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Lets Grow Trees 2021!

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    Here is picture of my grow from early this morning. It has been raining here off and on all month. We have had more rain in the past week than all last year By end of month we may have wore rain than in 2 years. The carport shade I bought turns out to be very good investment. The plant in picture is OG Kush and is in full flower maybe week to go. The buds are very tight and left in the constant rain it would surely be molded.Most rain has been at night with very hot humid days. I have a couple more Indicas that will need cover from the rain when they are in full bud if it keeps up though Aug. and Sept. The rains bring out the creatures. Tarantula by front door and Spadefoot toads were found mating in the pool. I can here thousands of them calling in the distance from temporary desert pools. It has been at least 15 years since I have heard them like they sounded this morning, Wonderful!


    • Bowhunterwoody
      Bowhunterwoody commented
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      Furry spiders are my kryptonite. I'd run like a school girl.

    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
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      Bowhunterwoody I have had to learn to deal with Wolf spiders. Shudder. Now my top 3 worst bugs are Praying Mantis, Cicada and locusts.

    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
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      Nice view. I want a carport over my driveway so I don't have to shovel so much snow. My brother and his roommate had two pet tarantulas, they took them outside while cleaning the house and the sun fried them.

    I hate it when I do a long post, and then dont hit "POST"
    I am running behind, should have got these up yesterday, but I went and got my first maderna c19 shot. It left me light headed felling like I was on speed, and very thirsty. So lots of water and some sleepytime bud helped a lot. Today I am sore, but I'll get over it, I understand the next one kicks ones ass.
    The last 3 WTBs are lookin nice but they need to get it on and finish, I would hate to have to chop em to early just to stay within limits. The main crop of them is in, these were the slow ones that I will not save the seed from, if they have any left when cut.
    I have cut down 3 more males, one of them was near 10 feet tall, I'll take the lawn tractor and go get pics after the sun cools a bit.
    Worms, bore worms, damnit, I dug into what I thought was bud rot to find bore worms are tunneling into the bud and down the steam eating the inside as they go. I had already spotted them on another plant, its not in bloom yet, and I just smash them inside the limb, POP goes the worm! I found a leaf where one had been.
    I too put one under cover, I sat it on the front porch, that gets it out of the rain, now the rain is over for a while.


      I didn't get the tractor out, but I took a 5 foot step ladder with me, climbed up it and theres another damn male. I broke it off, the last one has female preflowers so maybe. The seed on the tall girl was floor sweep, crosses from BB3 mostly. The little one tucked away behind the weeds is a DGDxBB3, these are about 30 feet apart. All I did wqas scratch the ground, drop seed, kick dirt over, pat. These do not get any water other than rain, no nutes, nothing but sunshine. Also they were frosted on several times when little.
      And this year the tall tail about planting several seeds together giving one more females did not work, as these tall girls showed 75% male.


        More like big bushes been keeping them low trying to killed a big Male yesterday looks like more to come


          Damn its hot out, and dry, the girls are taking it well, not me. Look at the new hairs in that first pic, a larfy limb left when i cut the first WTB. A couple of shots of the slow girls and then in pic 4 I have wrapped the black pot to help with the heat. In pic 6 can you see the 2 different phenos? (hint I left the yellow leaves). Pic 8 the classic Christmas tree grow, one of my crosses MPxT1000 x Santa Marta Colombian Gold.
          The wild things are doing great as well, no wilting in the hot dry spell we have going on now. The johnson grass in the field is head tall. When it grows like that in the woods, why do I knock myself out trying to keep my girls happy? That plant in the field may be a 10 footer, I bet the yard girls will out produce her (damn I hope so)
          Went to town to get supplies, they said they have had nothing come in in 3 months. I was looking for Roots Organics Uprising Bloom, and from what they told me I bought the last 2 bags they had about 3 months ago. The only other dry top amendment they had was Fox Farms for tomatoes, not going to work for me, to much N. I left empty handed


          • SoOrbudgal
            SoOrbudgal commented
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            Seems like the same is happening all over with the supplies changing. I also had to purchase a different bloom & grow fert. for next grows. I still have some bloom left for this outdoor grow but i don't like changing in mid stream of flower to a different formula so i won't use anything other than molassise an well water for the finish if i run out of this current brand before they are done. It's hard enough keeping them going in this heat wave then doing a different formula and screwing up their roots but that's me thinking or overthinking?

