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Lets Grow Trees 2021!

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    Haha, good job on the solid nugs !


      First time grower. Four plants - Blueberry, Blue Dream, Alien Technology and Gorilla Glue #4. The Blueberry got to 8 feet, and the other 3 topped out at 7.5 ft.

      Got good yields (about 10-15 oz a plant with good size buds), lost a couple buds to bud rot, but got the majority of the crop in. Definitely will be going for better next year, but pretty happy for a first timer outdoors.


      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        Nice job!

      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        Good for you getting them to go all the way. Looks like a pretty good year for you really lovely plants. Only thing i may do different next year for outdoor is less plants LOL if you do your own trimming by hand LOL. I like to keep mine shorter i'm getting too old to climb ladders.

      Looks good Cdn, nice plants !


        Just started harvesting the 2 trees I have left. I am speed harvesting because I can smell the plants 2 neighbourhoods away and I am starting to get a bit of side-eye from the neighbours. Hard to process a couple 13 ft tall plants with any kind of speed - I’ve been wondering how others can harvest as fast as they do. If anyone has tips to speed up the harvest/trim shout them out. Maybe time to start looking for a house in the country where I don’t have to worry about sensitive neighbours 🙂

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        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          I'm a lone harvester also DeadlyFruit i do pre trimming outdoors remove all bigger leaf, leave smaller suger leaf intact then cut into sections hang dry. I only grow 4 nowdays and i keep them short with topping and spreading them out. Hire a crew LOL

        • Rwise
          Rwise commented
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          Very nice trees!

        • DeadlyFruit
          DeadlyFruit commented
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          SoOrbudgal I am so leaning toward more manageable plants. I am happy to have a large harvest of course but everything about the large plants is more work. I remember talking to you about huge stinky plants for this grow… I have been there, bought the t-shirt and moved past! Small plants with moderately low smell is the next harvest! 🙂

        Nice trees, I have a table outside that I use to do some last minute cleaning before taking the branches in to hang. No real shortcuts I know of


        • DeadlyFruit
          DeadlyFruit commented
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          I do the same for my outdoor grows. I set up a little table for when I want to sit down and hang the branches at a good height for trimming when I want to stretch my legs and do it standing up. Unfortunately, I was afraid there would be no short cuts, aside from maybe a bowl trimmer. Given how much of my stuff I use for edibles it wouldn’t bother me to use a bowl trimmer and maybe not get the same personalized manicure. By the end of each evening of trimming my back is killing me and to be able to speed it up would be a reasonable trade off. It is sooooo slowwwwww. Maybe I’ll bowl trim part of my harvests and hand trim a bit for gifting.

        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          Yes reminds me of how my late Italian Auntie bent over her sewing machine for hrs. She had a hump and could hardly lift her head up to look at you. So yes take them breaks and stretch and go get a bowl trimmer if you want no shame at all in that. I only make butter and do kief balls. I sit and roll golden kief in a plactic wrap hold it for hrs watching tv until it becomes a small marble. Yes it's slow but my hands do all my work.

        I may just harvest today, looks like rain coming in and no new growth for at least a week. I think I'll take a break from growing this winter, prep the soil for next year and start selecting what to grow. From this year I will be using more bananas and ash from the get go, the bananas really picked up flowering. Also more trees in the background will be coming down to help keep bugs at a distance.
        Pic 2 is leftovers from a bore worm, you can see just what happened, at least I am not at this time fighting budrot!


          Well I did not do it yet, the rain went east of me (as I thought it would), so we have a few more days to the next maybe rain. I'll be watching the radar,


          • Ckbrew
            Ckbrew commented
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            So many activities where people find themselves turning into meteorologists.

          I took her down yesterday, before the rain got here this morning. I now know why she was not filling out as she should, rot inside the trunk. I cut that all out and off to the burn pile.
          Ckbrew @Darkart1
          A meteorologist friend called me from the left coast and said "Richard go to your hidy hole this storm is strong" I laughed and said watch what it does, it will do one of these things,
          1 as it gets near me it will fall apart and reform after it passes me,
          2 it will go either north or south of me then spread back,
          3 it will split and both parts go around me then form back together as it moves on.
          It did #3 and he called me and wanted to know where I got my info. I told him I just watch the radar to see how things are moving, but storms cant come here because of a voodoo spell.
          I have broken part of it. And before this spell I did not believe in voodoo either. Long story,


            How long does it take everyone to harvest a tree? I swear I am the slowest harvester out there - anyone else? My 13 footer took me about a week of pretty serious time to get it down - hack off a branch (the lowest ones around 4 or 5 feet long), rough trim, wash, dry, fine trim and jar. I’ve been reading about people harvesting a plant in a day and I have no idea how. Maybe a small auto but anything else takes me multiple days. Just curious if I am an outlier or if everyone else takes that much time?


            • CdnDreamer
              CdnDreamer commented
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              It took me at least 8 hours just for the wet trim, per plant. Mine were about 8 ft tall. The fine trimming took forever. About 12-14 hours per plant. I had to break it up into two days, because I couldn't feel my fingers after 8 hours.

              I didn't know about bud washing, so I skipped that step. Next year...more work! LOL...

            I cut them off at the ground, or below the lowest limb and hang them upside-down, hard part is getting them through the door. They'll hang there 3-5 days then limbs come off and into cardboard boxes to stabilize and slow the dry. Then trim and jar, burp for 21 days, then to cure for xxx time.


            • soonboomer
              soonboomer commented
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              Supposed to get winds up to 55 mph in OKC tonight. Still a few branches to take off my last plant, but it's dark so I'll have to roll the dice on it surviving the gusts. If they make it, I'm going to let them ride it out until the first freeze. (just to see if I can get some colors and ripened to the max). Trim-fatigue has set in.

              EDIT....DF, 've been trimming all day, pretty much every day for almost two weeks. I've never harvested one even close to 13 feet, but it takes me a couple of days to do a 4 footer. I'd say you're doing fine.
              Last edited by soonboomer; 10-27-2021, 07:35 PM.

            • DeadlyFruit
              DeadlyFruit commented
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              soonboomer I’m so with you on trim fatigue. This is my last giant!

              Good luck with the incoming weather.

            • Rwise
              Rwise commented
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              DeadlyFruit most I can do in one day, I do leave the sugar leaves and just take out the bigger stuff. Of course the more on a plant the longer it takes.
              soonboomer I thought about letting this last plant go until the frosts set in (what another week maybe 2?), but since it had not put on anything, I am glad I took it down, the rot inside would have spread fast and maybe lost some bud.

            I got a nice rain, the ground is wet, the spring is running again and the pond has water in it.


              I got my first frost yesterday (on the hill top), hard freeze on its way, glad I took her down.


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