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You know what i hate?

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    The gubmint has nothing to do with the mentally challenged, those who choose to live on the street, or those who have gone one toke over the line or taken too hot a shot and no longer use because they are now permanently fucked up.
    The gubmint also has nothing to do with the theft, random bathrooms (those brown things with tails are not dead, brown mice), honey bucket dump sites, needles, or condoms.
    Organizations help those individuals I have mentioned. Gubmints make the laws about how those organizations I have mentioned are allowed to help. Gubmints also are the ones who arrest and fine folks who will never pay a nickel and pay for those arrested to be delivered anywhere public transportation will get them in a day. If you hang around our beach bus stop, you can tell the people who just got out because they have manilla envelopes full of their paperwork.
    What we need is some good, neofashioned gentrification to push out the undesirables. We have a large population of republican vets and retirees who are no help because they are already old and here. They aren't so worried about the homeless because they own their homes and have chain link fences, guard dogs, and signs advising that occupants will not call police until the gun smoke clears. You know. Like people who don't see what the big deal is about someone sleeping under a carport or on stair landing of stores or apartments but will turn their yard dog on you and shoot you in the face, over their chain link fence if you suggest letting someone set up a tent under their carport or in their yard.
    Wh-shooooeee! Glad I got that out. I deserve a dab.
    C'mon, mule!



      I hate the word "libtards" because when I hear it makes me think of the worst of Amerika, election deniers, the former presidentists, and the horrible products of our school system. I don't let people like that in my house or introduce them to friends.


      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        It's America and it's the weakest woke state Calif. and all the mess was allowed by the liberal gubner

      • Satyaban
        Satyaban commented
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        SoOrbudgal I remember saying in 2015 "Almost anybody can do better than what we got.", basically meaning non politicians, and voted for Ray Donovan in 2016 for pres. Well I found out how wrong I was and things certainly got worse. I prefer to have representatives who don't deny reality and are progressive rather than regressive. Where I am on the right coast some have said, am I am sure you have heard, Calif. is the fruit and nut state meaning you have every persuasion in meaningful numbers and you all seem pretty divided. I remember reading that somewhere in the documentation used to grant statehood there is provision that it could be further divided into a bunch more states. I can't remember where or when I read that but it wasn't in anything Trump would read.I am a liberal who believes a society is only as good as its poorest.

      Green ice cream, never could understand pistachio, and raspberry chocolate.


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        Hey, pistachio ice cream is out of this world deelish if it's the real deal and not just artificial flavor and color. You have inspired me to make some in my ice cream maker!!!

      American is pistachio. Italian is Spumoni. If it's lousy in America, it's a gourmet type delicacy somewhere else. Like David Hasselhoff. If it's lousy somewhere else, Americans will come up with clever advertising to make it sound exotic. Would it have been as sexy an advertising campaign had Herve Villechaize been the one to say, "Rich, Corinthian leather?" Hmm??? Did anyone know where the fuck Corinth was? How about now?
      I agree about raspberries and chocolate. The only thing you should eat with chocolate is chocolate. Mix two bars with crazy different cocoa percentages! Man! Got me worked up. Looks like I have a couple Hershey's kisses poking out from under my shirt.
      Last edited by Gingerbeard; 08-24-2022, 10:32 PM.
      C'mon, mule!



        I thought of something yesterday that I hated but already forgot it so.....

        Last edited by 3Berries; 08-27-2022, 08:16 AM.


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          3Berries Cut back on the weed smoking...

        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
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          3Berries You were going to say you hate when someone tells you to cut back on weed smoking, perhaps?

        • Satyaban
          Satyaban commented
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          Is there such a thing as smoking too much, not for me.

        What do you consider 'too much'? The last one is a quote from an unsecure website about an actual study about the only cannabis related death. Check the date on the NYT article.

        Please note: The following is in fun. I am not starting a conversation about medicine or law or H.J. Anslinger or any of that shit. It's just fucking fun! Okay??? I will so put a sock and boot on so I can put my boot up the ass of anyone who wants to make anything more than fun out of this. Right??? You know who I'm looking at! This is not religious, political, medical, ethical, or moral. Any comment more than, 'That's funny.' or 'That's not funny.' will get an ass mounted boot! And I will convince everyone you are a red commie bastard.

        Scientists Tried to Cause a Marijuana Overdose in Monkeys with 9,000mg of THC, They All Lived But Were 'Very Stoned' (

        Marijuana Tied To Brain Change In Monkey Tests - The New York Times (

        "If we had a name for the rhesus monkey who died in a critical 1974 cannabis study for the U.S. government, then we could at the very least pay homage to the only mammal in history to die under the auspices of marijuana overdose.

        Let's call this rhesus monkey - for the sake of this story - Herb.

        In 1974, a Health/Tulane University study proclaimed that Herb received 30 joints a day for a year and had died, citing severe brain damage.

        This was debunked in 1980 after NORML and Playboy sued the government over research procedures that led to such conclusion.

        "The monkeys were suffocating...Three to five minutes of oxygen deprivation causes brain damage...

        With the concentration of smoke used, the monkeys were a bit like a person running the engine of a car in a locked garage for 5, 10, 15 minutes at a time every day.

        The Heath Monkey study was actually a study in animal asphyxiation and carbon monoxide poisoning"

        Remember what the fuck I said about comments...

        C'mon, mule!



