is only 2 days into dry. Nothing to really say except every time I walk into the room IT SMELLS AMAZING!!!! The Bruce will be ready by the beginning of October so 3 more weeks!!! The gorilla glue has 1 more weeks before I can sample it but I'll probably give her 2 weeks before I actually sample it. I can wait not as hype about it like I am with the Bruce banner..

      Well that's all the updates for now. Happy Growing!

      Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
      Current grows:

      🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
      🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
      (The Uncle Grandpa)
      🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
      🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
      🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

      🪱 Vermihut worm bin
      🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

      Time Lapse Videos


      • Bluey
        Bluey commented
        Editing a comment
        Love ya'll need to build a purpose built shed with all you have going on

      • No3odiesShad0w
        No3odiesShad0w commented
        Editing a comment
        It's turning into a purpose built apartment as I get more and more into this and music. Learned 3 new instruments this year on top of the 8 i already know how to play. Life is too short to not do cool shit

      • No3odiesShad0w
        No3odiesShad0w commented
        Editing a comment
        It's also been fun chatting with you and getting your input on stuff Bluey

      We have baby! I repeat the babies have landed!
      Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
      Current grows:

      🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
      🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
      (The Uncle Grandpa)
      🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
      🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
      🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

      🪱 Vermihut worm bin
      🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

      Time Lapse Videos


        Let's see what happens 🤷‍♂️. This could be a great idea or a terrible idea but I refuse to give up on them. Maybe I'll fill one net with these 3 combined. Maybe they'll bounce back and I'll have to top feed weekly just to keep up. Who knows

        But what I did notice is that after having them on the heating mat for 2 days, the root growth exploded. Maybe now they'll touch since good fertile soil and they'll get their land legs. When I looked 2 days ago there were no roots visible.

        So these will end up as another side project. Maybe I'll do something cool with them who knows. Just have to wait and see what happens.

        The seedlings are on their way. I lowered the heating mat to 76° and it will stay like that until September 10th . By then they should have some significant growth.
        Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
        Current grows:

        🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
        🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
        (The Uncle Grandpa)
        🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
        🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
        🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

        🪱 Vermihut worm bin
        🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

        Time Lapse Videos


          With numbers like these who needs CO2 supplementation.... Jeez. I got the CO2 monitor out of curiosity..... I wonder what's making my CO2 levels so high...... Maybe smoking joints in my apartment with the windows closed and the AC running?? I have an air purifier but that only does like dust not CO2.

          Could also explain my headaches and constant nausea. I thought it was from the cancer and meds but could just be high CO2 levels 🤔. I need more data.
          Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
          Current grows:

          🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
          🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
          (The Uncle Grandpa)
          🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
          🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
          🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

          🪱 Vermihut worm bin
          🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

          Time Lapse Videos


          • Bluey
            Bluey commented
            Editing a comment
            Something is not right there. Take your meter outside and see if it drops down to around 400ppm

          • No3odiesShad0w
            No3odiesShad0w commented
            Editing a comment
            I live in the middle of a city. Outside ambient is around 800ppm

          • No3odiesShad0w
            No3odiesShad0w commented
            Editing a comment
            It drops at night but during the day ... The amount of trucks driving past my house probably is the cause of the poor air here

          The purple punch .... My lord... All those flowers, all those dark leaves, she's only about 10 days into bloom. First flowers popped up Aug 25th. Started seeing full flowers 4 days later, now this! I filled the whole net... There's flowers a plenty. It's all good!

          The seedlings are doing AMAZINGLY!!!! THE sprouted on Sept 7 by Sept 8 they unfolded their first pointed leaves and they're off!
          The previous seedlings also look like they started growing now that I stuck them in the soil. Maybe I'll still get 1 full 2x2 SCRoG.

          As far as the CO2.... It's around 800 to 900ppm normally but when I go into the room and water the plants and play some didgeridoo for them.... After about an hour, the ppm jumps up to over 2000ppm. It's a small room maybe 10x12 at most with 8 foot ceilings. So it's about the size of a 10x10 tent.
          Kinda nice to know by being in the room for a few hours I can literally supplement CO2 for the plants just by being alive lololol. Fantastic!
          Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
          Current grows:

          🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
          🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
          (The Uncle Grandpa)
          🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
          🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
          🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

          🪱 Vermihut worm bin
          🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

