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You know what i hate?

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    What is it with the comeback of the moustache? The 80's, Freddie Mercury, corner to corner, stupid, plain, military moustaches. Follow that up with a trim haircut and you have what kids these days are calling a real 'douchebag.' Don't tell my mom I used that word.
    Without handlebars or sculpting, a moustache makes me want to punch it in the face. Gotta have a beard or style or it's stupid.
    Women, knock yourselves out. Y'all got's yer own styles.
    C'mon, mule!



      You know what I hate? I hate labels. Labels about people. Like Gen Z, X, millennials, and baby boomers based solely on the generation people are born. Stupid. People are individuals and most adapt to the environment they find themselves in with all of the societal bull$hilt and technology that goes with it.
      Gorilla Grow tents, HLG Lamps, Coco/Perlite 50/50, All Autopot, CX Horticulture nutrients full line
      Growing photo's and autos


        It is not that I hate Walter, it is that I hate his incompetent work.
        Old screen door had two bottom and one top broken wheel with two bottom broken springs. The screen was also pulling away from the handle. Walter says the door has to go to a shop to get repaired. He brings the replacement, does his thing, and calls me to inspect. The door didn't quite glide, but he got it to move left and right. Then he pointed out the new door handle was 6" above the old one so it doesn't lock and called the screen shop people 'idiots.' I chuckle. As soon as he leaves, I go back to the door and adjust the wheels so the door glides like a good sliding screen door should!
        Today, he replaced the tower and handle/arm in my toilet. Inspection time comes. He shows me how this new handle works a different way. This handle has to be held down for five seconds to drain the tank and let the flapper fall. I go back to the tank. Flush so the flapper is above water in the tank. Squeeze the water out of the flapper to get the air bubble back in the air bubble place so it floats and falls when the handle is pulled.
        C'mon, mule!



        • Blowdout2269
          Blowdout2269 commented
          Editing a comment
          Some people just don't get it.

        • Mr.furley
          Mr.furley commented
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          Hey! You didn't drown, Thought So Cal sunk into the ocean.

        • Mr.furley
          Mr.furley commented
          Editing a comment
          Oh sorry you were talking about something, probably a union job!
          Last edited by Mr.furley; 01-11-2023, 12:15 AM.

        Back to playin in the dirt!
        Currently growing 8 Scarlet Grape. Check it out here:
        I do not currently partake. I grow for fun. Someday!


          golfnrl I think the generational labels carry validity, because there are traits and experiences that are shared by the members of the same generation. It doesn't mean they're all cookie-cutter alike, but it does mean that they experienced the same historical events at around the same age, and in some cases those events really do define a lot about a generation. I'm gen. of 68, aka baby boomer, and things like the Vietnam war, the draft, women's liberation, the education boom, the importance of the Humanities, etc, most definitely defined my identity in crucial ways.

          And being a college professor, I can tell you that I've never experienced anything like the gen Z'ers in over 40 years of teaching. They are truly the first generation to be so intensely plugged in to their phones and social media; they're the first to stop reading books; they lack interpersonal skills in face to face situations because they negotiate their relationships via cell phone, etc. They are also incredibly coddled, and at lease one very important book has been written on this issue:
          The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure.

          I want to make it clear that I don't see each and every Gen Z' er as coddled: many of my students are the same as they ever were; but I am aware of a definite trend at least in the academic realm, and I'll write it again: I've never seen anything like them before. As for gen of 68' ers, they are by no means homogeneous: I'm an old hippie and when I look at what my peers are doing in Washington and across the nation, I simply have to shake my head. They definitely weren't the folks out there protesting the Vietnam war with me...
          Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

          Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
          2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
          Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


          • golfnrl
            golfnrl commented
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            Your points make sense. I certainly don't have your perspective. My experience is in a profession that requires a lot of mechanical skills and common sense. I see young men and women ill equipped mostly because they are ignorant and haven't been taught, shown, or have any experience with basic tools. Or know left from right so to speak. I suppose I could ask the google machine but what was the generation before the Baby Boomers called? And the one before that? And the one before that? I've been around since 1958. I've noticed more and more references to this group generalization as a way to shape group think. And I hate it. You may be correct, but I still hate it cause it aint right.

          • Puglover1
            Puglover1 commented
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            golfnrl I hate it too. alltatup Gen Z'ers are more into voting, protesting ... reminds me of 'Nam. My nephew: b.1975, Gen X? Many are Gamers glued to the screen, rarely out in social places, i.e. bars, concerts, etc., don't care much about voting or politics except to complain about things they don't know much about, very cynical. Boomers kill me: from Frank Sinatra to Buddy Holly to The Beatles, in one lump. We are not all the same. 1955 here. I can associate with 75-80 year olds and late 20 to 30's, the same as people my own age. Age means little to me, it's the person, regardless of their age. Did they even tag generations before the Boomers? It's nice to hear of younger people I know who are in the trades: electricians, plumbing ... They have nice homes, family oriented, mom can stay home to raise the kids if she wants. Like when we were young.

          I hate when I wake up cold and look at the thermostat and it says 60 in the house on Saturday morning. I can’t even imagine what the temp in the tent is. Time for emergency furnace work.


          • Puglover1
            Puglover1 commented
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            3Berries Will delaying calling someone be detrimental? Like burn out something else? This morning as it was waiting to fire up seemed like I heard some air noise as I passed the basement door. Also, little warmer today, didn't take long later ... it seems to take longest when it's coldest outside. Does that make sense? Is this a definite HVAC tech call, or a handyman that might be cheaper? Not as cold today, maybe they're not as busy as the two weeks in December. TY!

