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CBD not associated with reduced anxiety from weed in double blind study
Good article. But which study is of the most relevance? The one that shows preemptive use of CBD use may reduce ‘psychotic” episodes or the one that says adding to THC and other cannabinoids doesn’t seem to make a difference? They’re both done by the same firm?
re psychosis and cannabis use - my opinion (I know the unknown can happen at any time and am not down playing actual psychosis.)
I’m in my sixties and have smoked cannabis more or less on a regular basis since I was 16. For many I’m considered a light to moderate user. Which means it is not uncommon to find a large percentage that consume more cannabis than I do on a regular basis. In my personal experience I have NEVER met anyone who used cannabis who I would consider to be psychotic due to their cannabis use. UNLESS as is my belief, your description of psychotic means, enjoys the experience and generally over time trying to get others to enjoy the same psychosis, as you’re becoming less tolerant of societal norms and begin caring more about people than things. Then yep I am happy to report I am bat a$$ed crazy. And MANY others! 🤪✌️
I bet a study would find that anxiety IS reduced when consuming cannabis when accompanied by decriminalization and/or legality.Last edited by BU2B; 12-17-2022, 12:17 PM.
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Ohhh This is rich! Get all the nay sayers stoned, then rewrite all the ignorant selfish laws and let my people go. I wish all the alcoholics would have to go to a doctor, register with the state, become known, have to carry a special card, get a note from your mom, and have to get liquor from a dispensary yada yada. And pay for each service separately along with the 12 prong tax assault for each service or goods. Not only that, but look at all the flipping taxes you had to pay just to drive to the doctor and whatnot. Why do we, as a population, put up with this horse puckey? This country sure doe s enjoy sticking it to the canna crowd. We're the best people around.
I can say for myself it's CBD and amber trichs that help me with anxiety. I've not had paranoia that i can recall in the 40+yrs of use. Yes alot of beliefs are folklore i believe. Thanks for postingSmoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet
Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
indoor/outdoor grower
1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers
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I wish CBD can help me too. I have recently started to experience some sex related health issues. I was prescribed some meds. But having read about the side effects while I tried to buy viagra online, I'd better go with a natural treatment instead. Some studies claim that CBD can help to improve my sexual performance. Has anybody noticed this effect?Last edited by RonSchn; 12-27-2022, 05:19 AM.
I've never noticed an increase in sexual performance from smoking dope. I have noticed that in over 30 years of smoking it it seems to always have a positive effect on my libido.
Regular smoking of it in my case would appear to delay orgasm which is not something I need or want and when it gets to that point I cut back my intake of dope.
I typically smoke sativa so low in THC but it has a positive effect on increasing the senses..this can be both a good and not so good thing in the bedroom depending on where you are at.
I've always enjoyed a smoke with a partner before sex as I am sure it takes it up a few notches in the pleasure factor.
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This show aught to have your attention then...a really good episode..
Maybe not the same thing but I have a family member who is bi-polar. He tried every anti-depressant prescribed. Most didn't work after a while. Today he doesn't take any prescribed pills for his depression, but does smoke cannabis instead. He's off the medication and is doing great. Score one for the good guys!Gorilla Grow tents, HLG Lamps, Coco/Perlite 50/50, All Autopot, CX Horticulture nutrients full line Growing photo's and autos
My opinion is the "studies" are all biased, I use CBD for skin issues, a friend recommended it after he tried it on his psoriasis and for the first time in his memory he is clear. (He was/is very pleased)
I have also read that THC does not help with pain, I might agree with that followed by more studies on the terpenes which is where I think I get the pain relief from. I have came to this with my own research, BB3 is great help with my spinal pain, while GSC is not it actually makes me hurt more.
More real and unbiased studies need to happen, can we get a few million dollars to follow this with a study?
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I too have spinal pain, sciatica etc. What is BB3?
OldManGrower that would be Bruce Banner 3 an F3 version.
R Wise - many years ago my late wife gave me some (Renata A Gel) to try on the psoriasis and it did clear it up and never came back..had it on hands and figures..Mexico still carries Renata A
Thanks for sharing this interesting study. While it's disappointing to hear that CBD may not be effective in reducing anxiety associated with weed, it's important to note that more research is needed to understand CBD's potential benefits and limitations fully. It's also worth considering that individual responses to CBD may vary. For those interested in exploring CBD for other purposes, such as pain management or sleep aid, many resources are available to learn more about CBD products and their potential benefits. For example, Orlandomagazine has a helpful guide on the best CBD oil for dogs with various health conditions.Last edited by HowelGrace; 03-30-2023, 07:20 AM.
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If a placebo works, it works. "The big lie" concept. Especially when the empirical process is moot from prohibition.
If you hear often enough that rubbing olive oil on your nipples will make your fingernails grow stronger, you will rub olive oil on your nipples if you want to grow stronger fingernails.
I get high when I use marihuana in any of its myriad permutations. When I get high, my issues are still issues. Possibly a modicum groovier.
Terpenes make for tasty dabs. If I'm saving myself from Viking genital disturbances with doses of pinene, I have no idea I am. Good that I am, 'tho.C'mon, mule!
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It works the other way around, as well. Do you remember 'Saccharine has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory mice."? There was never any proof saccharine cause cancer in people, but people heard cancer and ignored everything else.
The Big Lie Concept is once hell of a Rabbit Hole to go down...
Just look at all the B.S they repeated over and over about covid..hell some people are still running around with mask on even outside....Dam the only mask that might provide some measurable protection is a N95 that is properly fitted and these people are not wearing N95...let alone some of d.a ones that wear it over a beard... It is good example of how people will believe pretty much anything if you keep repeating it to them,, My observation here in Ontario..
Personally, I find the one about preemptive CBD use reducing 'psychotic' episodes quite intriguing. It's essential to understand the nuances of each study before drawing conclusions. Regarding my own experience with cannabis, I've been a light to moderate user since my teens, and I've never met anyone who I'd consider psychotic due to cannabis use. If 'psychotic' means enjoying the experience and embracing a more empathetic and caring mindset, then count me in as one of the happily crazy ones! Especially if you have health issues, it may help you. Have a look at the website and you may find something useful. Maybe it's the overall positive shift in society's perception that contributes to the anxiety relief for some individuals.Last edited by PiYoung; 08-18-2023, 01:14 AM.