          Time Lapse Videos


            I hope she's just lightening up because I cut back the Cal mag...... some of the leaves were looking purple they were so dark. But like always red stems...... But only ones on top so I'm guessing they got a "tan" from the lights because they're praying daily and growing like mad So doesn't look like anything is wrong. Either way, I'm gonna have to check the runoff later tonight just to be sure it's not swinging anywhere. I don't like to water to runoff because that's wasted organic matter. It's not like synthetic where you have salt build up from the fertilizer.
            Tonight gonna dial in the plants based on CO2 supplementation. Increase the lights and VPD. I can def push them more .....
            Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
            Current grows:

            🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
            🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
            (The Uncle Grandpa)
            🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
            🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
            🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

            🪱 Vermihut worm bin
            🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

            Time Lapse Videos


              Another week down! Around day 17 of bloom. She's got some really nice big flowers for such a young age. She's also starting to smell.... Purple.... If that makes any sense.The purple punch is looking magnificent minus the leaf spotting but I think I'm not watering frequently enough. She's goes through a gallon of water every 2 days. So instead of watering every 2 days, I've just been giving her about 2L of water daily. Keep things wet and keep things fresh. So far so good with the Coco. Nothing out of the ordinary happening.

              Still dealing with fungus gnats but say least I know where they came from.... The shitty earthworm castings I got on Amazon. Loaded with fungus gnats. Everytime I use them, I get a whole new infestation. So I'm just gonna use them in the yard. Now to just get rid of the ones I currently have. Such an annoying pest.

              The Tangie and Blue Dream are FINALLY in the big buckets...... Only a month late.... They should be going into bloom soon and instead they're just 10 days old. Starting to see some faster growth. The Tangie has some weird looking spots on the first leaves but the first true leaves don't have any spots. I think it may have been a bit dry and warm maybe that's why the spots showed up. The blue dream is fantastic! Shit even the 3 in 1 plants are finally coming to some kind of life.
              Really excited about these. I wish the first round worked out better but it didn't. Can't wait to have some Blue dream.

              I also trimmed up the Bruce banner!!! 1b gave me 69g and 2b gave me 60g. Total of 4.5 ounces for the 2 plants..... Not a lot of weight but man they look frosty and smell AMAZING!! I can't wait to smoke some.

              Lastly my father's plant is coming along. I expected some kind of pre bloom stretch but she didn't really do much. I see flowers forming and new leaves growing but it hasn't stretched much. Either way, she looks much better than she did in August.

              I also been messing with the CO2 meter. In my grow it will go down to the 400s if I don't go in there for 2 days. But when I go in there for a few hours to water or clean or just to chill, the ppm can raise up to and over 2000ppm. If I go to the room 2xa day for an hour then I can keep the CO2 in the 700-1000ppm range. So it's kinda cool that I'm doing CO2 supplementation without even trying to so I just have to make sure I got everything else locked in so I can get the benefits of CO2 supplementation

              That's all for now. Happy Growing!
              Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
              Current grows:

              🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
              🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
              (The Uncle Grandpa)
              🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
              🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
              🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

              🪱 Vermihut worm bin
              🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

              Time Lapse Videos


                Lotta fungus gnats in your traps..........


                • No3odiesShad0w
                  No3odiesShad0w commented
                  Editing a comment
                  I thought they eat fungus and reproduce in dead organic matter but either way they're on their way out. They were a problem 2 weeks ago but I did put some of the bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis in the soil. They should be taking care of the larvae and eggs while I get rid of the rest of the adults.

                  Now I'm just more annoyed about possibly phosphorus deficiency

                • No3odiesShad0w
                  No3odiesShad0w commented
                  Editing a comment
                  The over watering wouldn't be an issue If I didn't have all these stupid holes drilled into my buckets which means literally anywhere where there's wet dirt and a hole that they could get into they've been breeding in so what was a good idea to get oxygen to the roots wasn't a good idea because it's pretty much like cliffside apartments with a front porch and a view for all the bugs lololol

                • No3odiesShad0w
                  No3odiesShad0w commented
                  Editing a comment
                  I bought a bag of the mosquito bits. It's got the same bacillus as the soil revival but in larger amounts. This should work but I avoided it because it usually has lots of tric spores and grows this green mold. For plants idc but I grow mushrooms in the same room and I don't want to have even more reason for contamination. I don't want to have to run the air purifier in there but if I must then I must

                Big weed family!! I swear they just multiply and I don't even realize where they came from lololol. Health has been sad over the place so I haven't posted much but I've been trying to keep busy.

                from left to right
                The purple punch stopped getting worse once I got the proper amount of Cal mag in there that didn't have nitrogen in it. But by then the best growing days were behind her. She does smell really good. Definitely like a fruit punch with a hint of sour grapes. She frosted up really well. It's taking forever for the trichomes to get milky. I see that some are but most are still clear. I don't see any amber yet besides on some sugar leaves. Just watering her with plain old 6.5 ph'd water. I'll post a few pics of the trichomes you tell me.