          • 3Berries
            3Berries commented
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            If it's the duct work it would happen just as the fan comes on. If that's not the case then you may have some sort of mini expolsion going on when it's trying to light.

            You really need to watch it as it tries to fire up. Usually there is a led on the control board that flashes a code or shows what stage things are in on the start cycle. You'll have to look in the manual for the furnace to interpret what it's showing.

            The usual starting sequence is the exhaust dampener opening and a fan coming on to purge any fumes out of the combustion chamber and exhaust, then a gas solenoid will open along with the igniter. Once the flame is established then it runs off the thermostat. There's also some sort of optical eye or other sensor that see the flames to keep it all running.

          • Puglover1
            Puglover1 commented
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            Old furnace, gas valve but would need a kit with control board for $800 and then something else could go wrong or $2K for a new furnace. 3Berries Rwise

            It got down to 63 overnight, awake most of the night, one 'radiator' oil heater, two pugs, one cat, extra clothes, in bed. The repairman actually caught it not working today. It blew heat once, the sun came out. He turned it off, the sun left, probably until next week. It's running now, letting it heat up to 72 and hope it'll fire up again before I can get it repaired/replaced.

          I hate solicitors now that i'm living in town i've had 2 hard sell roofing companies. I never gave them my phone number. Sorry about your furnace Fjeff
          Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

          Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
          indoor/outdoor grower
          1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
          I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
          Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


          • Puglover1
            Puglover1 commented
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            You mean spam calls? OMG, thank goodness for the block option on my phone. I wish 1/4 were people I know, friends calling.

          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
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            No this was door to door salesman for a roofing company. I guess i need to put up sign on my gate. I investegated the company

          Road construction on the Interstate. It's seems perpetual on what little bit I use of it. I see now they have signs up telling people to use both lanes instead of lining up for miles with an empty lane next to every one or the idiots driving down the middle blocking traffic. And signs at the merge point to tell every one to alternate and be nice. Driver education on the roll.....


          • Puglover1
            Puglover1 commented
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            Here on I-80 just west of where it intersects with I-39 there was a two-year road job. When the west was opened up I was like halleluiah, then they started on the east, another year. One narrow interstate lane, including a bridge and curves. Didn't scare me, I was so used to it, the semis made holes fast, I knew where to swerve. As soon as it opened to two lanes I hammered the pedal to get ahead of the uninformed vehicles and semis. It was a messy and crumby road for two years, the route to the dispo and vet. I hate that they start those merge signs two exits early. From my house it's 2 minutes to the on-ramp, there are three exits in the first 5 miles, including the shopping zone exit - WalMart/Home Depot/Menards/Kohls/Auto dealerships/Mall/Motels/chain restaurants - an exit lane I like to avoid.

          Greta Thunberg getting arrested. Seriously. Who the Friar Tuck cares?
          Not seeing my new neighbors after a few days of banging and outside husband yelling, and wife crying every time I saw her.
          Finding out my Doc Martins are not waterproof.
          Sweeping and hairing dog hairs every day and picking up hairballs as the day goes on.
          Rain days for drying drugs.
          C'mon, mule!



            Is that the little c@+&# that was on TV berating a bunch of adults like she was smart or something? Good.
            keeping it green with the soil thing
            love me some frosty autos
            Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
            the fruit basket
            blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


              You need to start recording this stuff. I love out in the sticks. Closest thing to a domestic scuffle I get is two squirrels fighting over a nut.
              keeping it green with the soil thing
              love me some frosty autos
              Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
              the fruit basket
              blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


                Check out the BBC online. TV BBC is fine for news until you have to see and listen to people you would rather not see or hear. Online lets you filter the turds from the soup.
                I have done and will do nothing more than see the headline and picture of earth's greatest warrior getting carried away by helmeted people. She's smiling and staring at the ass of the helmeted person carrying her feet. Ain't never kissed a boy but loves the manhandling helmets, I guess.
                C'mon, mule!



                  I hate when you see a picture that reminds you of someone, but you can't quite figure out who. Any ideas? Click image for larger version

Name:	Add-a-little-bit-of-body-text-14.webp
Views:	372
Size:	36.8 KB
ID:	586137


                  • Blowdout2269
                    Blowdout2269 commented
                    Editing a comment
                    That's good stuff. Lol
                    Poor pup is terrified!
                    You do this, don't you?

                  • Gingerbeard
                    Gingerbeard commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Holy crapsicles!!! It's Cerberus!!!!!!!

                  • Puglover1
                    Puglover1 commented
                    Editing a comment
                    I have a glass Xmas ornament gifted that looks just like that face/head. No, I have never bought nor worn a pug-face t-shirt though.

                  Puggers is like aw hell no!
                  keeping it green with the soil thing
                  love me some frosty autos
                  Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
                  the fruit basket
                  blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


                    What the f uck do I hate, you ask?
                    Two gut hernias and diverticulitis. Especially the diverticulitis since I had my Sigmoid removed after it got itself a hole.
                    Yeah. I'm hating.
                    C'mon, mule!



                    • Going2fast
                      Going2fast commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Had to look that up. Doesn't sound pleasant. Know all about hernias.

                    • Puglover1
                      Puglover1 commented
                      Editing a comment
                      I have two abd hernias and duodenal diverticuli.

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