        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
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          You are a good person, BHW.

        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
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          What do you suppose was the killer weed?

        • Bowhunterwoody
          Bowhunterwoody commented
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          Knowing the feds probably confiscated ditch weed.

        Weed killer.


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          All carcinogenic poisons on the market are severely hateful.

        • KLAX
          KLAX commented
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          Not, however, to be confused with killer weed.

        Hey, motorcycle riders with the blaring speakers! You suck. Your music sucks. Your speakers sound like suck. The only unsuckable thing about you is your dick.
        I would like to talk with you about it over a cup of coffee. Actually, I would like to cut 1" slabs off your face with a chop saw, while I'm drinking a cup of coffee. That would be the only time you did not suck.
        Until then, you suck!
        C'mon, mule!



        • Puglover1
          Puglover1 commented
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          Hannibal, is that you?

        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
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          Bah! That overrated elephant musher?

        If it has blaring speakers it isn't a motorcycle. It's a douche couch.
        keeping it green with the soil thing
        love me some frosty autos
        Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
        the fruit basket
        blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          Is this a "men are pussies" comment? Is a man a pussy if he has blaring speakers on his bike? Are pussies bad, or negative, or inferior? I'm just tryna understand where you're going with this comment...

        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
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          Tell you what. I'll park a couple of those bikes outside your house. Somewhere close to open windows. Make sure it gets going for you at night. Then we can have a conversation.

        • Satyaban
          Satyaban commented
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          I love music and it has always been a part of my life, the music I was able to play is on the record player but whatever the source loud is best. Rock and roll is made to be played loud and there is nothing truer than that, or it ain't rock and roll its something else. Another truth is "there is a time and place for everything."
          Gingerbeard I believe he means that douches drive bikes like you mentioned.

        Running a bunch of donated trim with dry ice with the intention of making hash and after it is run with the DI, discovering a quantity of what appears to be dog hair mixed in with the keef. Short of picking it out with tweezers, the only thing I can think of doing is processing it into oil. If you don't do it yourself, you never know what you're going to get.

        Then- after thinking about it for a week or so, decided that a taste was in order, dam the dog hair. Putting a scoop of powder in the vape chamber, making a big bag, only to discover it tastes AWFUL, like contaminated with cheap artificial perfume like what one would usually smell from a box of tampons. I can't even imagine what this would taste like in a concentrate. I think I will cut my losses and save it for lighting the stove this winter.
        Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


        • Ckbrew
          Ckbrew commented
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          Yeah, but i bet the perfume smell/taste will never come out.

        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
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          Perfume? I do not equate burning dog hair to perfume. Why would... never mind.
          There is nothing to wash (blast) from hair. Try a QWISO. That might give you a better idea.

        • Ckbrew
          Ckbrew commented
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          No burn here, it is a hot air convetion vape remember? Any hair in there would not burn. The perfume smell is a second contaminant. Who knows what is in this stuff. I'm starting to wonder if all this was swept up off a floor that was not clean to begin with.

        You know what I hate...........,..
        When this damn simple ass forum page can't stay stable. Fuck it's 2022 people. I can do better and I'm a newb.
        keeping it green with the soil thing
        love me some frosty autos
        Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
        the fruit basket
        blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
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          Huh? Your computer getting the jitters? Did the page crumble in a million pieces? It sounds like you are having a bad time, friend. Come on over and we'll dab about it.

        • 3Berries
          3Berries commented
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          I locked up the database on another forum today.......

        And you drivers of jacked up 4x2 pick'm up trucks and loud stereos? Yeah. We all know. It is obvious. You make it obvious. You couldn't get lucky with a meth'd up, toothless hooker.
        But not you rednecks who like to park at the A&W. You guys are awesuuuuuummm!!! (insert two-thumbs-up emoticon here)
        C'mon, mule!



          I am going to take a risk and post something. I hate, really to strong a term but I will use it, people who buy trucks and then put on exhausts to try to make them sound like a muscle car. Why don't they just buy a car instead. It's not like they use them for trucks. If they bought cars instead of behemoths, mastodons really, I could see up the road instead of sheet metal.


          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            Because they're idiots?

          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            Its a size make up thing, if "it's" little you drive a big loud truck, or a hot rod car.

          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
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            NHRA big fan here drill baby drill love the big sounds.

          Breaking up a big pile of finished bud by hand to remove seeds (made on purpose). Worse than trim jail.
          Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


          • UndergroundFarmer
            UndergroundFarmer commented
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            Can confirm.

          • Satyaban
            Satyaban commented
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            I wish I had the problem.

          • OldManGrower
            OldManGrower commented
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            We should all have your problems

          I hate having to go get my gums scraped which is what i'm heading out to do. Of course no dentist in our town does it gotta drive 1 1/2hrs to see one. What joy
          Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

          Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
          indoor/outdoor grower
          1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
          I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
          Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


          • Gingerbeard
            Gingerbeard commented
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            New dentist paperwork. Said I hadn't seen a dentist in 10 years.
            Dentist reads paperwork, chuckles, says, 'I guess it's time for your 10 year checkup.' Xrays are good. Nothing loose. He spends no more than five seconds in my mouth, with a pick.
            When he was done, he gave me a crow-eating, one eyebrow raise and said, 'I guess I'll see you again in another 10 years. You've probably been told you will have those the rest of your life.'
            I'm cool with dentists because we have very little to do with each other.

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