                Next is there Blue Dream by fast buds and next to her is the tangie from fast buds. In from in another blue dream from the first attempt. She just started flowering nicely so I've just been squeezing her in wherever I got space. I just feel guilty throwing her out and she had nice flower structure. I'll see where it goes. The other 2 in the square buckets are just 8 days into bloom they have nice flower structure already. Maybe they'll yield something yet. The way they described the size of these plants, I had my SCRoG screens ready to go thinking they're were going to be super stretchy like the gorilla glue is. But no they did spider out a bit but nothing a few twist ties can't manage. As soon as the purple punch finishes then it won't be so cramped and everyone can have their own light.

                Next is my father's plant. Boy oh boy is she a little unicorn. She's only a month into bloom. Just gave her a top dress. Last one was 3 weeks ago and she's getting these weird splotches. She might need another feeding with the way she's stacking flowers. She's a photo so I'm I wasn't shy with the feeding either. I still don't know what shr is. She smells like sour D I wanna say but I'm not 100% sure. Very fuely kind of smell to it with maybe a hint of citrus or like funky gas. But man she's looking like a nice pyramid. A weedramid 🤣 got the little weed slaves building up the pyramid shaped flowers on her step by step. My dad chopped his plant down and gave it to his friend as a gift 🤣🤣🤣 the whole thing was just straight seeds. I'm sure his friend was like..... Yeah thanks and then tossed it in the trash when my dad left.
                But before he gave it away I got a good smell and I could swear it's sour d I'm hoping because that would be a nice surprise

                ​​​​​​Next we have the Earth Box. I keep trying to do living soil in 5 gallon buckets with limited success. With the living soil, more soil equals easier grow with better results. For the whole ecosystem to work the way it should you need a lot of soil for the buffer and the mycorrhize to grow and other bacteria to flourish. I built my own soil with 1/3 spagnum moss, 1/3 perlite, 1/3 earth worm casting/ compost then I added a bunch of ag lime, gypsum, oyster shell, basalt, glacial rock dust, azomite, kelp meal, crab meal, alfalfa, insect frass, humic acid, neem seed meal, Bio char. I let that all cook for 2 weeks and then I planted on the left UG (End game x grandpa's stash from Ethos Genetics) and on the right is a Mandarin Zkittlez R1 from Ethos Genetics. Both are feminized photos. I'm positive I'm gonna have to scrog these they're going to get massive. They're only 17 days old. I put them in the earth box 3 days ago and they have almost doubled since then

                Then last but not least is the baby. Everyone in my family including me is in pain all the time so I figured let me grow a CBD heavy variety. This one is White Widow CBD with a THC to CBD ratio of 1:1 I can extract her and make some balm for achy joints and muscles as well as edibles with good levels of CBD. Of it works out well then I'll definitely start doing one grow with CBD heavy plants and one with THC heavy.

                ​​​​​​​So far so good. I hope the earth box makes this whole process water only with only one top dress then I'll be in heaven.
                Attached Files
                Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
                Current grows:

                🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
                🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
                (The Uncle Grandpa)
                🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
                🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
                🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

                🪱 Vermihut worm bin
                🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

                Time Lapse Videos


                • Bluey
                  Bluey commented
                  Editing a comment
                  My experience exactly using my own soil. I know mass has a lot to do with composting (in that you need mass for heat and proper composting) and it may well also be important for growing weed and healthy soil.

                One picture that the site will let me upload. I have to reduce the size of the others. It's great having a 200mp camera on my phone but sucks because you can't post a 200mp picture anywhere 😅
                Attached Files
                Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
                Current grows:

                🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
                🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
                (The Uncle Grandpa)
                🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
                🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
                🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

                🪱 Vermihut worm bin
                🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

                Time Lapse Videos


                  Finally a size that works
                  Attached Files
                  Peace. Love. Mushrooms and Weed.
                  Current grows:

                  🪴 Blue Dream x MAC1 (Blimburn original)*photo. First crossing attempt
                  🪴 2x End Game #5 x Grandpa's Stash #6 (Ethos)*photo
                  (The Uncle Grandpa)
                  🪴 Lilac Diesel Rbx2 (Ethos Genetics) *autoflower
                  🪴 Grape Balls of Fire (Ethos Genetics) *photo
                  🪴 Mandarin Zkittlez (Ethos Genetics) *photo

                  🪱 Vermihut worm bin
                  🫖 Black Tea Kombucha (Fermentaholics SCOBY)

                  Time Lapse Videos


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