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    Something interesting. Ozone generators are not safe for use around people, apparently. And they do not remove odor. They only replace it with the smell of ozone.
    Good to know.
    C'mon, mule!



    • changeofpace2014
      changeofpace2014 commented
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      Might want to read up on that some where else.

      If the O3 output is dialed in there will be very little O3 left, because it will react to the smell and once O3 has a reaction it reverts back to O2. "corrected"

      I suspect you will get creative and figure something out....

      Sorry GB - I was not implying that growweedeasy had bad information on Ozone generators and there use, rather what ever url you read up on the topic was most likely environmentally biased to the use of O3.

      There are a lot of growers using ozone generators properly and do not have any problems or inverse effects on there health. They only use electricity to generate O3 and the by product is plain O2, but I agree if they are producing an excessive amount of O3 it would be bad for a lot of things including ones health, mind you most people move out of an area if the fumes from what ever is bothering them.

      Just saying
      Last edited by changeofpace2014; 01-23-2025, 06:14 PM. Reason: Apology

    • changeofpace2014
      changeofpace2014 commented
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      Sorry GB - I was not implying that growweedeasy had bad information on Ozone generators and there use, rather what ever url you read up on the topic was most likely environmentally biased to the use of O3.

      There are a lot of growers using ozone generators properly and do not have any problems or inverse effects on there health. They only use electricity to generate O3 and the by product is plain O2, but I agree if they are producing an excessive amount of O3 it would be bad for a lot of things including ones health, mind you most people move out of an area if the fumes from what ever is bothering them.

      Just saying

    All good changeofpace2014.
    What I got from what I read was basically those things are not all they are purported to be. One article says they filter particles from the air and not all odors are particulate. It sounds like people are saying the smell of ozone is [fresh and clean]. Smelling nothing is what I call fresh and clean. I see the filters as maybe getting rid of a one-off odor like smoke. But I don't see that it would remove the smell of something like weed that is always producing an odor unless the filter was between your nose and the plant.
    My place is small, my tent close. The older I get, the less bullet proof and more skeptical I am. Just a hint of something not being healthy turns me off.
    Just conversing, CoP. Conversing and learning. Obviously, ozone generators are a thing, or we wouldn't be having this conversation, and I would be accusing you of witchcraft and snake oilery.
    We're just talking odor, here. Not the sciences and antibiological benefits and all that.

    C'mon, mule!



    • changeofpace2014
      changeofpace2014 commented
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      From what I think I understand is O3 reacts on a molecular level neutralizing the offending particle either in air or water.

      I can say this, if a big ass skunk spays outside your window even when closed your whole house is going to be really really bad. A Ozone generator would neutralize that tear gas very quick where as a carbon filter would take much longer to move all the volume of air through the filer.

    • Gingerbeard
      Gingerbeard commented
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      This wraps things up pretty neatly. Bad for people if not used properly. Does the job for odors on a molecular level, not just removing particulates.
      Are small ass skunks less stinky than big ass skunks? That's a cityboy question. I can tell you how fast an armadillo runs, but I can't answer skunk questions.
      In chemistry, we represent elements with letters (for example “O” stands for the element “oxygen”), and the small numbers to the lower-right of the element indicate the number of atoms of that element in the molecule.  

    I hate wildfires. Been real close to a couple large fires. This new one in San Diego is giving me the piddles as I can see it from my apartment complex. Still, though, 13 miles away. Smoke from that one is mixing with the smoke from the others in LA. Makes for a real doomsday sunrise.
    Just down the hill from the fire is a juvenile detention facility, adult detention facility, wastewater treatment plant, and shipping warehouses.
    Can't wait to see what happens if they have to evacuate two correctional facilities. Can't wait to see what happens if that WTP goes offline.
    C'mon, mule!



    • dirtymike
      dirtymike commented
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      And the mud slides of spring haven't started yet.

    • Gingerbeard
      Gingerbeard commented
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      It will be curious to see what happens this year. People are still recovering from last year's homeless people making, once-in-a-long time flooding.
      We are stupid in such a way that although we know where floods will happen, we build in those areas and get pissed off when someone doesn't stop it from happening and we get pissed off when someone won't offer us flood insurance and we get pissed off when someone doesn't come give us a free place to live until they fix our stuff.

    From the east stairs, hidden in the smoke is the mountain that is on fire.
    Click image for larger version

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    C'mon, mule!



      I seen where parts of San Diego had wildfires starting. That can be one dry state at times then the wettest next month. There aren't many places left that don't have natural destructive events.


      • Gingerbeard
        Gingerbeard commented
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        We're not sure which are natural events. Our fires are mostly started by powerlines and arsonists. Mostly powerlines. A video of one of our recent fires in LA shows the base of a power tower fully engulfed with nothing else around it on fire. I have suspicions about that.
        The public fallout when fires are blamed on the electric company borders on civil war by people who say they pay too much in the first place while the infrastructure is falling apart. In the meantime, Sempra Energy is Fortune 500. American Greed did a show after one of our big fires. The solution will be a pyrrhic victory.
        Insurance companies won't insure fire in much of California. Maybe all of California. I so fucking hate this state.