          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            This is going to happen as more states go legal, and I am sure covid has a roll in it too. I dont like changing things up, but I need to feed something, the PH up I have is liquid potash, and with that some bone meal, we'll see how they do.

          Well I went with some 0-0-45 and I'll top dress with 0-12-0 (bone meal). Its to hot for me to go set by the spring while water is pumped to a carry tank, so I used tap water and vinegar to kill the bad things, then the PH up (0-0-45, or potash) bringing it to 6.5 PH. I gave the WTBs a drink of this about a week ago and they jumped up with lots of new white hairs. So I feed all of them with it, 'ceot the wild things they get nothing but heat and rain.


            Two white widows in the ground are finally starting to show flower, the Zkittlez on the deck is still in pre-flower. All are around 5 ft. Gave them their last veg feed today. Finally a stretch of good weather. No AC for a week. Hope it lasts.


            • Rwise
              Rwise commented
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              I wish I would have got rain, all I got was a tiny shower as the front passed by, the cool is nice!

            I will try to get pics today, this is the first morning I have felt "normal" since I had the first round maderna shot. My 2 girls tell me the next round is 100 times worse, I hope it dont put me in the hospital! They also told me to pick up some bland foods (they know I like spicy food), chicken soup and crackers, off to the store I guess.
            I have been just barely keeping them watered, the slow pokes have been chopped and are hanging, still fighting those damn hemp borers. Some grasshopper damage on one plant. Those down in the woods, well I have not been there in a while they could be dead from the heat/dry or eaten up by hoppers.
            I have also been building a water pig, drug up an old light tailor, pulled the bed off to the frame, pulled the axle removed the springs (so it set lower), moved it back so the weight is alway positive on the tung. Then I drug up a 275 gallon food grade tank and it is being mounted on the trailer. I picked up a 295 gallon per hour 12 VDC transfer pump ($50 at harbor frt), I am using it now with some 35 gallon trash cans until the water pig is done.
            One of the Black Domina BB3 crosses has had a grasshopper (or maybe stink bug) eat of some of its skin/bark to which I sprayed it with sulfur water (avoiding the buds, just the stems and trunk). Once I get pics today I'll cut out the dead. I think it was the grasshopper that flew out, I chased it down and killed it, but the damage was already done.
            Culling, I culled the wrong plants, the BB4 6 came up and thats more than I could have (with the others) so I culled them to what I needed (3 plants). Well the 3 I culled were given away, all 3 are females. What I kept was 2 males and a female, I hate thinning/culling!


            • Puglover1
              Puglover1 commented
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              I hope your next shot isn't as bad, or any worse. It sucks not being able to tend to your plants as you normally would.

            First 2 are royal gorilla buds and then the plant and next is acapulco gold about six weeks old. Last general photo of grow. I keep having to pull the gorilla under cover to keep it dry. With this weather if the buds get wet they will mold. I have already pulled it in and out twice today and she goes under cover every night. 14 inches rain in the last six weeks is a crazy amount for here. I have only seen rain like this here one other summer in 30 years and then not this much.


            • Rwise
              Rwise commented
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              I am afraid the challenging weather is going to continue.

            • TOKABIGONE
              TOKABIGONE commented
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              Hi Dan, that AG is sure pretty. I assume it's a fem as AG regulars seem to be scarcer than hen's teeth, lol! Have you grown it before? I haven't had near the rain you have down there. Last nite tho 1 1/2 inches in less than an hour with strobe effect lightening was crazy. It's all at once or nothing in this neck of the woods.

            • Puglover1
              Puglover1 commented
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              Nice looking pharm.