      I think we can sum up the increase in 'natural disasters pretty simply. Human induced climate change.
      Flower Room: 11' x 7' x 7.5'H, 480w AC, 13gal/day dehumidifier, 1.5gal ultrasonic humidifier, 60gal (27gal usable) nute tank, 16" pedestal fan & 18" wall fan. Lighting and climate automated. Hand watering.
      Veg Cupboards: ​​​​​​Two 4x2x6H cupboards. SF2000 Evo in one SF7000 in other. Climate controlled and automated. Hand watering
      Aeroponics Low Pressure Bucket: 20W LED. 5 clones & 20W LED 11 clones
      Lights: Mars Hydro FC-E1200W, SF-7000, SF-2000 evo in flower room.
      Medium: Coco/perlite, 7.2gal pots, no drains
      Current Grow: ​​​5 x Photos Franklin's Orange Zkittles x Sour Diesel in flower room, 3 Franklin's White Widow x Sour Diesel Clones, 13 x Orange ZkittleZ x Sour Diesel clones in Aeroponics buckets x 2.
      Last Grow: A mix


      • dirtymike
        dirtymike commented
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        Fact check says the US environment is better now than 1970. I guess that's why everyone south of us is headed this way. Damn sure ain't the welcome party.

      Of course dirtymike Banning leaded gas. Cutting down on coal emissions. Having other countries produce goods for us so we don't pollute ourselves. I mean, how much rice did the US not have to produce to feed the young man or woman to be able to work the long hours needed to produce the metric ton batch my shirt came from, and how much pollution was emitted to run the equipment? Farm production, especially rice, sucks up 30% of the world's fresh water drinking supply and produces 10% of the world's methane. That would absolutely destroy us, Mikey! It's those people, man. The people working for us. Not the US who's fucking things up. We're trying to let the world make an honest living and feed itself. GBA!!! AFY!!!
      Yep, I'm bored. Bored and stoned. Stored and boned. I'm going to read this tomorrow and see if it still makes sense or if it is culturally insensitive.​
      C'mon, mule!



      • dirtymike
        dirtymike commented
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        Got scared a minute there until i realized that I don't eat Rice.

      • Bluey
        Bluey commented
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        I think beef production would be second to rice as far as the agricultural sector goes.

      • dirtymike
        dirtymike commented
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        Damn it I'm screwed, bovine I eat.

      Used to be, 'Meat is murder!' Now it's, 'Your rice is killing my planet!'
      When will animal activists admit a big way help stop global warming is to kill all the animals producing all the methane?
      Anyone know what Kobe beef eats? Rice. Everyone point their shame fingers at Japan.
      C'mon, mule!



      • dirtymike
        dirtymike commented
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        Lived in Asia for 4 years, didn't eat rice then either, but i did est their Beef LOL Oh what tasty beef is was too.

      I can't say I was a head-banger when I was a teenager because I was as likely to listen to James Talyor or the Beach Boys as I was to listen to Helloween or Death Angel. My very first concert was Iron Maiden's Powerslave tour. The next day I saw Tears for Fears whatever tour they were touring. And I still won't say I had a mullet because I never used that word when I got by bangs trimmed above my eyes, hair off the ears, and leave the back alone. And I swear I thought Ozzy has been dead for years. And there's no way he's not half zombie and half mummy.
      Anyway, all the mentioned bands I grew up with sold out years ago. No respect for them anymore. But Ozzy Osbourne will always be one of 'the shits'.
      Ozzy's family sold him out. He didn't do it to himself.
      Sharon Osbourne announces Ozzy’s final show: ‘This is his full stop’
      C'mon, mule!



        Room with a view is still one of my favorites


          Ozzy's wife being the exception I still get confused by the term selling out. I see It as taking the fame you earned and exploiting it. If I were to quit a company for another one with higher pay and benefits am I essentially selling out? No I'm being logical. Only a fool would not take a better offer in any job just to please some self righteous fans. Selling out is a bullshit term.
          keeping it green with the soil thing
          love me some frosty autos
          Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
          the fruit basket
          blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


            In this case, when your style changes to suit others and increase your popularity, that's pretty much the epitome of selling out. Taking a new job to advance your career is called advancing your career.
            (Based on a true story.) I worked for myself and sold my thing. When bossman hired me to design for him, I was hired to do what he wanted. I dug the design, but it was not my design. But I quit working for him because I wanted to go back to working for myself. I sold out to work for bossman when I wasn't doing my own thing.

            C'mon, mule!



              I think selling out is when you give up on the ideals and/or principles that are important to you for more money, fame, or power.


              • dirtymike
                dirtymike commented
                Editing a comment
                Selling out is leaving a brother holding the bag to get pinched for 11/29!!

              Selling out means you gotta wait for your next harvest.


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