            It's 97 here today but girls are thriving killed 5 out of 9 I usually see a better ratio of female to Male. There all 8 ' things are looking good and last week the spring peepers made a good showing lol


            • SoOrbudgal
              SoOrbudgal commented
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              Hey Spog what's a spring peeper? LOL 8ft ehhh well i'm a tad behind a 6ft on 2 of them. I use to grow monsters but i can't handle those anymore. But fella what a haul we use to get when all worked well on summer temps. How fun and exciting not going to dispensary

            Spring peeper aka tree frog


              Got out and did a walk about, pics of the damaged plant (all cut out now) a few wild morning glories white and pink, and purple (I vine last year), they to need water. The wild grow is doing well, some hopper damage. The last of the WTBs have been chopped, seed from these will not be kept, not what I want. I was going to get water, but decided to wait for the rain, and I got a squirt for the dirt, hope for more today.
              Spog A place I use to have a tree frog wintered inside, the new owner said it (or one) still does.


                Here is my biggest cannabis tree. In this pic it has just crossed 10ft. When it was small I had topped it for the first time for a manifold and then after about a week or so I accidentally snapped off one side in an awkward place and decided to let it grow natural. The broken side now is just a little vestigial bump while the second side took off and is taller than the other plants.

                Click image for larger version

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                • Rwise
                  Rwise commented
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                  That sucks it didn't get to finish, but if done fast it might could have been saved by sticking it back in the ground. I pulled up 3 plants and moved them, they did good and I had to many plants. So I pulled them a second time (in the heat this time) and moved them down by the creek, told my brother they are his just keep an eye on them, all 3 are now in flower and female.

                • SoOrbudgal
                  SoOrbudgal commented
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                  Looking really good DeadlyFruit now is the time for the yard stink to be getting around. Keep a good eye on them for the bugs.

                • DeadlyFruit
                  DeadlyFruit commented
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                  SoOrbudgal I think you helped with advice when I was picking these strains and when I snapped off half the manifold on the really tall plant - I am absurdly proud to show you how tall these ones got and how stinky the other two were (you probably recall huge and stinky were on my list of desirable traits for this summer grow).

                  Just before I harvested the Pineapple Express 2 (the two that immediately went into bloom when I put them outside) you could smell them through the entire neighbourhood. They didn’t get a ton bigger at that point but they did give 6 oz jarred weight. If these two (zkittlez) bloom properly they will put the other two to shame. I am hoping the bloom speeds up. Usually they start to bloom around end of July (which is a bit strange because the hours of daylight don’t come down to 12/12 until later) but they are still pretty early into bloom now. I picked them in part for short bloom cycle but the later than usual start to bloom might push me back into the danger zone for getting them harvested before cold wet weather takes over. I try to watch for bugs but they are so tall I can’t reach the top. Im going to need a step ladder to check the upper part. I’m 6’ 2” and when I reach as high as I can I don’t come close to the top and they are arguably in the bloom stretch right now amd could get bigger. I wonder what the tallest a plant might get is. I am ridiculously proud of their size - I’ve never had plants this tall (although I usually don’t let them grow naturally).

                  I was just considering giving them a spray with insecticidal soap before they develop any real buds. Do you think it is too late for that? I figure it will probably wash off long before it could be a problem to the buds and could give them a good start to the process.

                Some other things going on here, my pear trees are giving up pears the first time in 15 or 20 years because the tree rats stole them. Cleaning up under one of the trees I found walking sticks, several sizes, wonderful! Next day I found praying mantis, with the tree rats thinned down these bugs now have a chance to survive here. I also found this year my big boy likes tree rats enuf he'll put up with the boom.


                  Here's my pre 98 Bubba Kush she's getting close to 7ft. and still growing. I've been tying her outward spreading branches. I snapped one like most do did'nt get a full break so i tied it up with that nursery rubber coated wire and some twine. Did not hurt her at all i have to look for the suture cause the branch showed no deadly droop. She's in a 10gal. plastic pot with many drill holes. Drinking 3gals a day. Other big plant is just about 6ft not taking as much water but has full budlets forming. This Bubba is stacking preflower but no budlets, I think i said she was the one with budlets but she's not it's peanut butter breath with the budlets and she's a foot shorter than this kush. I'm blaming the heat for the buds not forming faster than this. No real bug damange so that's good and the smell is starting to come on. Just a matter of a week or so these gals are about to explode, I hope LOL
                  Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

                  Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
                  indoor/outdoor grower
                  1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
                  I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
                  Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



                  • desertdan
                    desertdan commented
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                    Beautiful plant. Should be some enjoyable smoke to last awhile.

                  • Rwise
                    Rwise commented
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                    Very nice, I bet she fills a few jars!

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